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  I cannot name it; but forced to give a name;
  I name it Tao; I see it as supreme。

  Supreme means without end;
  Having no end it can be everywhere;
  It is both far and near;
  That Supreme is Tao。
  Heaven; Earth and man are supreme too;
  A man follows the laws of the Earth;
  The Earth those of the Heaven;
  The Heaven follows Tao;
  That is complete in itself。


  That is light is above the heavy;
  A calm mind is above an agitated one;
  The Wise Person is freed from what is heavy and agitated;
  In the middle of activities in the world he is at rest。

  A Leader doesn't act on impulse or without deep consideration;
  The lack of deep thought hasn't a solid base;
  Acting on impulse leads to loose control。


  A good traveler doesn't leave any trace;
  A good speaker is not lost in idle talk;
  A good estimator isn't lost in calculations;
  A door having a good locker doesn't need for another one;
  Something tightened up by a good rope; doesn't need for another rope。

  The Wise Person helps everybody by his presence;
  Everything around him is in the right place;
  Being in the Light nothing is lost。

  A good person teaches a bad one by good examples;
  A bad one teaches a good one by bad examples。
  Those who don't appreciate a Wise Person and his teaching;
  Live in illusion; heading towards a bitter end of actions;
  Although they might be well educated。
  The Wise Person's actions are very subtle。


  He who knows own strengths remains weak;
  Being on the Tao Way; he feels like a child。
  He who is a scholar behaves like being simple;
  He is a good example; always a model on the Tao Way。
  He who attains the glory and is humble in his virtue;
  Stays with the source from where everything arises。

  The Wise Person is thus always in harmony;
  Being in the light; always at rest is one with the infinity。


  The one who wants to master the world
  To shape it the way he wants; will not succeed。
  The world is sacred; it cannot be permanently changed。

  Being confident of something; we might be wrong。
  On traveling some people are in front; some behind;
  Some breathe easy; some heavy;
  Some are strong; some weak;
  Some walk; same sit in a carriage。

  The Wise Person prefers the middle way。
  Being in harmony; neither he goes to the extreme nor is he lazy
  In doing actions with his body and mind。


  A Leader following the Tao Way
  Doesn't use force to conquer。
  Because he knows of the riposte;
  That brings destruction; hunger and disease。

  The Enlightened Person doesn't use force for glory。
  He does his actions without interfering。
  He uses fight only in defense。
  Thus he doesn't disturb harmony。
  He who uses force is not on the Tao Way;
  Thus he will be destroyed。


  Weapons bring misfortune。
  Somebody on the Tao Way will detest them。
  He doesn't use them but forced to defend。
  Even so; he is restrained。

  A Wise Leader when winning is not happy about his victory。
  He is not happy about killing people。
  In battle he is sad of doing it;
  Because a victory is not a time to celebrate; but for funerals。
  He who is happy in killing and crimes;
  Is not on the Tao Way。


  The Tao Way is too subtle to be defined。
  In manifestation only has a name。

  When a Leader is on the Tao Way
  Is honestly followed by people;
  Thus peace will be in the kingdom。

  The Wise Person following Tao knows own limits
  He who knows own limits is on the Tao Way。
  Tao does everything; all creatures return in Tao;
  The Wise Person knowing this applies Tao in everything he does。


  Knowing the way people are; is wisdom;
  But knowing himself; is indeed enlightenment。
  Conquering an enemy is power;
  Conquering himself is read power。
  Contempt with what he has; the Wise Person is rich。
  A persevering person will attain the goal。
  The one who keeps steady has a good direction。
  Even after death;
  The power of the Wise Person has positive effects。
  Thus he lives eternal。


  Tao contains the whole Universe。
  All things come out of Tao。
  It doesn't reject anybody or anything。

  He who is on the Tao Way is a creator;
  But doesn't take possession of the creation。
  He is generous; but doesn't look for gratitude of people。
  Without own desires; he isn't easily noticed。
  He does good things without taking merits。
  Not displaying his greatness; the Wise Person is great indeed。


  Being on the Tao Way all creatures
  Go on the natural path。
  On the Way there is harmony; health; peace and happiness。
  He who encounters them will want to stay。
  But the Tao Way is much deeper;
  Transcends all the five senses。


  The Wise Leader knows this。
  Something will contract; because it was expended。
  Something becomes weak; because it was strong。
  Something goes high; because it was low。
  Somebody receives; because he gave before。
  This is real wisdom; when the subtle is thus applied。

  As a fish shouldn't leave the water;
  So the Wise Leader doesn't glorify force。
  Simplicity brings peace as trust brings harmony。


  The Tao Way looks inactive; but everything is accomplished。
  If Leaders will follow; the world will be harmonized by itself。
  For solutions to multitude of problems; simplicity has to be followed。
  Simplicity will diminish the number of wishes。
  Having little wishes this brings tranquillity。
  Without many wishes; the world harmonizes itself。

  Copyright ?2000 by Octavian Sarbatoare
  〃This work is copyright…protected。 The author grants the right to copy
  and distribute this file;
  provided it remains unmodified and original authorship and copyright
  is retained。〃


  The Wise Person doesn't display his virtue that is why he is virtuous。
  The ordinary person displays his virtue that is why he is weak。
  High virtue doesn't manifest open;
  Things are thus finalized properly。
  The weak virtue always manifests;
  Things are thus not completed。

  The goodness of the Wise Person doesn't have any reason;
  Gradually people will follow him。
  Being on the Tao Way; the Virtue (Te) follows。

  When the virtue disappears; goodness will appear。
  When goodness disappears; compassion is expressed。
  When compassion is lost; the rules are installed。
  Thus the sincerity and trust disappear;
  Confusion and distortion of events become wide spread。

  The Wise Person sees not only the surface but the depth too。
  He can see the potential fruit in a flower。
  Thus using his virtue he sees the reality
  That is behind the transitory manifestation。


  Being in harmony with the Tao way
  The sky obtained clarity and the earth became stable。
  In harmony things were gradually created。

  Out of the Tao way the man
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