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  Nature is sparing of words:
  High winds do not last all morning。
  A cloudburst does not last all day。
  What makes them happen?
  Heaven and earth。
  If heaven and earth cannot sustain their works
  How can people sustain theirs?

  Therefore if you follow Tao you become like Tao。
  If you follow virtue you become like virtue。
  If you forsake Tao you become forsaken。

  Those who are like Tao
  Are gladly welcomed by Tao。
  Those who are like virtue
  Are gladly welcomed by virtue。
  Those who are forsaken
  Are gladly welcomed by forsakenness。

  Those who don't trust receive no trust。


  Those who stand on tiptoe do not stand firm。
  Those who walk in long strides do not walk well。
  Those who flaunt themselves do not shine bright。
  Those who insist on being right are not renowned。
  Those who brag do not succeed。
  Those who boast do not last long。
  To the follower of Tao they're loathsome。
  They're like leftover food or pointless pursuits。
  The person of Tao turns away from them。


  There is something; complete and embracing all;
  Born before heaven and earth took form;
  Soundless and void;
  Standing alone; unchanging;
  Moving ahead; unceasing。
  It seems to be the mother of the universe。
  I do not know its name so I call it Tao。
  Compelled to give it a name; I would call it Great。

  Being great; it reaches far。
  Reaching far; it flows everywhere。
  Flowing everywhere; it returns to its source。

  Indeed; Tao is great。
  Heaven is great。
  Earth is great。
  Mankind is great; too。
  These four are great in the universe
  And mankind is one of them。

  Mankind follows the rules of the earth。
  The earth follows the rules of heaven。
  Heaven follows the rules of Tao。
  Tao follows its own rules; too。


  Being solid is the foundation of lightness。
  Being calm is the ruler of haste。

  Thus; the sage; when traveling all day;
  Never parts with his luggage。
  Seeing beautiful sights;
  He remains unconcerned and calm。

  Will the ruler of the myriad chariots
  Let himself be frivolous?
  If he's frivolous he will lose his foundations。
  If he's rash he will lose rulership。


  Those who are good at walking
  Leave no tracks in the ground。
  Those who are good at speaking
  Speak without flaws。
  Those who are good at counting
  Require no tally。
  Those who are good at shutting
  Use no locks
  Yet whatever they close
  Cannot be opened。
  Those who are good at tying
  Use no ropes
  Yet whatever they tie
  Cannot be untied。

  Thus the sage is always good at taking care of people
  And abandons no one。
  He's always good at looking after things
  And abandons nothing。

  This is called
  Following what's bright。

  The good are the teachers of those who are not good。
  Those who are not good are the raw material for the good。
  Those who do not respect their teachers
  And don't care for their resources
  However clever they may be; they're utterly confused。

  This is called the essence of mystery。


  Be aware of what's masculine in you;
  But preserve what is feminine in you;
  And serve as a conduit for the world。
  When you serve as a conduit for the world
  Your true virtue will never be gone。
  And you'll return again to the state of a newborn child。

  Be aware of what is bright in you;
  But preserve what is dark in you;
  And serve as a guide for the world。
  When you serve a guide for the world
  Your true virtue will never falter;
  And you'll return again to the state of boundlessness。

  Be aware of what's praiseworthy in you;
  But preserve what is base in you;
  And serve as a valley for the world。
  When you serve as a valley for the world
  Your true virtue will grow ample enough;
  And you'll return again to the simplicity of uncut wood。

  Divided; the wood becomes a rod。
  Used by a sage; the rod becomes a ruler's staff。
  A great ruler keeps things whole; he does not divide。


  Those who wish to conquer the world and act upon it
  Do not achieve their goals … this is what I have found。
  The world is a perfect vessel。
  It cannot be acted upon。
  Those who act on it destroy it。
  Those who grab at it lose it。

  Because with things:
  Some lead and some follow;
  Some blow hot and some blow cold;
  Some grow in strength and some weaken;
  Some expand and some collapse。

  That is why the sage rejects the excessive;
  Rejects the elaborate;
  And rejects the superfluous。


  When the follower of Tao assists the ruler;
  He'll advise him
  Not to conquer the world with the force of arms。
  Such actions will certainly rebound。
  Thistles spring up where armies camp。
  Bad harvests follow in the wake of great wars。

  Attain your goal; then stop
  And do not abuse your force。
  Attain your goal without boasting。
  Attain your goal without bragging。
  Attain your goal without pride。
  Attain your goal without gain。
  Attain your goal without violence。

  What expands too much is bound to collapse。
  This is not the way of Tao。
  What goes against Tao soon declines。


  Fine weapons are the portents of evil。
  Creatures seem to detest them。
  So the people of Tao keep away from them。

  In times of peace the wise favor the left side。
  In times of war they favor the right。

  Weapons are the portents of evil。
  Not the tools of the wise。
  Compelled to use them;
  They do so without zeal。
  Winning a victory;
  They do not relish in it。
  Those who delight in victory
  Delight in the slaughter of people。
  Those who delight in slaughter
  Cannot attain their goals。

  On happy occasions the left is the place of honor。
  On mournful occasions … the right。
  The rites of war are like the funeral rites:
  The generals stand on the left;
  The commander…in…chief on the right。

  When multitudes are killed the mourners should grieve。
  A war victory should be celebrated like a funeral。


  Tao is invariably nameless。
  Simple like uncut wood; it seems insignificant
  Yet no one in the world can command it。
  If kings and lords could follow it
  The myriad things would salute them;
  Heaven and earth would unite
  And soft dew would fall;
  People would live in harmony
  Without any need for laws。

  Begin to cut; begin to rule
  And names will appear。
  When names abound dividing must stop。
  The Tao of the world is like rivers flowing into the sea。


  Those who know others are clever。
  Those who know themselves are enlightened。
  Those who conquer others have strength。
  Those who conquer themselves are powerful。
  Those who are contented have wealth。
  Those who move ahead have purpose。
  Those who don't run away from their posts endure。
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