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  The Tao of heaven
  Is to benefit; not harm。
  The Tao of the sage
  Is to act for others; not to contend with them。  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  Chinese … English by
  Roderic & Amy M。 Sorrell; 2003


  The Nature of the Tao: Existence and emptiness

  The Tao can be explained; but this is not the real Tao。
  Names can be given; but these are only a designation。

  The origin of Heaven and Earth is called Emptiness。
  The mother of all things is called Existence。

  When we focus on Emptiness;
  we become aware of the wonder of it all。
  When we focus on Existence;
  we become aware of the nature of all things。

  These both emerge together; but have different names。
  Both are called a Mystery。 Mystery within Mystery。
  The doorway to all wonders。


  Everything is Relative: The nature of opposites 

  Everyone in the world is aware of beauty;
  and so there exists ugliness。
  Everyone is aware of skill;
  and so there exists awkwardness。

  Existence and Emptiness give rise to each other。
  Hardship and ease succeed each other。
  Lasting and brief define each other。
  High and low are the measure of each other。
  Sound and tone harmonize each other。
  Before and after follow each other。
  And so there is balance。

  This is how wise people effortlessly attend to their affairs。
  Teaching without words; everything gets done in its own time。

  Spontaneously arising。 Acting without expectation。
  Deeds are done and not dwelt upon。
  Since they are not dwelt upon; nothing is lost。


  Peace: From restless desire to effortless peace 

  Not rewarding talent keeps us from rivalry。
  Not valuing rare goods keeps us from thievery。
  Not seeing desirable things keeps us from anxiety。

  That is why the wise rule others
  by opening their hearts and filling their bellies;
  tempering their ambition and strengthening their bones。

  In this state; the mind is at peace; and desire is at an end。
  For this reason issues are not forced。
  Actions are done effortlessly; and yet nothing is left undone。


  Endless Abundance: The Tao as an infinite resource 

  The Way flows freely;
  yet however much it is used it can never be used up。

  Vast! It seems to be the ancestor of all things。
  It smoothes out sharp edges and straightens out tangles;
  softens the glare and settles the dust。

  Deep! It appears to have existed forever。
  I do not know whose child it is。
  It seems to precede even the ancestor of God。


  Straw Dogs: Impermanence。 All things will pass

  Heaven and Earth are not biased;
  they treat everything like straw dogs。
  Wise people are not biased;
  they treat all people like straw dogs。

  Is not the space between heaven and earth like a bellows?
  It is hollow; yet never collapses。
  The more we pump it; the more it produces。

  Too much talk leaves us exhausted。
  It抯 not as good as staying within。


  The Mystery Woman: The spirit of the world 

  The Valley Spirit never dies。
  She is called the Mystery Woman。

  The gate of the Mystery Woman is called
  the Root of Heaven and Earth。

  Effortlessly; she seems to have existed forever。


  Eternal Life: The end of self concern 

  Heaven is eternal and Earth endures。
  Heaven and Earth endure; because they exist for others。
  Therefore; the universe persists。

  That is why wise people put themselves last;
  yet find themselves first。
  They are detached from self…concern;
  and yet are safe from harm。
  Is this because they are unselfish;
  and so can fulfill themselves?


  The Good Life: Like water for Tao 

  The highest good is like water。
  Water is capable of benefiting all things; because it does not struggle。
  It is found in places avoided by most people;
  and so it is close to the Tao。

  The essence of conduct is its integrity。
  The essence of the psyche is its sincerity。
  The essence of giving is its benevolence。
  The essence of speech is its truthfulness。
  The essence of authority is in bringing order。
  The essence of getting things done is in being competent。
  The essence of taking action is in the timing。
  Since there is no struggle there are no mistakes。


  Excess: Greed and grasping; stress and strain 

  Holding our cup up to be refilled
  is not as good as stopping。
  If we are always sharpening our knives;
  they won抰 hold their edge for long。
  If gold and jade fill our rooms;
  it will be impossible for us to protect them。
  To be arrogant about our wealth and status;
  is to bring down disaster on ourselves。
  When the good deed is done; withdraw。
  This is the Way of Heaven。


  Perfection: One with ourselves and one with the universe 

  In nourishing spirit and vitality and embracing unity;
  can we prevent them from breaking up?
  In focussing our breath and making it soft;
  can we be like a baby?
  In cleansing our mind and contemplating the mystery;
  can we be flawless?
  In loving our people and ruling our country;
  can we not interfere?
  When the Gate of Heaven opens and closes;
  can we be receptive?
  In understanding the four realms;
  can we not use knowledge?

  Bring forth and nourish。
  Bring forth without possessing。
  Encourage without creating dependency。
  Strengthen without controlling。
  This is called Profound Virtue。


  Space: the Final Frontier: We need our space 

  Thirty spokes share one hub。
  With the space they make; we can use the cart。

  Clay is shaped to make a vessel。
  With the empty space we can use the vessel。

  Cut out doors and windows to make a room。
  With the empty space we can use the room。

  Having things is advantageous;
  but it is the space within them that creates their use。


  All about Sensation: The distraction of the five senses 

  The five colors blind the eye。
  The five sounds deafen the ear。
  The five flavors dull the palate。
  Racing horses on the hunt make the heart go mad。
  Seeking rare possessions obstructs one's progress。

  This is why a wise person acts from the belly not the eye;
  leaving one and taking the other。


  Suffering: Surviving the ups and downs of life 

  Both favor and disgrace come as a shock。
  Respect great suffering as part of life。

  Why is it said:
  揃oth favor and disgrace come as a shock??br》 When we get it; it is shocking; and when we lose it; it is shocking。
  That is why it is said:
  揃oth favor and disgrace come as a shock。?br》 
  Why is it said:
  揜espect great suffering as part of life??br》 I experience suffering because I am alive。
  If I were not alive what suffering could I experience?
  That is why it is said:
  揜espect great suffering as part of life。?br》 
  So it is 
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