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  Therefore the wise say;
  〃Those who bear the humiliation of the people
  are able to minister to them。
  Those who take upon themselves the sins of the society
  are able to lead the world。〃
  Words of truth seem paradoxical。


  Compromising with great hatred surely leaves some hatred。
  How can this be considered good?
  Therefore the wise keep their part of an agreement
  and do not blame the other party。
  The good fulfill their obligations;
  the bad exact obligations from others。
  The Way of heaven is impartial。
  It always stays with the good。


  In a small country with few people
  machines that can work ten or a hundred times faster
  are not needed。
  People who care about death do not travel far。
  Even if there are ships and carriages; no one takes them。
  Even if there are armor and weapons; no one displays them。
  People return to knotted rope for records。
  Food is tasty; clothes are beautiful;
  home is comfortable; customs are delightful。
  Though neighboring communities see each other
  and hear each other's cocks crowing and dogs barking;
  they may grow old and die without going there。


  True words are not beautiful。
  Beautiful words are not truthful。
  The good do not argue。
  Those who argue are not good。
  Those who know are not scholarly。
  The scholarly do not know。

  The wise do not hoard。
  The more they give to others; the more they have。
  The Way of heaven sharpens but does no harm。
  The Way of the wise accomplishes without striving。  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  Chinese (Wang Bi) … English by
  Raymond B。 Blakney; 1955


  There are ways but the Way is uncharted;
  There are names but not nature in words:
  Nameless indeed is the source of creation
  But things have a mother and she has a name。

  The secret waits for the insight
  Of eyes unclouded by longing;
  Those who are bound by desire
  See only the outward container。

  These two come paired but distinct
  By their names。
  Of all things profound;
  Say that their pairing is deepest;
  The gate to the root of the world。


  Since the world points up beauty as such;
  There is ugliness too。
  If goodness is taken as goodness;
  Wickedness enters as well。

  For is and is…not come together;
  Hard and easy are complementary;
  Long and short are relative;
  High and low are comparative;
  Pitch and sound make harmony;
  Before and after are a sequence。

  Indeed the Wise Man's office
  Is to work by being still;
  He teaches not by speech
  But by accomplishment;
  He does for everything;
  Neglecting none;
  Their life he gives to all;
  Possessing none;
  And what he brings to pass
  Depends on no one else。
  As he succeeds;
  He takes no credit
  And just because he does not take it;
  Credit never leaves him。


  If those who are excellent find no preferment;
  The people will cease to contend for promotion。
  If goods that are hard to obtain are not favored;
  The people will cease to turn robbers or bandits。
  If things much desired are kept under cover;
  Disturbance will cease in the minds of the people。

  The Wise Man's policy; accordingly;
  Will be to empty people's hearts and minds;
  To fill their bellies; weaken their ambition;
  Give them sturdy frames and always so;
  To keep them uninformed; without desire;
  And knowing ones not venturing to act。

  Be still while you work
  And keep full control
  Over all。


  The Way is a void;
  Used but never filled:
  An abyss it is;
  Like an ancestor
  From which all things come。

  It blunts sharpness;
  Resolves tangles;
  It tempers light;
  Subdues turmoil。

  A deep pool it is;
  Never to run dry!
  Whose offspring it may be
  I do not know:
  It is like a preface to God。


  Is then the world unkind?
  And does it treat all things
  Like straw dogs used in magic rites?
  The Wise Man too; is he unkind?
  And does he treat the folk
  Like straw dogs made to throw away?

  Between the earth and sky
  The space is like a bellows;
  Empty but unspent。
  When moved its gift is copious。

  Much talk means much exhaustion;
  Better far it is to keep your thoughts!


  The valley spirit is not dead:
  They say it is the mystic female。
  Her gateway is; they further say;
  The base of heaven and earth。

  Constantly; and so forever;
  Use her without labor。


  The sky is everlasting
  And the earth is very old。
  Why so? Because the world
  Exists not for itself;
  It can and will live on。

  The Wise Man chooses to be last
  And so becomes the first of all;
  Denying self; he too is saved。
  For does he not fulfillment find
  In being an unselfish man?


  The highest goodness; water…like;
  Does good to everything and goes
  Unmurmuring to places men despise;
  But so; is close in nature to the Way。

  If the good of the house is from land;
  Or the good of the mind is depth;
  Or love is the virtue of friendship;
  Or honesty blesses one's talk;
  Or in government; goodness is order;
  Or in business; skill is admired;
  Or the worth of an act lies in timing;
  Then peace is the goal of the Way
  By which no one ever goes astray。


  To take all you want
  Is never as good
  As to stop when you should。
  Scheme and be sharp
  And you'll not keep it long。
  One can never guard
  His home when it's full
  Of jade and fine gold:
  Wealth; power and pride
  Bequeath their own doom。
  When fame and success
  Come to you; then retire。
  This is the ordained Way。


  Can you govern your animal soul; hold to the One and

  never depart from it?
  Can you throttle your breath; down to the softness of
  breath in a child?
  Can you purify your mystic vision and wash it until it is
  Can you love all your people; rule over the land without
  being known?
  Can you be like a female; and passively open and shut
  heaven's gates?
  Can you keep clear in your mind the four quarters of earth
  and not interfere?

  Quicken them; feed them;
  Quicken but do not possess them。
  Act and be independent;
  Be the chief but never the lord:
  This describes the mystic virtue。


  Thirty spokes will converge
  In the hub of a wheel;
  But the use of the cart
  Will depend on the part
  Of the hub that is void。

  With a wall all around A clay bowl is molded;
  But the use of the bowl
  Will depend on the part
  Of the bowl that is void。

  Cut out windows and doors
  In the house as you build;
  But the use of the house
  Will depend on the space
  In the walls that is void。

  So advantage is had
  From whatever is there;
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