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  In fact people do fear death; and they do act strangely;
  But I would not; because of this;
  presume to seize; imprison; and execute them。

  Yet there is always someone willing
  to be the executioner and do the killing。
  But to take the place of the Executioner and kill is called:
  搕aking the place of the Master Carpenter at woodworking。?br》 
  And of those who presume to take the place of the Master Carpenter;
  there are very few who do not hurt their hands。


  Death and Taxes: Government interference 

  People go hungry because their leaders tax them too heavily。
  This is why they are hungry。

  People are difficult to govern because their leaders interfere。
  This is why people are difficult to govern。

  People take death lightly
  when their leaders demand too much of their lives。
  This is why people take death lightly。

  Those who do not interfere in the lives of others
  are those who value life。


  Hard and Soft: The signs of life and the signs of death 

  While people are alive their bodies are supple and soft。
  When they die they become hard and rigid。

  While grasses and trees are alive they are supple and pliant。
  When they die they become withered and dried out。

  Therefore the hard and rigid are the signs of death;
  while the supple and soft are the signs of life。
  If the army is inflexible it will be wiped out。
  If the tree is brittle it will snap。

  The hard and rigid are of lesser value。
  The supple and soft are superior。


  Fairness: The proper distribution of resources 

  The Way of Heaven is like drawing a bow;
  the high end is bent down; and the low end is raised up。
  Where there is excess; it is decreased;
  and where there is lack; it is filled。
  The Way of Heaven is to reduce excess and fill what is lacking。

  The way of Humankind is not like this;
  it takes from those who have too little
  and gives it to those who have too much。
  Who can take their surplus and offer it to the world?
  Only those who have the Tao。

  This is why wise people are not attached to their actions;
  do good deeds without dwelling on them;
  and have no wish to boast of their talents。


  Water Power: Taking responsibility for our actions 

  In all the world there is nothing as soft and yielding as water。
  But for overcoming the hard and rigid; nothing can beat it;
  because it cannot be changed into something else。

  Supple overcomes the unbending;
  flexible overcomes the unyielding。
  In the whole world there is no one who does not know this;
  yet there is no one who can apply it。

  This is why wise people say:
  Those who take responsibility for their country抯 disgraces
  are called Lords of Earth and Grain。
  Those who take responsibility for a country抯 misfortunes
  are kings of the world。
  Straight talk sounds contradictory。


  Righting Wrongs: Putting things right 

  If; when righting a great wrong;
  some resentment will always remain;
  how can one do the right thing?

  It is for this reason that wise people keep their side of the bargain;
  while making no demands on others。
  The righteous fulfill their obligations;
  while the wicked insist on collecting their due。

  To follow the Way of Heaven is not to play favorites
  and always to side with the good。


  Shangri La: A perfect world 

  There is a small country with few people;
  and though they have hundreds of tools and utensils;
  they do not use them。

  Because they play it safe; people do not travel far away。
  Although they have boats and chariots; no one rides them。
  Although they have armor and weapons; no one parades them。
  People return to knotting ropes to keep account of things。

  Their government is excellent;
  their food is sweet;
  their clothing is beautiful;
  their homes are peaceful;
  and their festivals are joyful。

  Neighboring countries may overlook one another
  and hear the sounds of each others?chickens and dogs;
  and yet they will reach old age and death
  without ever having visited one other。


  Straight Talk: Truth and beauty 

  True words are not beautiful。
  Beautiful words are not true。
  Good people do not argue; those who argue are not good。
  Those who know are not learned;
  those who are learned do not know。

  Wise people do not hoard。
  Because they work for others; they have more for themselves。
  Because they give to others; they get more for themselves。

  The Way of Heaven is to help; and not to harm。
  The wise person acts in this way; and does not cause contention。  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  English by
  Jonathan Star; 2001


  A way that can be walked
  is not The Way
  A name that can be named
  is not The Name

  Tao is both Named and Nameless
  As Nameless; it is the origin of all things
  As Named; it is the mother of all things。

  A mind free of thought;
  merged within itself;
  beholds the essence of Tao
  A mind filled with thought;
  identified with its own perceptions;
  beholds the mere forms of this world

  Tao and this world seem different
  but in truth they are one and the same
  The only difference is in what we call them

  How deep and mysterious is this unity
  How profound; how great!
  It is the truth beyond the truth;
  the hidden within the hidden
  It is the path to all wonder;
  the gate to the essence of everything!


  Everyone recognizes beauty
  only because of ugliness
  Everyone recognizes virtue
  only because of sin

  Life and death are born together
  Difficult and easy
  Long and short
  High and low 
  all these exist together
  arrive together
  Sound and silence blend together
  Before and after

  The Sage acts without action
  and teaches without talking
  All things flourish around him
  and he does not refuse any one of them
  He gives but not to receive
  He works but not for reward
  He completes but not for results
  He does nothing for himself in this passing world
  so nothing he does ever passes


  Putting a value on status will cause people to compete
  Hoarding treasure will turn them into thieves
  Showing off possessions will disturb their daily lives。
  Thus the Sage rules by stilling minds and opening hearts by filling bellies and strengthening bones
  He shows people how to be simple and live without desires
  To be content and not look for other ways
  With the people so pure
  Who could trick them?
  What clever ideas could lead them astray?
  When action is pure and selfless everything settles into its own perfect place


  Tao is empty yet it fills every vessel with an endless supply
  Tao is hidden yet it shines in every corner of the universe
  With it; the sha
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