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ather of the doctrine〃 (Chapter 42) may be doubtful; for the commentators explain it to mean 〃the foundation of the doctrine〃; but the idea of calling the Tao the father of truth is not contrary to Lao…tze's thought; for he speaks of the Tao twice as the 〃mother〃 (Chapters 20 and 52) and once as 〃the world's mother〃 (Chapter 52)。 In Chapter 74; when referring to divine justice cutting short the lives of men; the Tao is compared to 〃the great carpenter who hews。〃 All these passages are figures of speech; but are not the Christian ideas of God as a Lord; as a father; as an architect (as the Freemasons have it); also allegories? 


  Reason's Realization

  The Reason that can be reasoned is not the eternal Reason。 The name that can be named is not the eternal Name。 The Unnamable is of heaven and earth the beginning。 The Namable becomes of the ten thousand things the mother。

  Therefore it is said:

  〃He who desireless is found
  The spiritual of the world will sound。
  But he who by desire is bound
  Sees the mere shell of things around。〃

  These two things are the same in source but different in name。 Their sameness is called a mystery。 Indeed; it is the mystery of mysteries。 Of all spirituality it is the door。



  Everywhere it is obvious that if beauty makes a display of beauty; it is sheer ugliness。 It is obvious that if goodness makes a display of goodness; it is sheer badness。 For

  〃To be and not to be are mutually conditioned。
  The difficult; the easy; are mutually definitioned。
  The long; the short; are mutually exhibitioned。
  Above; below; are mutually cognitioned。
  The sound; the voice; are mutually coalitioned。
  Before and after are mutually positioned。〃


  The holy man abides by non…assertion in his affairs and conveys by silence his instruction。 When the ten thousand things arise; verily; he refuses them not。 He quickens but owns not。 He acts but claims not。 Merit he accomplishes; but he does not dwell on it。

  〃Since he does not dwell on it
  It will never leave him。〃


  Keeping the People Quiet

  Not boasting of one's worth forestalls people's envy。

  Not prizing treasures difficult to obtain keeps people from committing theft。

  Not contemplating what kindles desire keeps the heart unconfused。

  Therefore the holy man when he governs empties the people's hearts but fills their stomachs。 He weakens their ambition but strengthens their bones。 Always he keeps the people unsophisticated and without desire。 He causes that the crafty do not dare to act。 When he acts with non…assertion there is nothing ungoverned。



  Reason is empty; but its use is inexhaustible。 In its profundity; verily; it resembleth the arch…father of the ten thousand things。

  〃It will blunt its own sharpness;
  Will its tangles adjust;
  It will dim its own radiance
  And be one with its dust。〃

  Oh; how calm it seems to remain! I know not whose son it is。 Apparently even the Lord it precedes。


  The Function of Emptiness

  But for heaven and earth's humaneness; the ten thousand things are straw dogs。 But for the holy man's humaneness; the hundred families are straw dogs。

  Is not the space between heaven and earth like unto a bellows? It is empty; yet it collapses not。 It moves; and more and more comes forth。'But'

  〃How soon exhausted is
  A gossip's fulsome talk!
  And should we not prefer
  On the middle path to walk?〃


  The Completion of Form

  〃The valley spirit not expires;
  Mysterious woman 抰is called by the sires。
  The mysterious woman's door; to boot;
  Is called of heaven and earth the root。
  Forever and aye it seems to endure
  And its use is without effort sure。〃


  Dimming Radiance

  Heaven endures and earth is lasting。 And why can heaven and earth endure and be lasting? Because they do not live for themselves。 On that account can they endure。


  The holy man puts his person behind and his person comes to the front。 He surrenders his person and his person is preserved。 Is it not because he seeks not his own? For that reason he can accomplish his own。


  Easy By Nature

  Superior goodness resembleth water。 The water's goodness benefiteth the ten thousand things; yet it quarreleth not。

  Water dwelleth in the places which the multitudes of men shun; therefore it is near unto the eternal Reason

  The dwelling of goodness is in lowliness。 The heart of goodness is in commotion。 When giving; goodness showeth benevolence。 In words; goodness keepeth faith。 In government goodness standeth for order。 In business goodness exhibiteth ability。 The movements of goodness keep time。

  It quarreleth not。 Therefore it is not rebuked。


  Practising Placidity

  Grasp to the full; are you not likely foiled? Scheme too sharply; can you wear long? If gold and jewels fill the hall no one can protect it。

  Rich and high but proud; brings about its own doom。 To accomplish merit and acquire fame; then to withdraw; that is Heaven's Way。


  What Can Be Done?

  Who by unending discipline of the senses embraces unity cannot be disintegrated。 By concentrating his vitality and inducing tenderness he can become like a little child。 By purifying; by cleansing and profound intuition he can be free from faults。

  Who loves the people when administering the country will practise nonassertion。

  Opening and closing the gates of heaven; he will be like a mother…bird; bright; and white; and penetrating the four quarters; he will be unsophisticated。 He quickens them and feeds them。 He quickens but owns not。 He acts but claims not。 He excels but rules not。 This is called profound virtue。


  The Function of the Non…Existent

  Thirty spokes unite in one nave and on that which is non…existent 'on the hole in the nave' depends the wheel's utility。 Clay is moulded into a vessel and on that which is non…existent 'on its hollowness' depends the vessel's utility。 By cutting out doors and windows we build a house and on that which is non…existent 'on the empty space within' depends the house's utility。

  Therefore; existence renders actual but non…existence renders useful。


  Abstaining From Desire

  〃The five colors 'combined' the human eye will blind;
  The five notes 'in one sound' the human ear confound;
  The five tastes 'when they blend' the human mouth offend。〃

  〃Racing and hunting will human hearts turn mad;
  Treasures high…prized make human conduct bad。〃


  The holy man attends to the inner and not to the outer。 He abandons the latter and chooses the former。


  Loathing Shame

  〃Favor bodes disgrace; it is like trembling。
  Rank bodes great heartache。 It is like the body。〃

  What means 〃Favor bodes disgrace; it is like trembling?〃

  Favor humiliates。 Its acquisition causes trembling; its loss causes trembling。 This is meant by 〃Favor bodes disgrace; it is like tr
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