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  In old times the perfect man of Tao was subtle; penetrating and so profound that he can hardly be understood。
  Because he cannot be understood; I shall endeavour to picture him: He is cautious; like one who crosses a stream in winter; He is hesitating; like one who fears his neighbours; He is modest; like one who is a guest;
  He is yielding; like ice that is going to melt; He is simple; like wood that is not yet wrought; He is vacant; like valleys that are hollow; He is dim; like water that is turbid。
  Who is able to purify the dark till it becomes slowly light? Who is able to calm the turbid till it slowly clears? Who is able to quicken the stagnant till it slowly makes progress?
  He who follows these principles does not desire fullness。 Because he is not full; therefore when he becomes decayed he can renew。


  Attain to the goal of absolute vacuity; Keep to the state of perfect peace。
  All things come into existence; And thence we see them return。 Look at the things that have been flourishing; Each goes back to its origin。
  Going back to the origin is called peace; It means reversion to destiny。 Reversion to destiny is called eternity。 He who knows eternity is called enlightened。 He who does not know eternity is running blindly into miseries。
  Knowing eternity he is all…embracing。 Being all~embracing he can attain magnanimity。 Being magnanimous he can attain omnipresence。 Being omnipresent he can attain supremacy。 Being supreme he can attain Tao。
  He who attains Tao is everlasting。 Though his body may decay he never perishes。


  The great rulers … the people do not notice their existence; The lesser ones … they attach to and praise them; The still lesser ones … they fear them; The still lesser ones … they despise them。
  For where faith is lacking; It cannot be met by faith。
  Now how much importance must be attributed to words!


  When the great Tao is lost; spring forth benevolence and righteousness。
  When wisdom and sagacity arise; there are great hypocrites。
  When family relations are no longer harmonious; we have filial children and devoted parents。
  When a nation is in confusion and disorder; patriots are recognized。 Where Tao is; equilibrium is。 When Tao is lost; out come all the differences of things。


  Do away with sageness and eject wisdom; and the people will be more benefited a hundred times。
  Do away with learning; and grief will not be known。 Do away with benevolence and eject righteousness; and the people will return to filial duty and parental love。
  Do away with artifice and eject gains; and there will be no robbers and thieves。
  These four; if we consider them as culture; are not sufficient。
  Therefore let there be what the people can resort to: Appear in plainness and hold to simplicity; Restrain selfishness and curtail desires。


  Between yea and nay; how much difference is there? Between good and evil; how much difference is there?
  What are feared by others we must fear; Vastly are they unlimited!
  The people in general are as happy as if enjoying a great feast。 Or; as going up a tower in spring。 I alone am tranquil; and have made no signs; Like a baby who is yet unable to smile; Forlorn as if I had no home to go to。
  Others all have more than enough; And I alone seem to be in want。 Possibly mine is the mind of a fool; Which is so ignorant!
  The vulgar are bright; And I alone seem to be dull。 The vulgar are discriminative; and I alone seem blunt。 I am negligent as if being obscure; Drifting; as if being attached to nothing。
  The people in general all have something to do; And I alone seem to be impractical and awkward。 I alone am different from others。 But I value seeking sustenance from the Mother。 To know the eternal is to be enlightened。 Not to know the eternal is to act blindly and court disaster。


  The great virtue as manifested is but following Tao。
  Tao is a thing that is both invisible and intangible。 Intangible and invisible; yet there are forms in it; Invisible and intangible; yet there is substance in it; Subtle and obscure; there is essence in it; This essence being invariably true; there is faith in it。
  From of old till now; it has never lost its (nameless) name; Through which the origin of all things has passed。
  How do I know that it is so with the origin of all things? By this (Tao)。


  'Be humble; and you will remain entire。' Be bent; and you will remain straight。 Be vacant; and you will remain full。 Be worn; and you will remain new。 He who has little will receive。 He who has much will be embarrassed。
  Therefore the Sage keeps to One and becomes the standard for the world。
  He does not display himself; therefore he shines。 He does not approve himself; therefore he is noted。 He does not praise himself; therefore he has merit。 He does not glory in himself; therefore he excels。
  And because he does not compete; therefore no one in the world can compete with him。
  The ancient saying 'Be humble and you will remain entire'… Can this be regarded as mere empty words? Indeed he shall return home entire。


  To be sparing of words is natural。 A violent wind cannot last a whole morning; pelting rain cannot last a whole day。
  Who have made these things but heaven and earth? Inasmuch as heaven and earth cannot last forever; how can man?
  He who engages himself in Tao is identified with Tao。 He who engages himself in virtue is identified with virtue。 He who engages himself in abandonment is identified with abandonment。
  Identified with Tao he will be well received by Tao。 Identified with virtue he will be well received by virtue。 Identified with abandonment he will be well received by abandonment。


  A man on tiptoe cannot stand firm; A man astride cannot walk on;
  A man who displays himself cannot shine; A man who approves himself cannot be noted;
  A man who praises himself cannot have merit; A man who glories in himself cannot excel:
  These; when compared with Tao; are…called; 'Excess in food and overdoing action。' Even in other things; mostly; they are rejected; Therefore the man of Tao does not stay with them。


  There is a thing inherent and natural; Which existed before heaven and earth。 Motionless and fathomless; It stands alone … and never changes; It pervades everywhere and never becomes exhausted。 It may be regarded as the Mother of the Universe。
  I do not know its name。 If I am forced to give it a name; I call it Tao; and I name it as supreme。
  Supreme means going on; Going on means going far; Going far means returning。
  Therefore Tao is supreme; heaven is supreme; earth is supreme; and man is also supreme; There are in the universe four things supreme; and man is one of them。
  Man follows the laws of earth; Earth follows the laws of heaven; Heaven follows the laws of Tao; Tao follows the laws of its intrinsic nature。


  Heaviness is the basis of lightness; Calmness is the controlling power of hastiness。
  Therefore the Sage; though traveling all day long; Never separa
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