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  What makes people rebellious? Rulers who can't stop interfering。
  What makes people take death so lightly? People taking life too seriously。 Those who enjoy life are wiser than those who employ life。


  At birth a person is soft and yielding; at death stiff and hard。
  All beings; the grass; the trees: alive; soft; and yielding; dead; stiff; and hard。
  Therefore the hard and inflexible are friends of death。 The soft and yielding are friends of life。
  An unyielding army is destroyed。 An unbending tree breaks。
  The hard must humble itself or be otherwise humbled。 The soft will ultimately ascend。


  The way of heaven is like the bending of a bow。 What is high up gets pulled down。 What is low down gets pulled up。
  Heaven takes from what has too much and gives to what doesn't have enough。 Man is different: he takes from those who have too little and gives to those who have too much。
  Who has a genuine abundance to give to the world? Only a person of Tao。
  He acts without expectation; accomplishes without taking credit; and has no desire to display his merit。


  Nothing under heaven is as soft and yielding as water。 Yet for attacking the hard and strong; nothing can compare with it。
  The weak overcomes the strong。 The soft overcomes the hard。 Everyone knows this; but none have the ability to practice it。
  Therefore the sage says: One who accepts the dung of the nation becomes the master of soil and sustenance。 One who deals with the evils of the nation becomes king under heaven。 True words seem paradoxical。


  In the reconciling of resentments; ill will often lingers。 What's the good in that?
  The person who is truly good concerns herself always with what she owes others; never with what they owe her。
  The Tao of heaven is impartial。 If you perpetuate it; it perpetuates you。


  Let there be small countries with few people。 Let the people have no use for complicated machinery。 Let them be mindful of death so that they don't move too far from their birthplaces。
  If there be boats and carriages; let there be nowhere to take them to。 If there are weapons; let there be no occasion to display them。
  Let the people's responsibilities be few enough that they may remember them by knotting a string。 Let them enjoy their food; be content with their clothes; be satisfied with their homes; and take pleasure in their customs。
  Though the next country may be close enough to hear the barking of dogs and the crowing of its rooster; let the people grow old and die without feeling compelled to visit it。


  True words aren't elaborate。 Elaborate words aren't true。
  Good people don't argue。 People who argue aren't good。
  People who know aren't full of facts。 People who are full of facts don't know。
  The sage doesn't hoard。 She increases her treasure by working for her fellow human beings。 She increases her abundance by giving herself to them。
  The way of heaven: benefit all; harm none。 The way of the sage: work for all; contend with none。  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  Chinese (Mawang Dui) … English by
  Khiron (Jerry C。 Welch); 1998


  The Finite cannot be all of the Infinite!
  THOU by any specific name is not all there is to THOU。
  The un…nameable is the Father of the myriads of things。
  The nameable is the Mother of it's own myriads of things。

  Therefore; never wanting; one may observe the wondrously subtle;
  Desiring; one may witness the manifestations。

  Both of these are attributes of the same Source。
  They have different 'nameabilities' but the same designation:

  Mystery of Mysteries;
  the Gate of all wonders!


  The recognition of an 'ideal' of Beauty
  requires 'Ugliness' to compare it with。
  The 'ideal' of Goodness require 'Badness' to compare it to。

  Bodily Life and Bodiless Life give birth to each other。
  Difficult and Easy give birth to each other; in turn。
  Long and Short;?High and Low;?Tone and Voice;?Frontand Back;
  each give occasion for the other。?It must always be so。

  Therefore; the Sage does nothing much very personal;
  and carries on a Discourse beyond personalities:
  one allows the myriads of things to arise; but does not demand of them。
  One acts; but not very 'personally;'?one does one's work;
  but without self…importance。

  Simply because one 'Mothers' things instead of 'commanding' them;
  one's offspring never leave you。


  Not praising the Ego prevents people from competing fiercely。
  Not hoarding…away the rarest treasures prevents people from stealing。
  Not making a forbidden 'icon' of what the people enjoy prevents revolution。

  Therefore;?Sages; in 'ruling' make themselves ordinary;
  they satisfy all appetites; and fulfill everyone's Libido。
  They build…up the people; soundly; and slake every need with reward。
  They insure that what is taught does not cause violence;
  and THAT IS ALL that they insure…against。

  Thus; their 'rule' is universal。


  Id is 'empty' yet does not 'refill' with use。
  Fathomless Id is;?like the ancestor of the countless things。

  Id wears…down all sharp edges;
  unravels all knots;
  diffuses light;
  mingles with dust。

  Id lies submerged; seeming barely to exist at all。
  I know not whose child Id is!。。 only that it seems to be the Womb ofGod。


  Id and Super…Ego are not 'human。'?They treat all things as
  'Totemic Symbols。'

  The Sages; too; are not merely 'human;'?they too treat all creaturesas
  'Totemic Symbols。'

  This relating between Id and Super…Ego:?how like a bellows itis!
  Empty but inexhaustible; the more it pumps; the more comes out of it。

  Most Ego…speech is merely exhausting。?Better to remain with 'Totemic


  The Valley Spirit never dies…
  Id is called 〃ANIMA; our Mystical Femininity。〃

  The Portal of the Mystical Female is called
  〃The Cave Of Impressions。〃

  Like gossamer; Id is seemingly insubstantial;
  yet never consumed through use。


  Heaven is endless; and Earth is durable。?They are durable andendless
  because they do not take anything 'personally。'

  The Sages therefore overcome their Ego…interests; and their Souls speak;
  they do not think of themselves as their Egos; yet those remain present。

  Being beyond their purely Egoic motives; they can accomplish their goals。


  The Great Benevolence is like water;
  it benefits the myriad things; yet seeks to occupy the lowest places;
  which are not wanted by the Egos of the people。

  Therefore it is nearby to people like THOU。

  The Virtue of an abode is it's location。
  The Virtue of the heart is it's depth。
  The Virtue of giving lies in trusting others。
  The Virtue of wise rule is orderliness。
  The Virtue of enterprise is skill。
  The Virtue of action is timing。

  It is precisely because one does not 'struggle' that there is no blame。

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