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  Hence no one is wasted。
  They are always good at saving things;
  Hence nothing is Wasted。

  This is called Doubling the LIght。

  Therefore a good person is teh teacher of an inferior person;
  And an inferior person is teh resource of a good person。
  One who does not treasure a teacher; or does not cherish a resource;
  Although intelligent; is greatly deluded。

  This is called Significant Subtlety。


  Uniting the Forces

  Know the male;
  Hold the female;
  Become the world's stream。
  By being teh world's streawm;
  The Power will never leave。
  This is returning to Infancy。

  Know the white;
  Hold to the black;
  Become the world's pattern。
  By becoming the world's pattern;
  The Power will never falter。
  This is returning to Limitlessness。

  Know the glory;
  Hold to the obscurity;
  Become the world's valley。
  By being the world's valley;
  The Power will be sufficient。
  This is returning to Simplicity。

  When Simplicity is broken up;
  It is made into instruments。
  Evolved Individuals who employ them;
  Are made into leaders。
  In this way the Great System is united。


  The Way of Noninterference

  Those who would take hold of the world and act on it;
  Never; I notice; succeed。

  The world is a mysterious instrument;
  Not made to be handled。
  Those who act on it; spoil it。
  Those who seize it; lose it。

  So; in Natural Law
  Some lead; some follow;
  Some agitate; some remain silent;
  Some are firm; some are weak;
  Some carry on; some lose heart。

  Thus; Evolved Individuals
  Avoid extremes;
  Avoid extravagance;
  Avoid excess。


  Leading the Leader

  Those who use the Tao to guide leaders
  Do not use forceful strategies in the world。
  Such matters tend to recoil。

  Where armies are positioned;
  Thorny brambles are produced。
  A great military always brings years of hunger。

  Those who are skillful
  Succeed and then stop。
  They dare not hold on with force。

  They succeed and do not boast。
  They succeed and do not make claims。
  They succeed and are not proud。
  They succeed and do not acquire in excess。
  They succeed and do not force。

  Things overgrown will always decline。
  This is not the Tao。
  What is not the Tao will soon end。


  The Use of Force

  The finest weapons can be the instruments of misfortune;
  And thus contrary to Natural Law。
  Those who possess teh Tao turn away from them。
  Evolved leaders occupy and honor the left;
  Those who use weapons honor the right。

  Weapons are instruments of misfortune
  That are used by the unevolved。
  When their use is unavoidable;
  The superior act with calm restraint。

  Even when victorious; let there be no joy;
  For such joy leads to contentment with slaughter。
  Those who are content with slaughter
  Cannot find fulfillment in the world。


  The Limits of Specialization

  The Tao of the Absolute has no name。
  Although infinitesimal in its Simplicity;
  The world cannot master it。

  If leaders would hold on to it;
  All Things would naturally follow。
  Heaven and Earth would unite to rain Sweet Dew;
  And people would naturally cooperate without commands。

  Names emerge when institutions begin。
  When names emerge; know likewise to stop。
  To know when to stop is to be free of danger。

  The presence of the Tao in the world
  Is like the valley streawm joining the rivers and seas。



  Those who know others are intelligent;
  Those who know themselves have insight。
  Those who master others have force;
  Those who master themselves have strength。

  Those who know what is enough are wealthy。
  Those who persevere have direction。
  Those who maintain their position endure。
  And those who die and yet do not perish; live on。


  The Evolving Tao

  The Great Tao extends everywhere。
  It is on the left and the right。

  All Things depend on it for growth;
  And it does not deny them。
  It achieves its purpose;
  And it does not have a name。
  It clothes and cultivates All Things;
  And it does not act as master。

  Always without desire;
  It can be named Small。
  All Things merge with it;
  And it does not act as master。
  It can be named Great。

  In the end it does not seek greatness;
  And in that way the Great is achieved。


  Sensing the Insensible

  Hold fast to the Great Image;
  And all the world will come。
  Yet its coming brings no harm;
  Only peace and order。

  When there is music together with food;
  The audience will linger。
  But when the Tao is expressed;
  It seems without substance or flavor。

  We observe and there is nothing to see。
  We listen and there is nothing to hear。
  We use it and it is without end。


  Concealing the Advantage

  In order to deplete it;
  It must be thoroughly extended。
  In order to weaken it;
  It must be thoroughly strengthened。
  In order to reject it;
  It must be thoroughly promoted。
  In order to take away from it;
  It must be thoroughly endowed。

  This is called a Subtle Insight。
  The yielding can triumph over teh inflexible;
  The weak can triumph over the strong。
  Fish should not be taken from deep waters;
  Nor should organizations make obvious their advantages。


  The Power in Desirelessness

  The Tao never acts;
  And yet is never inactive。

  If leaders can hold on to it;
  All Things will be naturally influenced。
  Influenced and yet desiring to act;
  I would calm them with Nameless Simplicity。
  Nameless Simplicity is likewise without desire;
  And without desire there is harmony。

  The world will then be naturally stabilized。


  Power Without Motive

  Superior Power is never Powerful; thus it has Power。
  Inferior Power is always Powerful; thus it has no Power。
  Superior Power takes no action and acts withotu motive。
  Inferior Power takes action and acts with motive。

  Superior philanthropy takes action and acts without motive。
  Superior morality takes action and acts with motive。
  Superior propriety takes action and there is no response;
  So it raises its arm to project itself。

  Therefore; lose the Tao and Power follows。
  Lose the Power and philanthropy follows。
  Lose philanthropy and morality follows。
  Lose morality and propriety follows。

  One who has propriety has the veneer of truth
  And yet is the leader of confusion。
  One who knows the future has the luster of the Tao
  And yet is ignorant of its origins。

  Therefore those wiht the greatest endurance
  Can enter the substantial;
  Not occupy its veneer;
  Can enter reality;
  Not occupy its luster。
  Hence they discard one and receive the other。


  Oneness in Leadership

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