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  Therefore the Tao produces and its Power supports;
  It advances; cultivates; comforts; matures; nourishes; and protects。

  Produce but do not possess。
  Act without expectation。
  Advance without dominating。
  These are called the Subtle Powers。


  Returning to Insight

  The beginning of the world
  May be regarded as the Mother of the world。
  To apprehend the Mother;
  Know the offspring。
  To know the offspring
  Is to remain close to the Mother;
  And free from harm throughout life。

  Block the passages;
  Close the doors;
  In the end; life is idle。

  Open the pasages;
  Increase undertakings;
  In the end; life is hopeless。

  To perceive the small is called insight。
  To remain yielding is called strength。
  If; in using one's brightness;
  One returns to insight;
  Life will be free of misfortune。

  This is called learning the Absolute。


  The Undivided Path

  Using only a little knowledge;
  I would travel the Great Way
  And fear only of letting go。
  The Great Way is very even;
  Yet people love the byways。

  When an organization is divided;
  Fields are overgrown;
  Stores are empty;
  Clothes are extravagant;
  Sharp swords are worn;
  Food and drink are excessive;
  Wealth and treasure are hoarded。

  This is called stealing and exaggeration
  And certainly not the Way!


  Establishing a Universal View

  What is skillfully established will not be uprooted;
  What is skillfully grasped will not slip away。
  Thus it is honored for generations。

  Cultivate the inner self;
  Its Power becomes real。
  Cultivate the home;
  Its Power becomes abundant。
  Cultivate the community;
  Its Power becomes greater。
  Cultivate the organization;
  Its Power becomes prolific。
  Cultivate the world;
  Its Power becomes universal。

  Therefore through the inner self;
  The inner self is conceived。
  Through the home;
  The home is conceived。
  Through the community;
  The community is conceived。
  Through the organization;
  The organization is conceived。
  Through the world;
  The world is conceived。

  How do I know the world?
  Through this。


  The Power in Not Contending

  To possess Power that runs deep
  Is to be like a newborn child。

  Poisonous insects do not sting it;
  Fierce beasts do not seize it;
  Birds of prey do not strike it。

  Its bones are yielding;
  Its muscles are relaxed;
  Its grip is strong。

  It does not yet know the union of male and female;
  Yet its virility is active。
  Its Life Force is at its greatest。

  It can scream all day;
  Yet it does not become hoarse。
  Its Harmony is at its greatest。

  To know Harmony is called the Absolute。
  To know the Absolute is called insight。
  To enhance life is called propitious。
  To be conscious of Influence is called strength。

  Things overgrown must decline。
  This is not the Tao。
  What is not the Tao will soon end。


  Gaining Oneness

  Those who know do not speak。
  Those who speak do not know。

  Block the passages。
  Close the door。
  Blunt the sharpness。
  Untie the tangles。
  Harmonize the brightness。
  Identify wtih the ways of the world。

  This is called Profound Identification。

  It cannot be gained through attachment。
  It cannot be gained through detachment。
  It cannot be gained through advantage。
  It cannot be gained through disadvantage。
  It cannot be gained through esteem。
  It cannot be gained through humility。

  Hence it is the treasure of the world。


  The Power in Effortlessness

  Lead the organization with correctness。
  Direct the military with surprise tactics。
  Take hold of the world with effortlessness。

  How do I know it is so?
  Through this:

  Too many prohibitions in the world;
  And people become insufficient。
  Too many sharp weapons among people;
  And the nation grows confused。
  Too much cunning strategy among people;
  And strange things start to happen。
  Too obvious a growth in laws and regulations;
  And too many criminals emerge。

  Thus Evolved Individuals say:

  Look to nonaction;
  And people will be naturally influenced。
  Look to refined tranquillity;
  And peopel will be naturally correct。
  Look to effortlessness;
  And people will be naturally affluent。
  Look to nondesire;
  And people will be naturally simple。


  Cultivating the Center

  If the administration is subdued;
  The people are sincere。
  If the administration is exacting;
  The people are deficient。

  Misfortune! Good fortune supports it。
  Good Fortune! Misfortune hides within。
  Who knows where it ends?
  Is there no order?

  Order can revert to the unusual;
  Good can revert to teh abnormal;
  And people indeed are bewildered
  For a long; long time。

  Thus Evolved INdividuals are
  Square without dividing;
  Honest without offending;
  Straightforward without straining;
  Bright without dazzling。


  The Way of Moderation

  In leading people and serving Nature;
  There is nothing better than moderation。
  Since; indeed; moderation means yielding early;
  Yielding early means accumulating Power。

  When Power is accumulated;
  Nothing is impossible。
  When nothing is impossible;
  One knows no limits。
  One who knows no limits
  Can possess the organization。

  An organization that possesses the Mother
  Can endure and advance。
  This means deep roots and firm foundation:
  Durability and longevity through observation of the Tao。


  Holding the Position

  Leading a large organization is like cooking a small fish。

  If the Tao is present in the world;
  The cunning are not mysterious。
  Not only are the cunning not mysterious;
  Their mystery does not harm others。

  Not only does their mystery not harm others;
  The Evolved also do not harm others。
  Since together they do no harm;
  The Power returns and accumulates。


  The Power in Modesty

  A large organization should flow downward
  To intersect with the world。
  It is the female of the world。
  The female always overcomes the male by stillness;
  Through stillness; she makes herself low。

  Thus if a large organization
  Is lower than a small organization;
  It can receive the small organization。
  And if the small organization
  Stays lower than a large organization;
  It can receive the large organization。

  Therefore one receives by becoming low;
  Another receives by being low。

  Yet what a large organization desires
  Is to unite and support others。
  And what a small organization desires
  Is to join and serve others。

  So for both to gain the position they desire;
  The larger should place itself low。


  The Tao in Leaders
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