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  and without the basic necessities;
  it is because taxes are excessive。

  When the people of a nation are rebellious;
  it is because the laws are out of
  harmony with the population。

  When the leaders of a nation are oppressive
  in their confusion;
  the people remember their oneness
  and become indifferent to death。

  Those who remember the oneness of Infinity
  are indifferent to life and death
  and consequently live in peace
  and harmony。


  The human body is born soft and supple;
  after death it is hard and stiff。
  Plants and trees are pliant and limber
  when they sprout;
  after death they are inflexible and

  Therefore; hard and inflexible
  are characteristics of death。
  Pliant and flexible
  are characteristics of life。

  Thus; an army that is inflexible will be conquered
  and a tree that does not yield to
  the wind will snap。

  The hard and inflexible will succumb。
  The pliant and flexible will endure。


  The harmony of Infinity functions like
  a bow and its string。
  The upper part bends down;
  the lower part raises up。
  If the string is too long; it is made shorter;
  too short and it is lengthened。

  The nature of Infinity is balance;
  excess gravitates to what is lacking。
  The tendency of people is toward confusion
  because those who have much
  take from those who have little。

  Those who are at one with Infinity and
  live in peace and harmony
  are not confused。
  They do not accumulate what
  they do not need
  and are like a reservoir to those
  are impoverished。

  The sage lives in harmony
  giving without expecting;
  completing her tasks with indifference;
  and maintaining a oneness with all things。


  Nothing in the world is more submissive and
  than water。
  Yet nothing can equal it in cutting the inflexible
  and eroding the hard。

  The weak can subdue the strong
  and the flexible outlasts the rigid。
  This is common knowledge;
  yet only a very few can practice it。

  Therefore; the sages say;
  She who is at one with the
  disgrace of a nation
  is worthy to be queen。

  He who is at one with the
  misfortunes of nations
  is worthy to be king of kings。

  The truth frequently seems paradoxical。


  Conflict almost always leaves some resentment
  regardless of the nature of a peaceful

  How does one achieve peace and harmony?
  The sage fulfills her commitments
  but does not demand others to fulfill theirs。

  Those who are confused
  demand others to fulfill their commitments
  but are unconcerned with fulfilling
  their own。

  Infinity is indifferent。
  It is at one with all people。


  A peaceful nation has few people and
  flows in harmony and oneness。
  They have weapons of war but they have no
  inclination to use them。
  They are indifferent to death and indifferent
  to living elsewhere。
  They have boats and carriages
  but seldom use them。
  They have weapons of war but
  no one displays them。
  They live a simple life:
  their food is nourishing;
  their clothes are adequate;
  their dwellings are secure。
  They are at peace and in harmony
  with all things。

  Even though they live within sight
  of a neighboring nation
  and hear the sounds of dogs and
  they grow old and perish
  without ever desiring to go there。


  Truthful words are seldom passionate。
  Passionate words are seldom truthful。

  Peaceful men do not quarrel。
  Those who quarrel are confused。

  He who is at one with all things
  knows Infinity。
  He who has knowledge
  is always confused。

  The sage is never confused by accumulating。
  The more he does for others;
  the more he flows in harmony。
  The more he gives to others;
  the more he experiences peace。

  Infinity manifests; nourishes and disintegrates
  The sage flows in the peace and harmony
  of oneness with all things。  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  English interpretation by
  Ted Wrigley

  Thanks to Ted! Visit his site for his comments on his version
  or send him an e…mail: twrigley@ea。oac。uci。edu


  A path is just a path; a name is just a name
  What is; is; without sense or differentiation
  And only divides itself into things when we give names

  Forget the names of things and you sense fit and flow
  Use their names and you see uniqueness; significance
  Each perspective is as true as the other

  How can something be both fragmentary and complete?
  There's a mystery here calling for a deeper perception
  A perception from which all spirituality springs


  Recognize beauty in the world and other things become ugly
  Recognize goodness and other things become evil

  Is and isn't create each other
  Difficult and easy complete each other
  Long and short form each other
  High and low fill each other
  Tone and word define each other
  Front and back follow each other
  All this is inescapable

  Therefore the taoist acts without a plan; teaches without a text
  She creates; but doesn't define
  Nurtures; but doesn't lay claim
  Accomplishes; but walks away

  Because he walks away; what he does; lasts


  Give rewards; and someone will fight for them
  Prize rarities; and someone will try to steal them
  Offer all that anyone could desire; and someone will be confused andangry

  When one must lead; one must lead people back to themselves
  Fill their needs but drain their compulsions
  Harden their bones but soften their opinions
  Where they feel the need to chase after fashion or stand for some cause
  Be quiet and listen; so they will speak cautiously and hesitant toact
  So long as they are cautious; all things will fall into place


  The way is emptiness;
  Yet practice it and it seems inexhaustible
  Fathomless and still;
  Yet all life seems to spring from it

  It blunts sharp edges
  Unravels knots
  Softens glare
  Settles the dust

  It moves beneath all things; seen only in its effects
  Where it came from no one can say
  It was always there; the potential in nothingness


  Nature is not well mannered
  It watches creatures be born and die without comment
  Nor is the taoist well mannered
  People are born and they die; and that's as it should be

  Life is like a fan
  So long as it moves the breeze continues
  But stop the one so you can master the other; and what's left to master?
  Don't try to answer; you'll only frustrate yourself

  Who can define life or death??Knowing they are is enough。


  Nature is perpetually fertile; like a river valley
  This is the feminine principle; ever capable of producing
  It expr
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