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  This is doing without doing; teaching without a text
  And the only way to learn to do it
  Is to learn not to do anything else


  Fame or your health; riches or your health; which is worth more to you?
  Can you gain one without losing the other?
  Live the high life and you will lose respect; whatever you gain inenvy
  Be a miser and you will lose affection; whatever you gain in respect
  If you want respect; know when you have enough
  If you want peace of mind; know when to stop
  Understand 'enough' and you'll live healthy and long


  What's done right seems unfinished; but always works
  What's filled right seems empty; but there's always enough
  The perfectly straight seems warped
  The most skilled looks artless
  The greatest eloquence sounds plain

  What exists in abundance always seems unremarkable
  We move to warm ourselves and rest to cool ourselves
  But never think about the natural warmth that lies within us
  Always flow back to the center; find what strengths lie there
  And things will go right with you


  When the world has the way; people do what the want
  When it loses the way; they are forced to do what they're told
  There is no greater crime than wanting too much
  No disaster more total than not knowing when to stop
  No flaw more serious than the grasping hand

  Know what enough is; know when you have it; and be content
  That is wisdom


  If you know where you are; you know the world
  You do not need to look out a window to see the tao
  The more you look; the less you really see
  So the taoist stays and lets things come to him
  Sees things without looking for them
  Finishes things by not trying to make them complete


  To practice most things means to gain a little skill;every day
  To practice the tao means to lose a little
  Lose a little of this and a little of that until one has no skill leftat anything
  And then nothing will ever be left undone
  If you want to lead; forget what leadership should be
  If you can't forget the shoulds
  You will always find someone to oppose you


  The taoist has no opinions
  He simply listens; and acts
  He treats those who are good as worthy
  He treats those who aren't good as worthy; too
  And so he finds their goodness
  He gives those who are honorable his trust
  He gives those who are dishonorable his trust; too
  And so he gains their trust


  We all come out into life and go back into death
  There are certain signs that point to life and certain signs that pointto death
  And yet people; in their desire to show they are alive
  Often cultivate the signs of death

  Those who cultivate the signs of life have no fear in them
  They don't run from wild animals or cover themselves with armor andshields
  They know the horn; the claw; the weapon
  Can not pierce what yields and flows like water

  They do not cultivate the signs of death; and so death has no placeto enter


  Tao brings all the creatures of the world to be born
  And by following the way they come to fill their nature
  Thus do they follow the tao and honor virtue
  No one asks them to;?they do it without thinking

  It creates them but doesn't own them
  It supplies them but doesn't make them dependent
  It matures them but doesn't command them
  This is the ideal of virtue


  What womb gave birth to the world?
  Know that mother and you will come to understand her children
  Embrace her and you will never suffer harm

  Block up the holes; close the doors
  Do without doing; and you will never labor
  Open the doors; intrude yourself on the world
  Act with force; and your troubles will not end

  See the smallest signs; bend at their lightest touch
  And let the subtlest rays lead you
  Back to the bright light


  When you follow the tao; planning will only lead you astray
  The way is easy and straight; but people always look for shortcuts
  They leave weeds in the fields to make sure the courtyard is clean
  Empty their cupboards so that everyone can gorge
  Carry a sword so they can wear their jewels in public

  One excess always leads to another
  This wanders far from the way


  When the foundation is laid well; and the mortar sound
  The house will stand long
  And your descendents will honor your memory

  Cultivate virtue in yourself … see yourself … so it will be genuine
  Cultivate it in your family … see your family … so it will spread
  Cultivate it in your village … see your village … so it will have roots
  Cultivate it in your nation … see your nation … so it will be abundant
  Cultivate it in the world … see the world … so there will be nothingelse

  How do I know the world works this way?
  There is no how; I listen; and I know


  One who embraces virtue in its fullest
  Is like a newborn babe
  She has no fear of wasps and scorpions; or snakes and vipers
  Birds of prey and fierce beasts mean nothing to him
  Her bones and muscles are soft; but her grip is firm
  Because his essence is at its height he can become aroused
  Though he knows nothing of sex
  Because her harmony is at its height she will not become hoarse
  Though she screams all day

  Harmony is the path of wisdom
  But you can't reach it be getting more
  You can try to breathe more; but what sense is in that?
  Eventually your breath will return to what it is

  If you look for more; you'll get as much as you can
  And after that you'll just get old
  An easy way to an early end


  How can you speak of things that go beyond words?
  The wise know when not to talk

  They blocks up their holes
  Close their doors
  Soften their light
  Settle their dust
  Blunt their rough edges
  Untie their knots

  This is oneness
  Whoever achieves it
  Can never be known intimately but will never be shunned
  Can never be benefited but will never be harmed


  It has been said of good leaders
  'Peace is won by doing the expected; war by doing the unexpected'
  But to lead by following the way you must let expectations go

  Prohibitions only protect one by depriving another
  Weapons only defend one by assaulting another
  No amount of knowledge will ever substitute for wisdom
  No amount of laws can ever replace honor

  When you lead by following the way; remember
  If you do nothing; people will transform themselves
  If you remain quiet; people will have nothing to be confused about
  Don't play the angles; and prosperity will be the norm
  Don't impose your desires; and no one will conform or rebel


  Government is only sincere when it has no end in mind
  Let it be discriminating and clear; and it will be cunning and sly
  It uses disaster to create its own good fortune
  Uses good fortune to conceal the disasters it creat
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