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her。 Is finishing verse eighty…one; the end; or the beginning? If you think it is the end; you need to read it again。 If you think it is the beginning; you also need to read it again。  


  Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
  Chinese … English by
  Witter Bynner; 1944


  Existence is beyond the power of words
  To define:
  Terms may be used
  But are none of them absolute。
  In the beginning of heaven and earth there were no words;
  Words came out of the womb of matter;
  And whether a man dispassionately
  Sees to the core of life
  Or passionately
  Sees the surface;
  The core and the surface
  Are essentially the same;
  Words making them seem different
  Only to express appearance。
  If name be needed; wonder names them both:
  From wonder into wonder
  Existence opens。


  People through finding something beautiful
  Think something else unbeautiful;
  Through finding one man fit
  Judge another unfit。
  Life and death; though stemming from each other; seem to conflict as stages of change;
  Difficult and easy as phases of achievement;
  Long and short as measures of contrast;
  High and low as degrees of relation;
  But; since the varying of tones gives music to a voice
  And what is the was of what shall be;
  The sanest man
  Sets up no deed;
  Lays down no law;
  Takes everything that happens as it comes;
  As something to animate; not to appropriate;
  To earn; not to own;
  To accept naturally without self…importance:
  If you never assume importance
  You never lose it。


  It is better not to make merit a matter of reward
  Lest people conspire and contend;
  Not to pile up rich belongings
  Lest they rob;
  Not to excite by display
  Lest they covet。
  A sound leader's aim
  Is to open people's hearts;
  Fill their stomachs;
  Calm their wills;
  Brace their bones
  And so to clarify their thoughts and cleanse their needs
  That no cunning meddler could touch them:
  Without being forced; without strain or constraint;
  Good government comes of itself。


  Existence; by nothing bred;
  Breeds everything。
  Parent of the universe;
  It smooths rough edges;
  Unties hard knots;
  Tempers the sharp sun;
  Lays blowing dust;
  Its image in the wellspring never fails。
  But how was it conceived?this image
  Of no other sire。


  Nature; immune as to a sacrifice of straw dogs;
  Faces the decay of its fruits。
  A sound man; immune as to a sacrifice of straw dogs;
  Faces the passing of human generations。
  The universe; like a bellows;
  Is always emptying; always full:
  The more it yields; the more it holds。
  Men came to their wit's end arguing about it
  And had better meet it at the marrow。


  The breath of life moves through a deathless valley
  Of mysterious motherhood
  Which conceives and bears the universal seed;
  The seeming of a world never to end;
  Breath for men to draw from as they will:
  And the more they take of it; the more remains。


  The universe is deathless;
  Is deathless because; having no finite self;
  It stays infinite。
  A sound man by not advancing himself
  Stays the further ahead of himself;
  By not confining himself to himself
  Sustains himself outside himself:
  By never being an end in himself
  He endlessly becomes himself。


  Man at his best; like water;
  Serves as he goes along:
  Like water he seeks his own level;
  The common level of life;
  Loves living close to the earth;
  Living clear down in his heart;
  Loves kinship with his neighbors;
  The pick of words that tell the truth;
  The even tenor of a well…run state;
  The fair profit of able dealing;
  The right timing of useful deeds;
  And for blocking no one's way
  No one blames him。


  Keep stretching a bow
  You repent of the pull;
  A 'whetted saw
  Goes thin and dull;
  Surrounded with treasure
  You lie ill at ease;
  Proud beyond measure
  You come to your knees:
  Do enough; without vieing;
  Be living; not dying。


  Can you hold the door of your tent
  Wide to the firmament?
  Can you; with the simple stature
  Of a child; breathing nature;
  Become; notwithstanding;
  A man?
  Can you continue befriending
  With no prejudice; no ban?
  Can you; mating with heaven;
  Serve as the female part?
  Can your learned head take leaven
  From the wisdom of your heart?
  If you can bear issue and nourish its growing;
  If you can guide without claim or strife;
  If you can stay in the lead of men without their knowing;
  You are at the core of life。


  Thirty spokes are made one by holes in a hub;
  By vacancies joining them for a wheel's use;
  The use of clay in moulding pitchers
  Comes from the hollow of its absence;
  Doors; windows; in a house;
  Are used for their emptiness:
  稵hus we are helped by what is not
  To use what is。


  The five colors can blind;
  The five tones deafen;
  The five tastes cloy。
  The race; the hunt; can drive men mad
  And their booty leave them no peace。
  Therefore a sensible man
  Prefers the inner to the outer eye:
  He has his yes; he has his no。


  Favor and disfavor have been called equal worries;
  Success and failure have been called equal ailments。
  How can favor and disfavor be called equal worries?
  Because winning favor burdens a man
  With the fear of losing it。
  How can success and failure be called equal ailments?
  Because a man thinks of the personal body as self。
  When he no longer thinks of the personal body as self
  Neither failure nor success can ail him。
  One who knows his lot to be the lot of all other men
  Is a safe man to guide them;
  One who recognizes all men as members of his own body
  Is a sound man to guard them。


  What we look for beyond seeing
  And call the unseen;
  Listen for beyond hearing
  And call the unheard;
  Grasp for beyond reaching
  And call the withheld;
  Merge beyond understanding
  In a oneness
  Which does not merely rise and give light;
  Does not merely set and leave darkness;
  But forever sends forth a succession of living things as mysterious
  As the unbegotten existence to which they return。
  That is why men have called them empty phenomena;
  Meaningless images;
  In a mirage
  With no face to meet;
  No back to follow。
  Yet one who is anciently aware of existence
  Is master of every moment;
  Feels no break since time beyond time
  In the way life flows。


  Long ago the land was ruled with a wisdom
  Too fine; too deep; to be fully understood
  And; since it was beyond men's full understanding;
  Only some of it has come down to us; as in these sayings:
  'Alert as a winter…farer on an icy 
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