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  By such activity come back to life。

  Who hugs this dao doesn't want to fill himselfto overflowing。
  It's just because he guards against beingover…full; there's no overflowing; and next
  he is like a garment that endures all; beyondwearing out and renewal。


  Attain complete humility towards the void;
  hold firm to the basis of quietude。
  The myriad things take shape and rise toactivity;
  Now; I watch them fall; worked on;
  back to their repose and roots
  like plants that flourish
  but return to the soil and root they grewfrom。

  To return to the root is basic repose;
  it's quiet and returning to some destiny。
  To submit to a destiny is to find the eternalshelter; the always…so; or the eternal dao。
  To know the eternal always…so is to be somewhatillumined。
  not to know it courts disaster。

  He who knows the eternal shelter has roomin him for nearly everything … he is wide as tolerant。
  Being much including; there's little prejudice;
  to be without blunt prejudice is kingly;
  to be kingly is to be well in accord withnature; it's to be of heaven。
  To be of heaven in unison with an undauntednature is to be in dao;
  This dao is forever; and he that owns it;is hardly destroyed; even though his body ceases。


  Of the best the people hardly ever know theyexist;
  The next best they flock to and praise fornothing。
  The next they shrink from;
  the next get reviled。
  〃Not believing people you turn them intoliars〃 …
  such bosses don't command the people's faith。
  They lose faith in them and take to oaths!

  The wise man is a clever ruler; he valueshis words highly。
  It's so hard to get a single word from atany price that when his task is finished; a work well done; everyone says;
  〃It happened by itself; and we did it。〃


  When the great dao declined;
  jen and i arose; humanity and righteousness。〃
  Next; when brightness and know…how came invogue;
  the great pretence fully started。

  When the six family relationships are notin harmony
  There's open talk of kind parents〃 dutifulsons〃 and deep love to children。
  A confused country enmeshed in disorder praisesministers in chaos and misrule。


  Banish wisdom; discard knowledge;
  Then the people will benefit a hundred times。
  Banish human love; just dump righteous; moraljustice;
  and then the people will be dutiful and recoverdeep love of their kin。
  Banish cunning and skill; dispel profit;dismiss utility;〃
  then thieves and robbers will disappear。
  These three things are not enough; externalsare somehow
  decorations; purpose's not enough; they tendto rob life and make it too little complicated。
  Therefore let people hold well on to keepingaccessories;
  keeping simplicity to look at。
  Go on and shield their internal soul's nature
  as some ritual; raw block to hold;
  their private; secret means and foster lessardent desires。


  Abandon learning and there will be no sorrow。
  Between Yes; sir;〃 and Of course not〃; howmuch difference is there?
  Between good〃 and bad〃; how much differenceis there?
  That which men fear is indeed to be feared;
  alas confused; and the end isn't yet。

  All men are wreathed in smiles; ever merry…making;
  as if feasting after the great sacrifice;like ascending a tower in spring。
  I alone am inert; like a child that has notyet given sign;
  Like a new…born child that can't smile yet。
  I seem to be without a home; droop and drift;as though I belonged nowhere; completely unattached。
  All men have enough and to spare;
  I alone seem to have lost everything; I amlike one left out。
  Mine is indeed the mind of a very idiot;my heart must be that of a fool;
  dull as I seem … muddled; nebulous!

  The world is full of knowing people that shine;
  I alone am dull; confused。
  I seem to be in the dark。
  They look lively and clear…cut self…assured;
  I appear alone; depressed; or patient asthe sea;
  blown adrift; seemingly aimless; never broughtto a stop。

  All men can be put to some use; as worldlingshave a purpose。
  I alone am intractable and boorish; appearingrustic; stubborn and uncouth; differing from most people;
  But I differ most from others in that I prizeno sustenance that doesn't come from the breast of mama mia。


  The marks of great virtue follow alone fromthe (one) dao。
  What's called one dao seems impalpable andvague; not to be measured at all。
  Dao is an elusive; virtually incommensurableform; but eluding; elusive it contains sub…forms。
  Within it lie idea…images of coming things;within it are some shadowy entities or some dormant; vibrant life forceof the firstborn; dim essence … even of objects; somehow; but much rarefied… latent in the essence is the life…force。
  The life…force is real and to be trusted。
  It's true; and can be set to operate。
  and latent in it are evidences。
  From the days of old till now
  its chunks havent departed or ceased;
  By its chunks we can view some origin ofall descended units。
  How do I know a father of a thing? How toknow how some origin of a manifestation is formed?
  By much developed intuition; possibly。


  〃To remain whole; yield somewhat or seemcurved and bent if you may。〃
  To become straight; let yourself look bent。
  To become full; seem hollow。
  Seem tattered now; that you can be renewed。
  Those that have little; can get more;
  To have plenty is to be confused。。
  Therefore the wise man clasps the primalunity; testing by it everything under heaven by himself … it。
  He doesn't show himself much; he is thereforeluminous and clear。
  He doesn't define himself; therefore he isdistinct。
  He doesn't boast; therefore people give himcredit: he succeeds by that。
  He's never outright proud of his work; andtherefore it endures。
  Because he doesn't contend; none in the worldcan contend with him。
  So the old saying To remain whole; seem twisted!〃was no idle word;
  for true wholeness can only be won by returnto dao。


  To be always talking goes against nature。
  For the same reason a good whirlwind neverlasts the whole morning; nor a swell rainstorm the whole day。
  The wind and rain emerge from nature。 Andif even nature can't blow; last or pour for long; how much less shouldman…given tenets?
  So; he who takes to or follows (one) dao;becomes merged with (this) dao。 Or if one uses dao as one's instrument;the results will be like dao。
  Who follows virtue; is soaked by it。 If oneuses the power〃 as one's instrument; the results will be like the power。
  If one uses whats the reverse of the power〃;
  the results will be the reverse of the power〃。
  Who is dao identified; could be glad as well。For to those who have conformed themselves to dao; dao readily lends itspower。
  To those who have conformed themselves tothe power; the power readily lends more power。
  While to those who conform themselves toinefficacy; inefficacy readily lends its ineffec
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