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  Who leads well; the people never notice。
  Next; comes one they cherish;
  next; one they fear;
  last; one they revile。

  A leader who gives trust earns trust。
  His profile is low; his words are measured。
  His work is done when all proclaim;
  〃look what we've achieved!〃


  When once the Way was lost;
  humanism soon appeared。
  As ingenuity emerged;
  so did subterfuge; as well。
  As families dissolved;
  new codes of duty formed。
  The country now in disarray;
  authorities arose
  and order was enforced。


  Be free of learnedness; renounce what's told;
  and all will benefit a hundredfold。
  Be free of 〃charity;〃 renounce what's 〃right;〃
  and natural affections will reignite。
  Be free of shrewdness; renounce what's dear;
  and thieves and bandits will disappear。

  These three alone will not suffice;
  thus honor these as well:

  Be simple; like an undyed cloth;
  authentic; like an unhewn block。
  Be free of self。
  Be free of want。
  Be free of all that's taught as true;
  and thus be free of troubles; too。


  Twixt yea and nay;
  how much difference to convey?
  Twixt good and bad;
  how much difference to be had?
  Whom others fear
  ought others fear。

  How very vexing
  it's all so perplexing!

  Others revel in life;
  celebrating and going places。
  Still am I; and give no sign;
  as if a newborn yet to smile。
  桝nd I; I with nowhere to return。

  Others have stuff; more than enough。
  梂hile I; I have nothing。

  A fool in deed; a fool indeed。

  Others seem so clear;
  while I; I seem so lost。
  Others seem so alert;
  while I; I seem so plain。

  As nebulous as the ocean wide。
  Adrift to every breath of wind。

  While all seem busy toward some purpose;
  I am plainly good for nothing。

  Ah; to be unlike the masses!
  To engulf nature whole
  and be engulfed by her!


  Integrity means to follow the Way; fully the Way;
  ever so elusive and ineffable。

  Elusive and ineffable!
  梐nd yet it holds true form。
  Ineffable and elusive!
  梐nd yet it holds true substance。
  How close; how dark; how deep within!
  梐nd yet it holds an essence;
  a touchstone of one's faith。

  Since antiquity; its name has been preserved;
  an echoing of how all things began。
  How can one know of things remote?
  桞y what is deep within。


  Yield and be preserved。
  Bend and be restraightened。
  Empty and be filled。
  Exhaust and be renewed。
  Have little and be enriched。
  Have much and be overwhelmed。

  The sage holds fast to integrity
  and shows the Way for all to see。
  Not displaying himself; he shines as an example。
  Not promoting himself; he is known by all。
  Not crediting himself; he is recognized;
  Not lauding himself; he is remembered。

  He does not compete;
  hence no one can get the better of him。
  Just so:
  Who yields is preserved。


  Nature works without words。
  Just so for men。

  No windstorm lasts all morning。
  No downpour lasts all day。
  Nature cannot sustain them。
  Just so for men。

  Who follows the Way is one with the Way。
  Who expresses integrity is one with integrity。
  Who welcomes loss is one with less。


  Who lifts himself too high can't hold a stance。
  Who takes too giant a stride can't make advance。
  Who gives himself the credit eclipses others finding merit。
  Who prides himself on end soon finds himself without a friend。
  In every instance such as these
  the voyager on the Way can see
  excess baggage and goods none need。

  What's not in nature's economy;
  abandon for integrity。


  Something there once was;
  vaguely formed; yet complete unto itself;
  emerging afore heaven and earth;
  without voice; without dimension;
  without otherness; without change;
  whence all things were born。
  Who knows its name?
  I know it as 〃the Way。〃
  If name there be;
  then call it 〃Great〃。
  梖or great means ever…flowing;
  ever…flowing; hence far…reaching。
  Far…reaching; it may come full circle。

  The Way is great;
  heaven is great;
  earth is great;
  and so is the man of integrity!
  Men accord with earth;
  earth with heaven;
  heaven with the Way;
  and the Way upon itself unfolds。


  In gravity is levity grounded。
  In stillness is unrest mastered。

  Provisions weigh down a journey;
  yet wise men travel not far without them。
  Amusements beckon beyond the walls;
  yet wise men calmly stay at home。


  Who travels well leaves no trace。
  Who speaks well leaves no discord。
  Who reckons well leaves no tally。

  Who secures well uses neither board nor lock;
  yet what he closes; no one can open。
  Who binds well uses neither cord nor knot;
  yet what he binds; no one can undo。

  Who follows the Way well
  leaves none untended;
  leaves none behind;
  leaves naught to waste。
  Such is listening to the light within。

  Good men are to bad men teachers。
  Bad men are to good men responsibilities。
  Who does not respect his teacher?br》 or his responsibility?br》 whatever else he knows;
  wants wisdom。
  Such is the subtle essence。


  Knowing the masculine;
  embrace the feminine。
  Be a channel for all under heaven:
  integrity will ever flow through you
  and return you to the state of a newborn。
  Knowing honor;
  embrace humility。
  Be a valley for all under heaven:
  integrity will ever flow towards you
  and return you to an unhewn block。
  Knowing whiteness;
  embrace the dark void。
  Be a guide for all under heaven:
  integrity will never mislead you
  and will return you to the everlasting。

  When hewn;
  the native block is fashioned into tools;
  tools which serve the interests of the few。
  A wise man knows how not to hew。


  Some men try to seize the world
  and shape it as they please;
  but how can they succeed?
  The world is a vessel complete unto itself。
  Who tries to shape it; fails。
  Who tries to grasp it; loses。

  Some creatures plunge ahead; some pause behind。
  Some breathe in fits; some breathe more gently。
  Some resist; some yield to danger。
  Some fill themselves; some become empty and hollow。

  A person of integrity endeavors ever to be free:
  free of extremes;
  free of excess;
  free of extraordinary extravagance。


  Who serves a ruler with the Way
  refrains from force of arms。
  For who wields weapons; weapons can betray。

  Where troops have camped; the brambles grow。
  Where war has raged; the harvest's low。

  Who leads an army well resolves his purpose;
  absent force; absent reward。
  He meets the purpose; not to boast of power。
  He meets the purpose; not to bask in fortune。
  He meets the purpose; not t
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