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  Being the valley of the world; he is sufficient in the eternal virtue; and
  Returns to the sate of natural goodness like virgin blocks。
  When the blocks are dispersed and found useful as tools;
  The wise ruler employs them to govern and lead。
  Therefore the great leader does not destroy Nature。


  Whoever intends to conquer the empire through willful actions;
  I foresee that he will not succeed。
  The empire is a complex organism; no willful action should be taken。
  He who so acts fails。
  He who so exerts control loses it。
  For; of all creatures:
  some lead; some follow;
  some sigh; some complain;
  some are strong; some are weak;
  some suffer setbacks; some are already fallen。
  Thus a wise ruler avoids extremes; extravagance; and excesses。


  He who assists a ruler through Tao;
  Disavows dominating the world by military force。
  The effects of using force are immediate:
  Wherever the army is stationed; briars and thorns will grow。
  (After a big war; years of famine will surely follow。)
  The best leader cares only about an accommodation; and
  Dares not to gain dominance by force。
  An accommodation reached without conceit; brag; or arrogance; but on account of no better alternative and
  reluctance of using force。
  Everything decays after its prime;
  This (using force) would be counter to Tao。
  Whoever acts counter to Tao leads to his early demise。


  Weapons are tools of bad omen; everyone dislikes them;
  Thus the follower of Tao keeps away from them。
  A statesman normally honours his left;
  But in war; he honours his right。
  Weapons are tools of bad omen; and of no use to a statesman。
  If forced to use them; it is best for him to be calm and restrained。
  Glorify not the victory of war。
  One who does; must be happy to kill!
  He who is happy to kill must not succeed in the world。
  Auspicious occasions honour the left;
  Evil occasions honour the right。
  When the deputy general stays on the left;
  While the full general stays on the right;
  Declare that a funeral ceremony is taking place。
  Since so many people are slaughtered;
  Let us weep with deep sorrow and grief; and
  Treat a victory celebration as a funeral ceremony。


  Tao is eternal and nameless。
  Even though its singular building block is tiny;
  None in the world can master over it。
  If kings and barons keep faith in it;
  All things spontaneously follow order。
  When Heaven and Earth joined to make sweet dew;
  It is evenly spread without the people抯 command。
  Initiating regulations produces names。
  Since names already proliferate; one must also know when to stop。
  Knowing when to stop can avoid over regulation。
  Tao to the world is like streams in valleys to the rivers and sea。


  He who understands others is intelligent;
  He who knows himself is wise。
  He who wins over others is persuasive;
  He who conquers himself is strong。
  He who feels contented is rich;
  He who acts forcefully is determined。
  He who does not lose his center endures;
  He who dies but is not forgotten enjoys long life。


  How the great Tao flows everywhere!
  All things depend on it for life and it never turns away from them;
  It completes the work successfully without seeking recognition;
  It protects and nurtures all things without becoming their master。
  Always devoid of desire may be an insignificant accomplishment;
  All things follow it without becoming their master has to be a great accomplishment。
  Just because it has no desire to be great;
  It can achieve greatness。


  Whoever has a firm hold on the big form;
  The entire world will follow him。
  They will experience no harm;
  But security; peace and comfort。
  Having food and music;
  Even passers…by stop。
  Talking about Tao is tasteless and plain。
  And it is:
  Invisible by looking;
  Inaudible by listening and
  Inexhaustible by using。


  In order to contract it; first allow it to expand。
  In order to weaken it; first allow it to strengthen;
  In order to eliminate it; first allow it to grow;
  In order to take away from it; first allow it to receive。
  These are called common sense which includes:
  The soft and weak overcome the hard and strong;
  A fish should not leave deep water;
  State抯 sharp weapons should not be shown to others。


  Tao forever takes no action but nothing is left undone。
  If barons and kings were able to keep faith in it;
  All things will transform spontaneously on their own。
  Should selfish desires arise anew;
  I shall counter them with natural goodness yet unnamed。
  What the unnamed natural goodness brings;
  Is but the riddance of selfish desires。
  Riddance of selfish desires will bring forth tranquility;
  Then peace would naturally prevail in the world。


  The people of high virtue show no appearance of virtue; they are thus virtuous;
  The people of low virtue lose no appearance of virtue; they are thus not virtuous。
  The people of high virtue take no action; but with no ulterior motive;
  The people of low virtue take actions and with ulterior motive。
  The people of high humanity take actions; but with no ulterior motive。
  The people of high justice take actions and with ulterior motives。
  The people of high propriety take actions; upon receiving no response; they extend their arms to fight。
  When Tao is lost; one is left with virtue;
  When virtue is lost; one is left with humanity;
  When humanity is lost; one is left with justice;
  When justice is lost; one is left with propriety。
  But propriety requires only superficial loyalty and trust; and is the cause for discords and violence。
  These so…called prophecies represent the superficial Tao; and is the beginning of ignorance。
  Therefore a person of substance:
  Prefers depth to shallowness; and
  Chooses substance over appearance。
  And he takes this and discards the other。


  Whichever has been endowed with the One:
  Heaven becomes clear;
  Earth becomes calm;
  Spiritual beings become divine;
  Valleys become full;
  All things are striving;
  Barons and kings are leaders of the world。
  All these are due to the One。 Otherwise:
  Heaven would not be clear; and may disintegrate;
  Earth would not be calm; and may quake;
  Spiritual beings would not be divine; and may disappear;
  Valleys would not be full; and may dry up;
  All things would not be thriving; and may perish;
  Barons and kings would not be noble and high; and may topple。
  Humility is the basis for nobleness; and
  Lowness the foundation for highness。
  That is why barons and kings call themselves orphans; widowers and destitute beings。
  Does it not prove humility being the basis for nobleness? Is it not?
  Strive for too many honours ends up with no ho
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