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  Those who embrace the DAO do not seek to be full。
  It is because they are not full that they can grow old
  and then be newly made。


  So touch the utmost emptiness that there is;
  hold steadfastly to stillness;
  and you will see all things arise in unison
  as they merge back to perfect emptiness。
  All things will teem forth in their growth
  each one returning to its root。

  Returning to the root is to find tranquillity;
  this is known as returning to one抯 destiny。
  Returning to one抯 destiny is known as unchangingness。

  To understand unchangingness is known as enlightenment。
  Not to understand unchangingness leads to error and disaster。
  Understanding the unchangingness that embraces everything
  leads to dispassionateness。

  Dispassionateness leads to nobility;
  nobility to heaven;
  heaven to the DAO;
  the DAO to everlastingness。

  You will be free from danger to the end of your life。


  The best leaders are those whom people hardly know。
  Next best are those who are both loved and praised。
  Then worse are those who instil fear;
  and worst of all are those who are despised。

  When leaders do not trust enough;
  they are themselves not trusted。
  When they are quiet and choose their words with care;
  they accomplish all their tasks; achieve their goals;
  and everybody says; 慙ook at what we抳e done ourselves。?br》

  When the great DAO is lost to sight;
  codes of goodness and morality appear。
  When cleverness and shrewdness are produced;
  massive hypocrisy appears。
  When family relationships lose natural harmony;
  慺ilial piety?and 慸evoted parenthood?arise。
  When there is strife and anarchy within the state;
  憀oyal patriots?abound。


  Abandon sageliness; discard mere cleverness;
  and people will benefit a hundredfold。
  Discard morality and rectitude
  and people will return to natural love。
  Renounce all learnedness and ceremony
  and people will not be anxious any more。
  Root out craftiness and profiteering
  and thieves and robbers will disappear。

  Yet these four lessons are merely surface things。 So let these other teachings follow:
  recognise simplicity;
  embrace a natural purity;
  have little thought of self;
  temper your desire。


  How far apart are 憏es?and 憂o?
  How much alike are 慻ood?and 慴ad?
  Must I fear what others fear?
  My fear then would not have an end。

  The people all are full of joy
  as if partaking in a sacrificial feast;
  or going on an outing in the spring。
  I alone remain here calm。 I show no sign;
  like a baby who has yet to smile;
  forlorn; with nowhere to go back to。
  The people now have all they want; and more;
  but I alone seem to be in need。

  I am a fool。 I am so muddled and confused。 *
  Ordinary people are so very bright;
  I alone seem dull and dark。
  Ordinary people are so very sharp;
  I alone seem muddled and withdrawn。
  The people all have things to do;
  I alone seem stubborn and uncouth。
  I alone am different from others;
  suckling the Great Mother for my nourishment。 
  * 20 ye zai!厇hao zhao卙un hun卌ha cha卪en men: indeed indeed卋right bright卍ark dark卻harp sharp卍ull dull

  Chinese often conveys intensives by repeating words; as above。 Since such repetition is not a natural English idiom; the intensives in these lines are translated either by 憇o very?(慜rdinary people are so very bright? or by adding a closely related adjective (慖 alone seem dull and dark?。

  The greatest virtue is to follow DAO; and DAO alone。
  As a thing; the DAO is vague and indistinct。
  Within it is a form; vague and indistinct。
  Within it is a substance; vague and indistinct。
  Within it is an essence; hidden and profound。
  This essence is completely true; within it lies its proof。

  From ancient times until today;
  its name has never been forgotten。
  By means of it; we see the origin of everything。
  How do I know the origin of everything?
  By means of it。 
  * yi ci: by means of it

  the Chinese here (which is repeated in the final line of section 54) may appear particularly bald and gnomic; literally meaning 慴y this? Several translators have attempted to clarify the uncertainty by various elaborations: 慴y what is within me? 慴y inward knowledge? 慴y intuition? 慹xactly by this phenomenon? 慴y the nature of the DAO? and so forth。 It may seem best; though; to retain the ambiguity。 If the 慽t?is indeed the DAO; it is after all unnameable。

  Yield; and you will be preserved;
  bend; and you will become straight;
  be empty; and you will be filled;
  grow old; and you will be renewed;
  have little; and you will gather much;
  have much; and you will lose your way。

  Because of this; those who are enlightened embrace the primal unity
  and offer up a model to the world。

  They do not display themselves; and so shine bright;
  they do not promote themselves; and so become illustrious;
  they do not boast; and so gain recognition;
  they are not arrogant; and so endure。

  It is because they do not compete
  that no…one in the world competes with them。
  The ancient saying; 慪ield; and you will be preserved?
  is not just empty words。
  Through them; that perfect wholeness can be restored to you。


  Speaking sparingly is quite natural。
  A whirlwind cannot last all morning;
  a rainstorm cannot last all day。
  What causes these? The heavens and the earth。
  If heaven and earth can抰 make them last for long;
  then how much less mere humankind。

  Follow the DAO in everything you do; and you will be one with DAO。
  A person who is of the DAO identifies with DAO。
  A person who is of the DE identifies with DE。
  A person who is lost identifies with loss。

  Whoever identifies with DAO will be welcomed by the DAO。
  Whoever identifies with DE will be welcomed by the DE。
  Whoever identifies with loss will be welcomed by loss。
  If you do not trust; you won抰 be trusted。


  If you are on tiptoes; you cannot stand steady。
  If you straddle something; you cannot walk。

  Those who make a show will never shine。
  Those who are assertive will never be illustrious。
  Those who boast will never find achievement。
  Those who wallow in conceit will never last。

  To a person of the DAO; these things are like
  too much food or useless action。
  Everything disdains them; so those who seek the DAO
  reject them。


  There was a thing unformed and yet complete
  before the heavens and the earth were born。
  Silent; depthless; it stood alone; unchangingly;
  pervading everything that was; and inexhaustible。

  It can be thought of as the mother of the world。
  I do not know its name;
  and so I call it DAO。
  If forced to describe it; I can only call it 憌hat is Great。?br》 慓reat?means 慹ver…flowing?
  慹ver…flowing?means 憆eaching
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