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the six enneads-第101章

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e unvarying march 'of the kosmic circuit' the other 'the soul of the Individual' adopting itself to times and season。     The depth of the descent; also; will differ… sometimes lower; sometimes less low… and this even in its entry into any given Kind: all that is fixed is that each several soul descends to a recipient indicated by affinity of condition; it moves towards the thing which it There resembled; and enters; accordingly; into the body of man or animal。     13。 The Ineluctable; the Kosmic Law is; thus; rooted in a natural principle under which each several entity is overruled to go; duly and in order; towards that place and Kind to which it characteristically tends; that is towards the image of its primal choice and constitution。     In that archetypal world every form of soul is near to the image 'the thing in the world of copy' to which its individual constitution inclines it; there is therefore no need of a sender or leader acting at the right moment to bring it at the right moment whether into body or into a definitely appropriate body: of its own motion it descends at the precisely true time and enters where it must。 To every Soul its own hour; when that strikes it descends and enters the body suitable to it as at the cry of a herald; thus all is set stirring and advancing as by a magician's power or by some mighty traction; it is much as; in any living thing; the soul itself effects the fulfillment of the natural career; stirring and bringing forth; in due season; every element… beard; horn; and all the successive stages of tendency and of output… or; as it leads a tree through its normal course within set periods。     The Souls go forth neither under compulsion nor of freewill; or; at least; freedom; here; is not to be regarded as action upon preference; it is more like such a leap of the nature as moves men to the instinctive desire of sexual union; or; in the case of some; to fine conduct; the motive lies elsewhere than in the reason: like is destined unfailingly to like; and each moves hither or thither at its fixed moment。     Even the Intellectual…Principle; which is before all the kosmos; has; it also; its destiny; that of abiding intact above; and of giving downwards: what it sends down is the particular whose existence is implied in the law of the universal; for the universal broods closely over the particular; it is not from without that the law derives the power by which it is executed; on the contrary the law is given in the entities upon whom it falls; these bear it about with them。 Let but the moment arrive; and what it decrees will be brought to act by those beings in whom it resides; they fulfil it because they contain it; it prevails because it is within them; it becomes like a heavy burden; and sets up in them a painful longing to enter the realm to which they are bidden from within。     14。 Thus it comes about that this kosmos; lit with many lights; gleaming in its souls; receives still further graces; gifts from here and from there; from the gods of the Supreme; and from those other Intellectual…Principles whose nature it is to ensoul。 This is probably the secret of the myth in which; after Prometheus had moulded woman; the other gods heaped gifts upon her; Hephaistos 〃blending the clay with moisture and bestowing the human voice and the form of a goddess〃; Aphrodite bringing her gifts; and the Graces theirs; and other gods other gifts; and finally calling her by the name 'Pandora' which tells of gift and of all giving… for all have added something to this formation brought to being by a Promethean; a fore…thinking power。 As for the rejection of Prometheus' gift by after…thought; Epimetheus; what can this signify but that the wiser choice is to remain in the Intellectual realm? Pandora's creator is fettered; to signify that he is in some sense held by his own creation; such a fettering is external and the release by Hercules tells that there is power in Prometheus; so that he need not remain in bonds。     Take the myth as we may; it is certainly such an account of the bestowal of gifts upon the kosmos as harmonizes with our explanation of the universal system。     15。 The souls peering forth from the Intellectual Realm descend first to the heavens and there put on a body; this becomes at once the medium by which as they reach out more and more towards magnitude 'physical extension' they proceed to bodies progressively more earthy。 Some even plunge from heaven to the very lowest of corporeal forms; others pass; stage by stage; too feeble to lift towards the higher the burden they carry; weighed downwards by their heaviness and forgetfulness。     As for the differences among them; these are due to variation in the bodies entered; or to the accidents of life; or to upbringing; or to inherent peculiarities of temperament; or to all these influences together; or to specific combinations of them。     Then again some have fallen unreservedly into the power of the destiny ruling here: some yielding betimes are betimes too their own: there are those who; while they accept what must be borne; have the strength of self…mastery in all that is left to their own act; they have given themselves to another dispensation: they live by the code of the aggregate of beings; the code which is woven out of the Reason…Principles and all the other causes ruling in the kosmos; out of soul…movements and out of laws springing in the Supreme; a code; therefore; consonant with those higher existences; founded upon them; linking their sequents back to them; keeping unshakeably true all that is capable of holding itself set towards the divine nature; and leading round by all appropriate means whatsoever is less natively apt。     In fine all diversity of condition in the lower spheres is determined by the descendent beings themselves。     16。 The punishment justly overtaking the wicked must therefore be ascribed to the kosmic order which leads all in accordance with the right。     But what of chastisements; poverty; illness; falling upon the good outside of all justice? These events; we will be told; are equally interwoven into the world order and fall under prediction; and must consequently have a cause in the general reason: are they therefore to be charged to past misdoing?     No: such misfortunes do not answer to reasons established in the nature of things; they are not laid up in the master…facts of the universe; but were merely accidental sequents: a house falls; and anyone that chances to be underneath is killed; no matter what sort of man he be: two objects are moving in perfect order… or one if you like… but anything getting in the way is wounded or trampled down。 Or we may reason that the undeserved stroke can be no evil to the sufferer in view of the beneficent interweaving of the All or again; no doubt; that nothing is unjust that finds justification in a past history。     We may not think of some things being fitted into a system with others abandoned to the capricious; if things must happen by cause; by natural sequences; under one Reason…Principle and a single set scheme; we must admit that the minor equally with the major is fitted into that order and pattern。     Wrong…doing from man to man is wrong in the doer 
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