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the six enneads-第110章

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; and their intention is to greater objects: moreover each of them journeys; unchangeably; the same unchanging way; and again; there is no question to them of the time they spend in any given section of the journey; even supposing time division to be possible in the case。 All this granted; nothing makes it necessary that they should have any memory of places or times traversed。 Besides this life of the ensouled stars is one identical thing 'since they are one in the All…Soul' so that their very spatial movement is pivoted upon identity and resolves itself into a movement not spatial but vital; the movement of a single living being whose act is directed to itself; a being which to anything outside is at rest; but is in movement by dint of the inner life it possesses; the eternal life。 Or we may take the comparison of the movement of the heavenly bodies to a choral dance; if we think of it as a dance which comes to rest at some given period; the entire dance; accomplished from beginning to end; will be perfect while at each partial stage it was imperfect: but if the dance is a thing of eternity; it is in eternal perfection。 And if it is in eternal perfection; it has no points of time and place at which it will achieve perfection; it will; therefore; have no concern about attaining to any such points: it will; therefore; make no measurements of time or place; it will have; therefore; no memory of time and place。     If the stars live a blessed life in their vision of the life inherent in their souls; and if; by force of their souls' tendency to become one; and by the light they cast from themselves upon the entire heavens; they are like the strings of a lyre which; being struck in tune; sing a melody in some natural scale。。。 if this is the way the heavens; as one; are moved; and the component parts in their relation to the whole… the sidereal system moving as one; and each part in its own way; to the same purpose; though each; too; hold its own place… then our doctrine is all the more surely established; the life of the heavenly bodies is the more clearly an unbroken unity。     9。 But Zeus… ordering all; governor; guardian and disposer; possessor for ever of the kingly soul and the kingly intellect; bringing all into being by his providence; and presiding over all things as they come; administering all under plan and system; unfolding the periods of the kosmos; many of which stand already accomplished… would it not seem inevitable that; in this multiplicity of concern; Zeus should have memory of all the periods; their number and their differing qualities? Contriving the future; co…ordinating; calculating for what is to be; must he not surely be the chief of all in remembering; as he is chief in producing?     Even this matter of Zeus' memory of the kosmic periods is difficult; it is a question of their being numbered; and of his knowledge of their number。 A determined number would mean that the All had a beginning in time 'which is not so'; if the periods are unlimited; Zeus cannot know the number of his works。     The answer is that he will know all to be one thing existing in virtue of one life for ever: it is in this sense that the All is unlimited; and thus Zeus' knowledge of it will not be as of something seen from outside but as of something embraced in true knowledge; for this unlimited thing is an eternal indweller within himself… or; to be more accurate; eternally follows upon him… and is seen by an indwelling knowledge; Zeus knows his own unlimited life; and; in that knowledge knows the activity that flows from him to the kosmos; but he knows it in its unity not in its process。     10。 The ordering principle is twofold; there is the principle known to us as the Demiurge and there is the Soul of the All; we apply the appellation 〃Zeus〃 sometimes to the Demiurge and sometimes to the principle conducting the universe。     When under the name of Zeus we are considering the Demiurge we must leave out all notions of stage and progress; and recognize one unchanging and timeless life。     But the life in the kosmos; the life which carries the leading principle of the universe; still needs elucidation; does it operate without calculation; without searching into what ought to be done?     Yes: for what must be stands shaped before the kosmos; and is ordered without any setting in order: the ordered things are merely the things that come to be; and the principle that brings them into being is Order itself; this production is an act of a soul linked with an unchangeably established wisdom whose reflection in that soul is Order。 It is an unchanging wisdom; and there can therefore be no changing in the soul which mirrors it; not sometimes turned towards it; and sometimes away from it… and in doubt because it has turned away… but an unremitting soul performing an unvarying task。     The leading principle of the universe is a unity… and one that is sovereign without break; not sometimes dominant and sometimes dominated。 What source is there for any such multiplicity of leading principles as might result in contest and hesitation? And this governing unity must always desire the one thing: what could bring it to wish now for this and now for that; to its own greater perplexing? But observe: no perplexity need follow upon any development of this soul essentially a unity。 The All stands a multiple thing no doubt; having parts; and parts dashing with parts; but that does not imply that it need be in doubt as to its conduct: that soul does not take its essence from its ultimates or from its parts; but from the Primals; it has its source in the First and thence; along an unhindered path; it flows into a total of things; conferring grace; and; because it remains one same thing occupied in one task; dominating。 To suppose it pursuing one new object after another is to raise the question whence that novelty comes into being; the soul; besides; would be in doubt as to its action; its very work; the kosmos; would be the less well done by reason of the hesitancy which such calculations would entail。     11。 The administration of the kosmos is to be thought of as that of a living unit: there is the action determined by what is external; and has to do with the parts; and there is that determined by the internal and by the principle: thus a doctor basing his treatment on externals and on the parts directly affected will often be baffled and obliged to all sorts of calculation; while Nature will act on the basis of principle and need no deliberation。 And in so far as the kosmos is a conducted thing; its administration and its administrator will follow not the way of the doctor but the way of Nature。     And in the case of the universe; the administration is all the less complicated from the fact that the soul actually circumscribes; as parts of a living unity; all the members which it conducts。 For all the Kinds included in the universe are dominated by one Kind; upon which they follow; fitted into it; developing from it; growing out of it; just as the Kind manifested in the bough is related to the Kind in the tree as a whole。     What place; then; is there for reasoning; for calculation; what place for memory; where wisdom and knowledge are eternal; unfai
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