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the six enneads-第125章

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articularly one of kindred nature; must blunt the perception by itself absorbing part of the activity。 Apply fire to a body continuous through and through; and no doubt the core will be less affected than the surface: but where we are dealing with the sympathetic parts of one living being; there will scarcely be less sensation because of the intervening substance; or; if there should be; the degree of sensation will still be proportionate to the nature of the separate part; with the intervenient acting merely as a certain limitation; this; though; will not be the case where the element introduced is of a kind to overleap the bridge。     But this is saying that the sympathetic quality of the universe depends upon its being one living thing; and that our amenability to experience depends upon our belonging integrally to that unity; would it not follow that continuity is a condition of any perception of a remote object?     The explanation is that continuity and its concomitant; the bridging substance; come into play because a living being must be a continuous thing; but that; none the less; the receiving of impression is not an essentially necessary result of continuity; if it were; everything would receive such impression from everything else; and if thing is affected by thing in various separate orders; there can be no further question of any universal need of intervening substance。     Why it should be especially requisite in the act of seeing would have to be explained: in general; an object passing through the air does not affect it beyond dividing it; when a stone falls; the air simply yields; nor is it reasonable to explain the natural direction of movement by resistance; to do so would bring us to the absurdity that resistance accounts for the upward movement of fire; which on the contrary; overcomes the resistance of the air by its own essentially quick energy。 If we are told that the resistance is brought more swiftly into play by the very swiftness of the ascending body; that would be a mere accidental circumstance; not a cause of the upward motion: in trees the upthrust from the root depends on no such external propulsion; we; too; in our movements cleave the air and are in no wise forwarded by its resistance; it simply flows in from behind to fill the void we make。     If the severance of the air by such bodies leaves it unaffected; why must there be any severance before the images of sight can reach us?     And; further; once we reject the theory that these images reach us by way of some outstreaming from the objects seen; there is no reason to think of the air being affected and passing on to us; in a progression of impression; what has been impressed upon itself。     If our perception is to depend upon previous impressions made upon the air; then we have no direct knowledge of the object of vision; but know it only as through an intermediary; in the same way as we are aware of warmth where it is not the distant fire itself that warms us; but the warmed intervening air。 That is a matter of contact; but sight is not produced by contact: the application of an object to the eye would not produce sight; what is required is the illumination of the intervening medium; for the air in itself is a dark substance: If it were not for this dark substance there would probably be no reason for the existence of light: the dark intervening matter is a barrier; and vision requires that it be overcome by light。 Perhaps also the reason why an object brought close to the eye cannot be seen is that it confronts us with a double obscuration; its own and that of the air。     3。 For the most convincing proof that vision does not depend upon the transmission of impressions of any kind made upon the air; we have only to consider that in the darkness of night we can see a fire and the stars and their very shapes。     No one will pretend that these forms are reproduced upon the darkness and come to us in linked progression; if the fire thus rayed out its own form; there would be an end to the darkness。 In the blackest night; when the very stars are hidden and show no gleam of their light; we can see the fire of the beacon…stations and of maritime signal…towers。     Now if; in defiance of all that the senses tell us; we are to believe that in these examples the fire 'as light' traverses the air; then; in so far as anything is visible; it must be that dimmed reproduction in the air; not the fire itself。 But if an object can be seen on the other side of some intervening darkness; much more would it be visible with nothing intervening。     We may hold one thing certain: the impossibility of vision without an intervening substance does not depend upon that absence in itself: the sole reason is that; with the absence; there would be an end to the sympathy reigning in the living whole and relating the parts to each other in an existent unity。     Perception of every kind seems to depend on the fact that our universe is a whole sympathetic to itself: that it is so; appears from the universal participation in power from member to member; and especially in remote power。     No doubt it would be worth enquiry… though we pass it for the present… what would take place if there were another kosmos; another living whole having no contact with this one; and the far ridges of our heavens had sight: would our sphere see that other as from a mutually present distance; or could there be no dealing at all from this to that?     To return; there is a further consideration showing that sight is not brought about by this alleged modification of the intervenient。     Any modification of the air substance would necessarily be corporeal: there must be such an impression as is made upon sealing wax。 But this would require that each part of the object of vision be impressed on some corresponding portion of the intervenient: the intervenient; however; in actual contact with the eye would be just that portion whose dimensions the pupil is capable of receiving。 But as a matter of fact the entire object appears before the pupil; and it is seen entire by all within that air space for a great extent; in front; sideways; close at hand; from the back; as long as the line of vision is not blocked。 This shows that any given portion of the air contains the object of vision; in face view so to speak; and; at once; we are confronted by no merely corporeal phenomena; the facts are explicable only as depending upon the greater laws; the spiritual; of a living being one and self…sensitive。     4。 But there is the question of the linked light that must relate the visual organ to its object。     Now; firstly: since the intervening air is not necessary… unless in the purely accidental sense that air may be necessary to light… the light that acts as intermediate in vision will be unmodified: vision depends upon no modification whatever。 This one intermediate; light; would seem to be necessary; but; unless light is corporeal; no intervening body is requisite: and we must remember that intervenient and borrowed light is essential not to seeing in general but to distant vision; the question whether light absolutely requires the presence of air we will discuss later。 For the present one matter mus
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