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the six enneads-第138章

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e Soul。     But in spite of all it has; for ever; something transcendent: by a conversion towards the intellective act; it is loosed from the shackles and soars… when only it makes its memories the starting point of a new vision of essential being。 Souls that take this way have place in both spheres; living of necessity the life there and the life here by turns; the upper life reigning in those able to consort more continuously with the divine Intellect; the lower dominant where character or circumstances are less favourable。     All this is indicated by Plato; without emphasis; where he distinguishes those of the second mixing…bowl; describes them as 〃parts;〃 and goes on to say that; having in this way become partial; they must of necessity experience birth。     Of course; where he speaks of God sowing them; he is to be understood as when he tells of God speaking and delivering orations; what is rooted in the nature of the All is figuratively treated as coming into being by generation and creation: stage and sequence are transferred; for clarity of exposition; to things whose being and definite form are eternal。     5。 It is possible to reconcile all these apparent contradictions… the divine sowing to birth; as opposed to a voluntary descent aiming at the completion of the universe; the judgement and the cave; necessity and free choice… in fact the necessity includes the choice…embodiment as an evil; the Empedoclean teaching of a flight from God; a wandering away; a sin bringing its punishment; the 〃solace by flight〃 of Heraclitus; in a word a voluntary descent which is also voluntary。     All degeneration is no doubt involuntary; yet when it has been brought about by an inherent tendency; that submission to the inferior may be described as the penalty of an act。     On the other hand these experiences and actions are determined by an external law of nature; and they are due to the movement of a being which in abandoning its superior is running out to serve the needs of another: hence there is no inconsistency or untruth in saying that the soul is sent down by God; final results are always to be referred to the starting point even across many intervening stages。     Still there is a twofold flaw: the first lies in the motive of the Soul's descent 'its audacity; its Tolma'; and the second in the evil it does when actually here: the first is punished by what the soul has suffered by its descent: for the faults committed here; the lesser penalty is to enter into body after body… and soon to return… by judgement according to desert; the word judgement indicating a divine ordinance; but any outrageous form of ill…doing incurs a proportionately greater punishment administered under the surveillance of chastising daimons。     Thus; in sum; the soul; a divine being and a dweller in the loftier realms; has entered body; it is a god; a later phase of the divine: but; under stress of its powers and of its tendency to bring order to its next lower; it penetrates to this sphere in a voluntary plunge: if it turns back quickly; all is well; it will have taken no hurt by acquiring the knowledge of evil and coming to understand what sin is; by bringing its forces into manifest play; by exhibiting those activities and productions which; remaining merely potential in the unembodied; might as well never have been even there; if destined never to come into actuality; so that the soul itself would never have known that suppressed and inhibited total。     The act reveals the power; a power hidden; and we might almost say obliterated or nonexistent; unless at some moment it became effective: in the world as it is; the richness of the outer stirs us all to the wonder of the inner whose greatness is displayed in acts so splendid。     6。 Something besides a unity there must be or all would be indiscernibly buried; shapeless within that unbroken whole: none of the real beings 'of the Intellectual Kosmos' would exist if that unity remained at halt within itself: the plurality of these beings; offspring of the unity; could not exist without their own nexts taking the outward path; these are the beings holding the rank of souls。     In the same way the outgoing process could not end with the souls; their issue stifled: every Kind must produce its next; it must unfold from some concentrated central principle as from a seed; and so advance to its term in the varied forms of sense。 The prior in its being will remain unalterably in the native seat; but there is the lower phase; begotten to it by an ineffable faculty of its being; native to soul as it exists in the Supreme。     To this power we cannot impute any halt; any limit of jealous grudging; it must move for ever outward until the universe stands accomplished to the ultimate possibility。 All; thus; is produced by an inexhaustible power giving its gift to the universe; no part of which it can endure to see without some share in its being。     There is; besides; no principle that can prevent anything from partaking; to the extent of its own individual receptivity in the Nature of Good。 If therefore Matter has always existed; that existence is enough to ensure its participation in the being which; according to each receptivity; communicates the supreme good universally: if on the contrary; Matter has come into being as a necessary sequence of the causes preceding it; that origin would similarly prevent it standing apart from the scheme as though it were out of reach of the principle to whose grace it owes its existence。     In sum: The loveliness that is in the sense…realm is an index of the nobleness of the Intellectual sphere; displaying its power and its goodness alike: and all things are for ever linked; the one order Intellectual in its being; the other of sense; one self…existent; the other eternally taking its being by participation in that first; and to the full of its power reproducing the Intellectual nature。     7。 The Kind; then; with which we are dealing is twofold; the Intellectual against the sensible: better for the soul to dwell in the Intellectual; but; given its proper nature; it is under compulsion to participate in the sense…realm also。 There is no grievance in its not being; through and through; the highest; it holds mid…rank among the authentic existences; being of divine station but at the lowest extreme of the Intellectual and skirting the sense…known nature; thus; while it communicates to this realm something of its own store; it absorbs in turn whenever… instead of employing in its government only its safeguarded phase… it plunges in an excessive zeal to the very midst of its chosen sphere; then it abandons its status as whole soul with whole soul; though even thus it is always able to recover itself by turning to account the experience of what it has seen and suffered here; learning; so; the greatness of rest in the Supreme; and more clearly discerning the finer things by comparison with what is almost their direct antithesis。 Where the faculty is incapable of knowing without contact; the experience of evil brings the dearer perception of Good。     The outgoing that takes place in the Intellectual…Principle is a descent to its own downward ultimate: it cannot be a movement to the tra
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