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the six enneads-第150章

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ther words; there must be; with the made; the making source; and; unless these are to be identical; there will be need of some link between them。 Similarly; this link which is the Intellectual…Principle demands yet a Transcendent。 If we are asked why this Transcendent also should not have self…vision; our answer is that it has no need of vision; but this we will discuss later: for the moment we go back; since the question at issue is gravely important。     We repeat that the Intellectual…Principle must have; actually has; self…vision; firstly because it has multiplicity; next because it exists for the external and therefore must be a seeing power; one seeing that external; in fact its very essence is vision。 Given some external; there must be vision; and if there be nothing external the Intellectual…Principle 'Divine Mind' exists in vain。 Unless there is something beyond bare unity; there can be no vision: vision must converge with a visible object。 And this which the seer is to see can be only a multiple; no undistinguishable unity; nor could a universal unity find anything upon which to exercise any act; all; one and desolate; would be utter stagnation; in so far as there is action; there is diversity。 If there be no distinctions; what is there to do; what direction in which to move? An agent must either act upon the extern or be a multiple and so able to act upon itself: making no advance towards anything other than itself; it is motionless and where it could know only blank fixity it can know nothing。     The intellective power; therefore; when occupied with the intellectual act; must be in a state of duality; whether one of the two elements stand actually outside or both lie within: the intellectual act will always comport diversity as well as the necessary identity; and in the same way its characteristic objects 'the Ideas' must stand to the Intellectual…Principle as at once distinct and identical。 This applies equally to the single object; there can be no intellection except of something containing separable detail and; since the object is a Reason…principle 'a discriminated Idea' it has the necessary element of multiplicity。 The Intellectual…Principle; thus; is informed of itself by the fact of being a multiple organ of vision; an eye receptive of many illuminated objects。 If it had to direct itself to a memberless unity; it would be dereasoned: what could it say or know of such an object? The self…affirmation of 'even' a memberless unity implies the repudiation of all that does not enter into the character: in other words; it must be multiple as a preliminary to being itself。     Then; again; in the assertion 〃I am this particular thing;〃 either the 〃particular thing〃 is distinct from the assertor… and there is a false statement… or it is included within it; and; at once; multiplicity is asserted: otherwise the assertion is 〃I am what I am;〃 or 〃I am I。〃     If it be no more than a simple duality able to say 〃I and that other phase;〃 there is already multiplicity; for there is distinction and ground of distinction; there is number with all its train of separate things。     In sum; then; a knowing principle must handle distinct items: its object must; at the moment of cognition; contain diversity; otherwise the thing remains unknown; there is mere conjunction; such a contact; without affirmation or comprehension; as would precede knowledge; the intellect not yet in being; the impinging agent not percipient。     Similarly the knowing principle itself cannot remain simplex; especially in the act of self…knowing: all silent though its self…perception be; it is dual to itself。 Of course it has no need of minute self…handling since it has nothing to learn by its intellective act; before it is 'effectively' Intellect; it holds knowledge of its own content。 Knowledge implies desire; for it is; so to speak; discovery crowning a search; the utterly undifferentiated remains self…centred and makes no enquiry about that self: anything capable of analysing its content; must be a manifold。     11。 Thus the Intellectual…Principle; in the act of knowing the Transcendent; is a manifold。 It knows the Transcendent in very essence but; with all its effort to grasp that prior as a pure unity; it goes forth amassing successive impressions; so that; to it; the object becomes multiple: thus in its outgoing to its object it is not 'fully realised' Intellectual…Principle; it is an eye that has not yet seen; in its return it is an eye possessed of the multiplicity which it has itself conferred: it sought something of which it found the vague presentment within itself; it returned with something else; the manifold quality with which it has of its own act invested the simplex。     If it had not possessed a previous impression of the Transcendent; it could never have grasped it; but this impression; originally of unity; becomes an impression of multiplicity; and the Intellectual…Principle; in taking cognisance of that multiplicity; knows the Transcendent and so is realized as an eye possessed of its vision。     It is now Intellectual…Principle since it actually holds its object; and holds it by the act of intellection: before; it was no more than a tendance; an eye blank of impression: it was in motion towards the transcendental; now that it has attained; it has become Intellectual…Principle henceforth absorbed; in virtue of this intellection it holds the character of Intellectual…Principle; of Essential Existence and of Intellectual Act where; previously; not possessing the Intellectual Object; it was not Intellectual Perception; and; not yet having exercised the Intellectual Act; it was not Intellectual…Principle。     The Principle before all these principles is no doubt the first principle of the universe; but not as immanent: immanence is not for primal sources but for engendering secondaries; that which stands as primal source of everything is not a thing but is distinct from all things: it is not; then; a member of the total but earlier than all; earlier; thus; than the Intellectual…Principle… which in fact envelops the entire train of things。     Thus we come; once more; to a Being above the Intellectual…Principle and; since the sequent amounts to no less than the All; we recognise; again; a Being above the All。 This assuredly cannot be one of the things to which it is prior。 We may not call it 〃Intellect〃; therefore; too; we may not call it 〃the Good;〃 if 〃the Good〃 is to be taken in the sense of some one member of the universe; if we mean that which precedes the universe of things; the name may be allowed。     The Intellectual…Principle is established in multiplicity; its intellection; self…sprung though it be; is in the nature of something added to it 'some accidental dualism' and makes it multiple: the utterly simplex; and therefore first of all beings; must; then; transcend the Intellectual…Principle; and; obviously; if this had intellection it would no longer transcend the Intellectual…Principle but be it; and at once be a multiple。     12。 But why; after all; should it not be such a manifold as long as it remains one substantial existence; having the multiplicity not of a compound being but of a unity with a variety of activities?     Now
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