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the six enneads-第165章

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le to give a reason why the earth is set in the midst and why it is round and why the ecliptic runs precisely as it does; but; looking to the creating principle; we cannot say that because this was the way therefore things were so planned: we can say only that because the All is what it is; therefore there is a total of good; the causing principle; we might put it; reached the conclusion before all formal reasoning and not from any premises; not by sequence or plan but before either; since all of that order is later; all reason; demonstration; persuasion。     Since there is a Source; all the created must spring from it and in accordance with it; and we are rightly told not to go seeking the causes impelling a Source to produce; especially when this is the perfectly sufficient Source and identical with the Term: a Source which is Source and Term must be the All…Unity; complete in itself。     8。 This then is Beauty primally: it is entire and omnipresent as an entirety; and therefore in none of its parts or members lacking in beauty; beautiful thus beyond denial。 Certainly it cannot be anything 'be; for example; Beauty' without being wholly that thing; it can be nothing which it is to possess partially or in which it utterly fails 'and therefore it must entirely be Beauty entire'。     If this principle were not beautiful; what other could be? Its prior does not deign to be beautiful; that which is the first to manifest itself… Form and object of vision to the intellect… cannot but be lovely to see。 It is to indicate this that Plato; drawing on something well within our observation; represents the Creator as approving the work he has achieved: the intention is to make us feel the lovable beauty of the autotype and of the Divine Idea; for to admire a representation is to admire the original upon which it was made。     It is not surprising if we fail to  recognise what is passing within us: lovers; and those in general that admire beauty here; do not stay to reflect that it is to be traced; as of course it must be; to the Beauty There。 That the admiration of the Demiurge is to be referred to the Ideal Exemplar is deliberately made evident by the rest of the passage: 〃He admired; and determined to bring the work into still closer likeness with the Exemplar〃: he makes us feel the magnificent beauty of the Exemplar by telling us that the Beauty sprung from this world is; itself; a copy from That。     And indeed if the divine did not exist; the transcendently beautiful; in a beauty beyond all thought; what could be lovelier than the things we see? Certainly no reproach can rightly be brought against this world save only that it is not That。     9。 Let us; then; make a mental picture of our universe: each member shall remain what it is; distinctly apart; yet all is to form; as far as possible; a complete unity so that whatever comes into view shall show as if it were the surface of the orb over all; bringing immediately with it the vision; on the one plane; of the sun and of all the stars with earth and sea and all living things as if exhibited upon a transparent globe。     Bring this vision actually before your sight; so that there shall be in your mind the gleaming representation of a sphere; a picture holding sprung; themselves; of that universe and repose or some at rest; some in motion。 Keep this sphere before you; and from it imagine another; a sphere stripped of magnitude and of spatial differences; cast out your inborn sense of Matter; taking care not merely to attenuate it: call on God; maker of the sphere whose image you now hold; and pray Him to enter。 And may He come bringing His own Universe with all the Gods that dwell in it… He who is the one God and all the gods; where each is all; blending into a unity; distinct in powers but all one god in virtue of that one divine power of many facets。     More truly; this is the one God who is all the gods; for; in the coming to be of all those; this; the one; has suffered no diminishing。 He and all have one existence while each again is distinct。 It is distinction by state without interval: there is no outward form to set one here and another there and to prevent any from being an entire identity; yet there is no sharing of parts from one to another。 Nor is each of those divine wholes a power in fragment; a power totalling to the sum of the measurable segments: the divine is one all…power; reaching out to infinity; powerful to infinity; and so great is God that his very members are infinites。 What place can be named to which He does not reach?     Great; too; is this firmament of ours and all the powers constellated within it; but it would be greater still; unspeakably; but that there is inbound in it something of the petty power of body; no doubt the powers of fire and other bodily substances might themselves be thought very great; but in fact; it is through their failure in the true power that we see them burning; destroying; wearing things away; and slaving towards the production of life; they destroy because they are themselves in process of destruction; and they produce because they belong to the realm of the produced。     The power in that other world has merely Being and Beauty of Being。 Beauty without Being could not be; nor Being voided of Beauty: abandoned of Beauty; Being loses something of its essence。 Being is desirable because it is identical with Beauty; and Beauty is loved because it is Being。 How then can we debate which is the cause of the other; where the nature is one? The very figment of Being needs some imposed image of Beauty to make it passable and even to ensure its existence; it exists to the degree in which it has taken some share in the beauty of Idea; and the more deeply it has drawn on this; the less imperfect it is; precisely because the nature which is essentially the beautiful has entered into it the more intimately。     10。 This is why Zeus; although the oldest of the gods and their sovereign; advances first 'in the Phaidros myth' towards that vision; followed by gods and demigods and such souls as are of strength to see。 That Being appears before them from some unseen place and rising loftily over them pours its light upon all things; so that all gleams in its radiance; it upholds some beings; and they see; the lower are dazzled and turn away; unfit to gaze upon that sun; the trouble falling the more heavily on those most remote。     Of those looking upon that Being and its content; and able to see; all take something but not all the same vision always: intently gazing; one sees the fount and principle of Justice; another is filled with the sight of Moral Wisdom; the original of that quality as found; sometimes at least; among men; copied by them in their degree from the divine virtue which; covering all the expanse; so to speak; of the Intellectual Realm is seen; last attainment of all; by those who have known already many splendid visions。     The gods see; each singly and all as one。 So; too; the souls; they see all There in right of being sprung; themselves; of that universe and therefore including all from beginning to end and having their existence There if only by that phase which belongs inherently to the Divine; though often too they are There 
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