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the six enneads-第174章

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as failed still more: or; if we choose the negative aspect; we may think of them both as failing to participate in a Form which naturally belonged to them。     Sensation may be regarded as a Form of double origin 'determined both by the sense…organ and by the sensible object'; and similarly with knowledge。     Habit is an Act directed upon something had 'some experience produced by habit' and binding it as it were with the subject having 'experiencing'; as the Act of production binds producer and product。     Measurement is an Act of the measurer upon the measured object: it too is therefore a kind of Reason…Principle。     Now if the condition of being related is regarded as a Form having a generic unity; Relation must be allowed to be a single genus owing its reality to a Reason…Principle involved in all instances。 If however the Reason…Principles 'governing the correlatives' stand opposed and have the differences to which we have referred; there may perhaps not be a single genus; but this will not prevent all relatives being expressed in terms of a certain likeness and falling under a single category。     But even if the cases of which we have spoken can be subsumed under a single head; it is nevertheless impossible to include in a single genus all that goes with them in the one common category: for the category includes negations and derivatives… not only; for example; double but also its negative; the resultant doubleness and the act of doubling。 But we cannot include in one genus both the thing and its negative… double and not…double; relative and not…relative… any more than in dealing with the genus animal we can insert in it the nonanimal。 Moreover; doubleness and doubling have only the relation to double that whiteness has to white; they cannot be classed as identical with it。     10。 As regards Quality; the source of what we call a 〃quale;〃 we must in the first place consider what nature it possesses in accordance with which it produces the 〃qualia;〃 and whether; remaining one and the same in virtue of that common ground; it has also differences whereby it produces the variety of species。 If there is no common ground and the term Quality involves many connotations; there cannot be a single genus of Quality。     What then will be the common ground in habit; disposition; passive quality; figure; shape? In light; thick and lean?     If we hold this common ground to be a power adapting itself to the forms of habits; dispositions and physical capacities; a power which gives the possessor whatever capacities he has; we have no plausible explanation of incapacities。 Besides; how are figure and the shape of a given thing to be regarded as a power?     Moreover; at this; Being will have no power qua Being but only when Quality has been added to it; and the activities of those substances which are activities in the highest degree; will be traceable to Quality; although they are autonomous and owe their essential character to powers wholly their own!     Perhaps; however; qualities are conditioned by powers which are posterior to the substances as such 'and so do not interfere with their essential activities'。 Boxing; for example; is not a power of man qua man; reasoning is: therefore reasoning; on this hypothesis; is not quality but a natural possession of the mature human being; it therefore is called a quality only by analogy。 Thus; Quality is a power which adds the property of being qualia to substances already existent。     The differences distinguishing substances from each other are called qualities only by analogy; they are; more strictly; Acts and Reason…Principles; or parts of Reason…Principles; and though they may appear merely to qualify the substance; they in fact indicate its essence。     Qualities in the true sense… those; that is; which determine qualia… being in accordance with our definition powers; will in virtue of this common ground be a kind of Reason…Principle; they will also be in a sense Forms; that is; excellences and imperfections whether of soul or of body。     But how can they all be powers? Beauty or health of soul or body; very well: but surely not ugliness; disease; weakness; incapacity。 In a word; is powerlessness a power?     It may be urged that these are qualities in so far as qualia are also named after them: but may not the qualia be so called by analogy; and not in the strict sense of the single principle? Not only may the term be understood in the four ways 'of Aristotle'; but each of the four may have at least a twofold significance。     In the first place; Quality is not merely a question of action and passion; involving a simple distinction between the potentially active 'quality' and the passive: health; disposition and habit; disease; strength and weakness are also classed as qualities。 It follows that the common ground is not power; but something we have still to seek。     Again; not all qualities can be regarded as Reason…Principles: chronic disease cannot be a Reason…Principle。 Perhaps; however; we must speak in such cases of privations; restricting the term 〃Quantities〃 to Ideal…Forms and powers。 Thus we shall have; not a single genus; but reference only to the unity of a category。 Knowledge will be regarded as a Form and a power; ignorance as a privation and powerlessness。     On the other hand; powerlessness and disease are a kind of Form; disease and vice have many powers though looking to evil。     But how can a mere failure be a power? Doubtless the truth is that every quality performs its own function independently of a standard; for in no case could it produce an effect outside of its power。     Even beauty would seem to have a power of its own。 Does this apply to triangularity?     Perhaps; after all; it is not a power we must consider; but a disposition。 Thus; qualities will be determined by the forms and characteristics of the object qualified: their common element; then; will be Form and ideal type; imposed upon Substance and posterior to it。     But then; how do we account for the powers? We may doubtless remark that even the natural boxer is so by being constituted in a particular way; similarly; with the man unable to box: to generalize; the quality is a characteristic non…essential。 Whatever is seen to apply alike to Being and to non…Being; as do heat and whiteness and colours generally; is either different from Being… is; for example; an Act of Being… or else is some secondary of Being; derived from it; contained in it; its image and likeness。     But if Quality is determined by formation and characteristic and Reason…Principle; how explain the various cases of powerlessness and deformity? Doubtless we must think of Principles imperfectly present; as in the case of deformity。 And disease… how does that imply a Reason…Principle? Here; no doubt; we must think of a principle disturbed; the Principle of health。     But it is not necessary that all qualities involve a Reason…Principle; it suffices that over and above the various kinds of disposition there exist a common element distinct from Substance; and it is what comes after the substance that constitutes Quality in an object。     But triangularity is a quality of that in which it is present; it is however no longer tri
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