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the six enneads-第189章

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self。 There are problems here that demand investigation。     But since we identified the amalgam of the Existents 'or primary genera' with the particular intellect; Intellect as such being found identical with Being or Substance; and therefore prior to all the Existents; which may be regarded as its species or members; we may infer that the intellect; considered as completely unfolded; is a subsequent。     Our treatment of this problem may serve to promote our investigation; we will take it as a kind of example; and with it embark upon our enquiry。     20。 We may thus distinguish two phases of Intellect; in one of which it may be taken as having no contact whatever with particulars and no Act upon anything; thus it is kept apart from being a particular intellect。 In the same way science is prior to any of its constituent species; and the specific science is prior to any of its component parts: being none of its particulars; it is the potentiality of all; each particular; on the other hand; is actually itself; but potentially the sum of all the particulars: and as with the specific science; so with science as a whole。 The specific sciences lie in potentiality in science the total; even in their specific character they are potentially the whole; they have the whole predicated of them and not merely a part of the whole。 At the same time; science must exist as a thing in itself; unharmed by its divisions。     So with Intellect。 Intellect as a whole must be thought of as prior to the intellects actualized as individuals; but when we come to the particular intellects; we find that what subsists in the particulars must be maintained from the totality。 The Intellect subsisting in the totality is a provider for the particular intellects; is the potentiality of them: it involves them as members of its universality; while they in turn involve the universal Intellect in their particularity; just as the particular science involves science the total。     The great Intellect; we maintain; exists in itself and the particular intellects in themselves; yet the particulars are embraced in the whole; and the whole in the particulars。 The particular intellects exist by themselves and in another; the universal by itself and in those。 All the particulars exist potentially in that self…existent universal; which actually is the totality; potentially each isolated member: on the other hand; each particular is actually what it is 'its individual self'; potentially the totality。 In so far as what is predicated of them is their essence; they are actually what is predicated of them; but where the predicate is a genus; they are that only potentially。 On the other hand; the universal in so far as it is a genus is the potentiality of all its subordinate species; though none of them in actuality; all are latent in it; but because its essential nature exists in actuality before the existence of the species; it does not submit to be itself particularized。 If then the particulars are to exist in actuality… to exist; for example; as species… the cause must lie in the Act radiating from the universal。     21。 How then does the universal Intellect produce the particulars while; in virtue of its Reason…Principle; remaining a unity? In other words; how do the various grades of Being; as we call them; arise from the four primaries? Here is this great; this infinite Intellect; not given to idle utterance but to sheer intellection; all…embracing; integral; no part; no individual: how; we ask; can it possibly be the source of all this plurality?     Number at all events it possesses in the objects of its contemplation: it is thus one and many; and the many are powers; wonderful powers; not weak but; being pure; supremely great and; so to speak; full to overflowing powers in very truth; knowing no limit; so that they are infinite; infinity; Magnitude…Absolute。     As we survey this Magnitude with the beauty of Being within it and the glory and light around it; all contained in Intellect; we see; simultaneously; Quality already in bloom; and along with the continuity of its Act we catch a glimpse of Magnitude at Rest。 Then; with one; two and three in Intellect; Magnitude appears as of three dimensions; with Quantity entire。 Quantity thus given and Quality; both merging into one and; we may almost say; becoming one; there is at once shape。 Difference slips in to divide both Quantity and Quality; and so we have variations in shape and differences of Quality。 Identity; coming in with Difference; creates equality; Difference meanwhile introducing into Quantity inequality; whether in number or in magnitude: thus are produced circles and squares; and irregular figures; with number like and unlike; odd and even。     The life of Intellect is intelligent; and its activity 'Act' has no failing…point: hence it excludes none of the constituents we have discovered within it; each one of which we now see as an intellectual function; and all of them possessed by virtue of its distinctive power and in the mode appropriate to Intellect。     But though Intellect possesses them all by way of thought; this is not discursive thought: nothing it lacks that is capable of serving as Reason…Principle; while it may itself be regarded as one great and perfect Reason…Principle; holding all the Principles as one and proceeding from its own Primaries; or rather having eternally proceeded; so that 〃proceeding〃 is never true of it。 It is a universal rule that whatever reasoning discovers to exist in Nature is to be found in Intellect apart from all ratiocination: we conclude that Being has so created Intellect that its reasoning is after a mode similar to that of the Principles which produce living beings; for the Reason…Principles; prior to reasoning though they are; act invariably in the manner which the most careful reasoning would adopt in order to attain the best results。     What conditions; then; are we to think of as existing in that realm which is prior to Nature and transcends the Principles of Nature? In a sphere in which Substance is not distinct from Intellect; and neither Being nor Intellect is of alien origin; it is obvious that Being is best served by the domination of Intellect; so that Being is what Intellect wills and is: thus alone can it be authentic and primary Being; for if Being is to be in any sense derived; its derivation must be from Intellect。     Being; thus; exhibits every shape and every quality; it is not seen as a thing determined by some one particular quality; there could not be one only; since the principle of Difference is there; and since Identity is equally there; it must be simultaneously one and many。 And so Being is; such it always was: unity…with…plurality appears in all its species; as witness all the variations of magnitude; shape and quality。 Clearly nothing may legitimately be excluded 'from Being'; for the whole must be complete in the higher sphere which; otherwise; would not be the whole。     Life; too; burst upon Being; or rather was inseparably bound up with it; and thus it was that all living things of necessity came to be。 Body too was there; since Matter and Quality were present。     Everything exists forever; unfailing; involved by very existence in eter
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