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the six enneads-第195章

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 just as the more beautiful can have no existence without the beautiful。     12。 It follows that we must allow contrariety to Quantity: whenever we speak of great and small; our notions acknowledge this contrariety by evolving opposite images; as also when we refer to many and few; indeed; 〃few〃 and 〃many〃 call for similar treatment to 〃small〃 and 〃great。〃     〃Many;〃 predicated of the inhabitants of a house; does duty for 〃more〃: 〃few〃 people are said to be in the theatre instead of 〃less。〃     〃Many;〃 again; necessarily involves a large numerical plurality。 This plurality can scarcely be a relative; it is simply an expansion of number; its contrary being a contraction。     The same applies to the continuous 'magnitude'; the notion of which entails prolongation to a distant point。     Quantity; then; appears whenever there is a progression from the unit or the point: if either progression comes to a rapid halt; we have respectively 〃few〃 and 〃small〃; if it goes forward and does not quickly cease; 〃many〃 and 〃great。〃     What; we may be asked; is the limit of this progression? What; we retort; is the limit of beauty; or of heat? Whatever limit you impose; there is always a 〃hotter〃; yet 〃hotter〃 is accounted a relative; 〃hot〃 a pure quality。     In sum; just as there is a Reason…Principle of Beauty; so there must be a Reason…Principle of greatness; participation in which makes a thing great; as the Principle of beauty makes it beautiful。     To judge from these instances; there is contrariety in Quantity。 Place we may neglect as not strictly coming under the category of Quantity; if it were admitted; 〃above〃 could only be a contrary if there were something in the universe which was 〃below〃: as referring to the partial; the terms 〃above〃 and 〃below〃 are used in a purely relative sense; and must go with 〃right〃 and 〃left〃 into the category of Relation。     Syllable and discourse are only indirectly quantities or substrates of Quantity; it is voice that is quantitative: but voice is a kind of Motion; it must accordingly in any case 'quantity or no quantity' be referred to Motion; as must activity also。     13。 It has been remarked that the continuous is effectually distinguished from the discrete by their possessing the one a common; the other a separate; limit。     The same principle gives rise to the numerical distinction between odd and even; and it holds good that if there are differentiae found in both contraries; they are either to be abandoned to the objects numbered; or else to be considered as differentiae of the abstract numbers; and not of the numbers manifested in the sensible objects。 If the numbers are logically separable from the objects; that is no reason why we should not think of them as sharing the same differentiae。     But how are we to differentiate the continuous; comprising as it does line; surface and solid? The line may be rated as of one dimension; the surface as of two dimensions; the solid as of three; if we are only making a calculation and do not suppose that we are dividing the continuous into its species; for it is an invariable rule that numbers; thus grouped as prior and posterior; cannot be brought into a common genus; there is no common basis in first; second and third dimensions。 Yet there is a sense in which they would appear to be equal… namely; as pure measures of Quantity: of higher and lower dimensions; they are not however more or less quantitative。     Numbers have similarly a common property in their being numbers all; and the truth may well be; not that One creates two; and two creates three; but that all have a common source。     Suppose; however; that they are not derived from any source whatever; but merely exist; we at any rate conceive them as being derived; and so may be assumed to regard the smaller as taking priority over the greater: yet; even so; by the mere fact of their being numbers they are reducible to a single type。     What applies to numbers is equally true of magnitudes; though here we have to distinguish between line; surface and solid… the last also referred to as 〃body〃… in the ground that; while all are magnitudes; they differ specifically。     It remains to enquire whether these species are themselves to be divided: the line into straight; circular; spiral; the surface into rectilinear and circular figures; the solid into the various solid figures… sphere and polyhedra: whether these last should be subdivided; as by the geometers; into those contained by triangular and quadrilateral planes: and whether a further division of the latter should be performed。     14。 How are we to classify the straight line? Shall we deny that it is a magnitude?     The suggestion may be made that it is a qualified magnitude。 May we not; then; consider straightness as a differentia of 〃line〃? We at any rate draw on Quality for differentiae of Substance。     The straight line is; thus; a quantity plus a differentia; but it is not on that account a composite made up of straightness and line: if it be a composite; the composite possesses a differentiae of its own。     But 'if the line is a quantity' why is not the product of three lines included in Quantity? The answer is that a triangle consists not merely of three lines but of three lines in a particular disposition; a quadrilateral of four lines in a particular disposition: even the straight line involves disposition as well as quantity。     Holding that the straight line is not mere quantity; we should naturally proceed to assert that the line as limited is not mere quantity; but for the fact that the limit of a line is a point; which is in the same category; Quantity。 Similarly; the limited surface will be a quantity; since lines; which have a far better right than itself to this category; constitute its limits。 With the introduction of the limited surface… rectangle; hexagon; polygon… into the category of Quantity; this category will be brought to include every figure whatsoever。     If however by classing the triangle and the rectangle as qualia we propose to bring figures under Quality; we are not thereby precluded from assigning the same object to more categories than one: in so far as it is a magnitude… a magnitude of such and such a size… it will belong to Quantity; in so far as it presents a particular shape; to Quality。     It may be urged that the triangle is essentially a particular shape。 Then what prevents our ranking the sphere also as a quality?     To proceed on these lines would lead us to the conclusion that geometry is concerned not with magnitudes but with Quality。 But this conclusion is untenable; geometry is the study of magnitudes。 The differences of magnitudes do not eliminate the existence of magnitudes as such; any more than the differences of substances annihilate the substances themselves。     Moreover; every surface is limited; it is impossible for any surface to be infinite in extent。     Again; when I find Quality bound up with Substance; I regard it as substantial quality: I am not less; but far more; disposed to see in figures or shapes 'qualitative' varieties of Quantity。 Besides; if we are not to regard them as varieties of magnitude; to what genus are we to assign them?     Suppose; then; that we a
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