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the six enneads-第209章

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ne considering the mode in which Matter participates in the Ideas will be ready enough to accept this tenet of omnipresence in identity; no longer rejecting it as incredible or even difficult。 This because it seems reasonable and imperative to dismiss any notion of the Ideas lying apart with Matter illumined from them as from somewhere above… a meaningless conception; for what have distance and separation to do here?     This participation cannot be thought of as elusive or very perplexing; on the contrary; it is obvious; accessible in many examples。     Note; however; that when we sometimes speak of the Ideas illuminating Matter this is not to suggest the mode in which material light pours down on a material object; we use the phrase in the sense only that; the material being image while the Ideas are archetypes; the two orders are distinguished somewhat in the manner of illuminant and illuminated。 But it is time to be more exact。     We do not mean that the Idea; locally separate; shows itself in Matter like a reflection in water; the Matter touches the Idea at every point; though not in a physical contact; and; by dint of neighbourhood… nothing to keep them apart… is able to absorb thence all that lies within its capacity; the Idea itself not penetrating; not approaching; the Matter; but remaining self…locked。     We take it; then; that the Idea; say of Fire… for we had best deal with Matter as underlying the elements… is not in the Matter。 The Ideal Fire; then; remaining apart; produces the form of fire throughout the entire enfired mass。 Now let us suppose… and the same method will apply to all the so…called elements… that this Fire in its first material manifestation is a multiple mass。 That single Fire is seen producing an image of itself in all the sensible fires; yet it is not spatially separate; it does not; then; produce that image in the manner of our visible light; for in that case all this sensible fire; supposing that it were a whole of parts 'as the analogy would necessitate'; must have generated spatial positions out of itself; since the Idea or Form remains in a non…spatial world; for a principle thus pluralized must first have departed from its own character in order to be present in that many and participate many times in the one same Form。     The Idea; impartible; gives nothing of itself to the Matter; its unbreaking unity; however; does not prevent it shaping that multiple by its own unity and being present to the entirety of the multiple; bringing it to pattern not by acting part upon part but by presence entire to the object entire。 It would be absurd to introduce a multitude of Ideas of Fire; each several fire being shaped by a particular idea; the Ideas of fire would be infinite。 Besides; how would these resultant fires be distinct; when fire is a continuous unity? and if we apply yet another fire to certain matter and produce a greater fire; then the same Idea must be allowed to have functioned in the same way in the new matter as in the old; obviously there is no other Idea。     9。 The elements in their totality; as they stand produced; may be thought of as one spheric figure; this cannot be the piecemeal product of many makers each working from some one point on some one portion。 There must be one cause; and this must operate as an entire; not by part executing part; otherwise we are brought back to a plurality of makers。 The making must be referred to a partless unity; or; more precisely; the making principle must be a partless unity not permeating the sphere but holding it as one dependent thing。 In this way the sphere is enveloped by one identical life in which it is inset; its entire content looks to the one life: thus all the souls are one; a one; however; which yet is infinite。     It is in this understanding that the soul has been taken to be a numerical principle; while others think of it as in its nature a self…increasing number; this latter notion is probably designed to meet the consideration that the soul at no point fails but; retaining its distinctive character; is ample for all; so much so that were the kosmos vaster yet the virtue of soul would still compass it… or rather the kosmos still be sunk in soul entire。     Of course; we must understand this adding of extension not as a literal increase but in the sense that the soul; essentially a unity; becomes adequate to omnipresence; its unity sets it outside of quantitative measurement; the characteristic of that other order which has but a counterfeit unity; an appearance by participation。     The essential unity is no aggregate to be annulled upon the loss of some one of the constituents; nor is it held within any allotted limits; for so it would be the less for a set of things; more extensive than itself; outside its scope; or it must wrench itself asunder in the effort to reach to all; besides; its presence to things would be no longer as whole to all but by part to part; in vulgar phrase; it does not know where it stands; dismembered; it no longer performs any one single function。     Now if this principle is to be a true unity… where the unity is of the essence… it must in some way be able to manifest itself as including the contrary nature; that of potential multiplicity; while by the fact that this multiplicity belongs to it not as from without but as from and by itself; it remains authentically one; possessing boundlessness and multiplicity within that unity; its nature must be such that it can appear as a whole at every point; this; as encircled by a single self…embracing Reason…Principle; which holds fast about that unity; never breaking with itself but over all the universe remaining what it must be。     The unity is in this way saved from the local division of the things in which it appears; and; of course; existing before all that is in place; it could never be founded upon anything belonging to that order of which; on the contrary; it is the foundation; yet; for all that they are based upon it; it does not cease to be wholly self…gathered; if its fixed seat were shaken; all the rest would fall with the fall of their foundation and stay; nor could it be so unintelligent as to tear itself apart by such a movement and; secure within its own being; trust itself to the insecurity of place which; precisely; looks to it for safety。     10。 It remains; then; poised in wisdom within itself; it could not enter into any other; those others look to it and in their longing find it where it is。 This is that 〃Love Waiting at the Door;〃 ever coming up from without; striving towards the beautiful; happy when to the utmost of its power it attains。 Even here the lover does not so much possess himself of the beauty he has loved as wait before it; that Beauty is abidingly self…enfolded but its lovers; the Many; loving it as an entire; possess it as an entire when they attain; for it was an entire that they loved。 This seclusion does not prevent its sufficing to all; but is the very reason for its adequacy; because it is thus entire for all it can be The Good to all。     Similarly wisdom is entire to all; it is one thing; it is not distributed parcelwise; it cannot be fixed to place; it is not spread about like a colouring; for it is not corpor
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