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the six enneads-第48章

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there should be failing and error; not in the highest; the intellectual; Principle but in Souls that are like undeveloped children? And is not life justified even so if it is a training ground with its victors and its vanquished?     You are wronged; need that trouble an immortal? You are put to death; you have attained your desire。 And from the moment your citizenship of the world becomes irksome you are not bound to it。     Our adversaries do not deny that even here there is a system of law and penalty: and surely we cannot in justice blame a dominion which awards to every one his due; where virtue has its honour; and vice comes to its fitting shame; in which there are not merely representations of the gods; but the gods themselves; watchers from above; and… as we read… easily rebutting human reproaches; since they lead all things in order from a beginning to an end; allotting to each human being; as life follows life; a fortune shaped to all that has preceded… the destiny which; to those that do not penetrate it; becomes the matter of boorish insolence upon things divine。     A man's one task is to strive towards making himself perfect… though not in the idea… really fatal to perfection… that to be perfect is possible to himself alone。     We must recognize that other men have attained the heights of goodness; we must admit the goodness of the celestial spirits; and above all of the gods… those whose presence is here but their contemplation in the Supreme; and loftiest of them; the lord of this All; the most blessed Soul。 Rising still higher; we hymn the divinities of the Intellectual Sphere; and; above all these; the mighty King of that dominion; whose majesty is made patent in the very multitude of the gods。     It is not by crushing the divine unto a unity but by displaying its exuberance… as the Supreme himself has displayed it… that we show knowledge of the might of God; who; abidingly what He is; yet creates that multitude; all dependent on Him; existing by Him and from Him。     This Universe; too; exists by Him and looks to Him… the Universe as a whole and every God within it… and tells of Him to men; all alike revealing the plan and will of the Supreme。     These; in the nature of things; cannot be what He is; but that does not justify you in contempt of them; in pushing yourself forward as not inferior to them。     The more perfect the man; the more compliant he is; even towards his fellows; we must temper our importance; not thrusting insolently beyond what our nature warrants; we must allow other beings; also; their place in the presence of the Godhead; we may not set ourselves alone next after the First in a dream…flight which deprives us of our power of attaining identity with the Godhead in the measure possible to the human Soul; that is to say; to the point of likeness to which the Intellectual…Principle leads us; to exalt ourselves above the Intellectual…Principle is to fall from it。     Yet imbeciles are found to accept such teaching at the mere sound of the words 〃You; yourself; are to be nobler than all else; nobler than men; nobler than even gods。〃 Human audacity is very great: a man once modest; restrained and simple hears; 〃You; yourself; are the child of God; those men whom you used to venerate; those beings whose worship they inherit from antiquity; none of these are His children; you without lifting a hand are nobler than the very heavens〃; others take up the cry: the issue will be much as if in a crowd all equally ignorant of figures; one man were told that he stands a thousand cubic feet; he will naturally accept his thousand cubits even though the others present are said to measure only five cubits; he will merely tell himself that the thousand indicates a considerable figure。     Another point: God has care for you; how then can He be indifferent to the entire Universe in which you exist?     We may be told that He is too much occupied to look upon the Universe; and that it would not be right for Him to do so; yet; when He looks down and upon these people; is He not looking outside Himself and upon the Universe in which they exist? If He cannot look outside Himself so as to survey the Kosmos; then neither does He look upon them。     But they have no need of Him?     The Universe has need of Him; and He knows its ordering and its indwellers and how far they belong to it and how far to the Supreme; and which of the men upon it are friends of God; mildly acquiescing with the Kosmic dispensation when in the total course of things some pain must be brought to them… for we are to look not to the single will of any man but to the universe entire; regarding every one according to worth but not stopping for such things where all that may is hastening onward。     Not one only kind of being is bent upon this quest; which brings bliss to whatsoever achieves; and earns for the others a future destiny in accord with their power。 No man; therefore; may flatter himself that he alone is competent; a pretension is not a possession; many boast though fully conscious of their lack and many imagine themselves to possess what was never theirs and even to be alone in possessing what they alone of men never had。     10。 Under detailed investigation; many other tenets of this school… indeed we might say all… could be corrected with an abundance of proof。 But I am withheld by regard for some of our own friends who fell in with this doctrine before joining our circle and; strangely; still cling to it。     The school; no doubt; is free…spoken enough… whether in the set purpose of giving its opinions a plausible colour of verity or in honest belief… but we are addressing here our own acquaintances; not those people with whom we could make no way。 We have spoken in the hope of preventing our friends from being perturbed by a party which brings; not proof… how could it?… but arbitrary; tyrannical assertion; another style of address would be applicable to such as have the audacity to flout the noble and true doctrines of the august teachers of antiquity。     That method we will not apply; anyone that has fully grasped the preceding discussion will know how to meet every point in the system。     Only one other tenet of theirs will be mentioned before passing the matter; it is one which surpasses all the rest in sheer folly; if that is the word。     They first maintain that the Soul and a certain 〃Wisdom〃 'Sophia' declined and entered this lower sphere though they leave us in doubt of whether the movement originated in Soul or in this Sophia of theirs; or whether the two are the same to them… then they tell us that the other Souls came down in the descent and that these members of Sophia took to themselves bodies; human bodies; for example。     Yet in the same breath; that very Soul which was the occasion of descent to the others is declared not to have descended。 〃It knew no decline;〃 but merely illuminated the darkness in such a way that an image of it was formed upon the Matter。 Then; they shape an image of that image somewhere below… through the medium of Matter or of Materiality or whatever else of many names they choose to give it in their frequent change of terms; invented to darken their doctrine… and so they bring into bein
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