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the six enneads-第76章

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 the case represented by the stamping of a design upon wax; where the 〃presence〃 of the added pattern causes no modification in the substance nor does its obliteration diminish it。 And there is the example of Light whose presence does not even bring change of pattern to the object illuminated。 A stone becoming cold does not change its nature in the process; it remains the stone it was。 A drawing does not cease to be a drawing for being coloured。     The intermediary mass on which these surface changes appear is certainly not transmuted by them; but might there not be a modification of the underlying Matter?     No: it is impossible to think of Matter being modified by; for instance; colour… for; of course we must not talk of modification when there is no more than a presence; or at most a presenting of shape。     Mirrors and transparent objects; even more; offer a close parallel; they are quite unaffected by what is seen in or through them: material things are reflections; and the Matter on which they appear is further from being affected than is a mirror。 Heat and cold are present in Matter; but the Matter itself suffers no change of temperature: growing hot and growing cold have to do only with quality; a quality enters and brings the impassible Substance under a new state… though; by the way; research into nature may show that cold is nothing positive but an absence; a mere negation。 The qualities come together into Matter; but in most cases they can have no action upon each other; certainly there can be none between those of unlike scope: what effect; for example; could fragrance have on sweetness or the colour…quality on the quality of form; any quality on another of some unrelated order? The illustration of the mirror may well indicate to us that a given substratum may contain something quite distinct from itself… even something standing to it as a direct contrary… and yet remain entirely unaffected by what is thus present to it or merged into it。     A thing can be hurt only by something related to it; and similarly things are not changed or modified by any chance presence: modification comes by contrary acting upon contrary; things merely different leave each other as they were。 Such modification by a direct contrary can obviously not occur in an order of things to which there is no contrary: Matter; therefore 'the mere absence of Reality' cannot be modified: any modification that takes place can occur only in some compound of Matter and reality; or; speaking generally; in some agglomeration of actual things。 The Matter itself… isolated; quite apart from all else; utterly simplex… must remain immune; untouched in the midst of all the interacting agencies; just as when people fight within their four walls; the house and the air in it remain without part in the turmoil。     We may take it; then; that while all the qualities and entities that appear upon Matter group to produce each the effect belonging to its nature; yet Matter itself remains immune; even more definitely immune than any of those qualities entering into it which; not being contraries; are not affected by each other。     10。 Further: If Matter were susceptible of modification; it must acquire something by the incoming of the new state; it will either adopt that state; or; at least; it will be in some way different from what it was。 Now upon this first incoming quality suppose a second to supervene; the recipient is no longer Matter but a modification of Matter: this second quality; perhaps; departs; but it has acted and therefore leaves something of itself after it; the substratum is still further altered。 This process proceeding; the substratum ends by becoming something quite different from Matter; it becomes a thing settled in many modes and many shapes; at once it is debarred from being the all…recipient; it will have closed the entry against many incomers。 In other words; the Matter is no longer there: Matter is destructible。     No: if there is to be a Matter at all; it must be always identically as it has been from the beginning: to speak of Matter as changing is to speak of it as not being Matter。     Another consideration: it is a general principle that a thing changing must remain within its constitutive Idea so that the alteration is only in the accidents and not in the essential thing; the changing object must retain this fundamental permanence; and the permanent substance cannot be the member of it which accepts modification。     Therefore there are only two possibilities: the first; that Matter itself changes and so ceases to be itself; the second that it never ceases to be itself and therefore never changes。     We may be answered that it does not change in its character as Matter: but no one could tell us in what other character it changes; and we have the admission that the Matter in itself is not subject to change。     Just as the Ideal Principles stand immutably in their essence… which consists precisely in their permanence… so; since the essence of Matter consists in its being Matter 'the substratum to all material things' it must be permanent in this character; because it is Matter; it is immutable。 In the Intellectual realm we have the immutable Idea; here we have Matter; itself similarly immutable。     11。 I think; in fact; that Plato had this in mind where he justly speaks of the Images of Real Existents 〃entering and passing out〃: these particular words are not used idly: he wishes us to grasp the precise nature of the relation between Matter and the Ideas。     The difficulty on this point is not really that which presented itself to most of our predecessors… how the Ideas enter into Matter… it is rather the mode of their presence in it。     It is in fact strange at sight that Matter should remain itself intact; unaffected by Ideal…forms present within it; especially seeing that these are affected by each other。 It is surprising; too; that the entrant Forms should regularly expel preceding shapes and qualities; and that the modification 'which cannot touch Matter' should affect what is a compound 'of Idea with Matter' and this; again; not a haphazard but precisely where there is need of the incoming or outgoing of some certain Ideal…form; the compound being deficient through the absence of a particular principle whose presence will complete it。     But the reason is that the fundamental nature of Matter can take no increase by anything entering it; and no decrease by any withdrawal: what from the beginning it was; it remains。 It is not like those things whose lack is merely that of arrangement and order which can be supplied without change of substance as when we dress or decorate something bare or ugly。     But where the bringing to order must cut through to the very nature; the base original must be transmuted: it can leave ugliness for beauty only by a change of substance。 Matter; then; thus brought to order must lose its own nature in the supreme degree unless its baseness is an accidental: if it is base in the sense of being Baseness the Absolute; it could never participate in order; and; if evil in the sense of being Evil the Absolute; it could never participate in good。     We conclude that Matter's participation in Idea is not 
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