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the six enneads-第97章

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ing in which a distinct power operates in each separate function。 All the powers are present either in seeing or in hearing; the difference in impression received is due to the difference in the organs concerned; all the varying impressions are our various responses to Ideal…forms that can be taken in a variety of modes。     A further proof 'of the unity of Soul' is that perception demands a common gathering place; every organ has its distinct function; and is competent only upon its own material; and must interpret each several experience in its own fashion; the judgement upon these impressions must; then; be vested in some one principle; a judge informed upon all that is said and done。     But again: 〃Everywhere; Unity〃: in the variety of functions if each 〃part of the soul〃 were as distinct as are the entrant sensations; none of those parts could have knowledge; awareness would belong only to that judging faculty… or; if local; every such act of awareness would stand quite unrelated to any other。 But since the soul is a rational soul; by the very same title by which it is an All…Soul; and is called the rational soul; in the sense of being a whole 'and so not merely 〃reasoning locally〃'; then what is thought of as a part must in reality be no part but the identity of an unparted thing。     4。 But if this is the true account of the unity of soul; we must be able to meet the problems that ensue: firstly; the difficulty of one thing being present at the same moment in all things; and; secondly; the difficulty of soul in body as against soul not embodied。     We might be led to think that all soul must always inhabit body; this would seem especially plausible in the case of the soul of the universe; not thought of as ever leaving its body as the human soul does: there exists; no doubt; an opinion that even the human soul; while it must leave the body; cannot become an utterly disembodied thing; but assuming its complete disembodiment; how comes it that the human soul can go free of the body but the All…Soul not; though they are one and the same?     There is no such difficulty in the case of the Intellectual…Principle; by the primal differentiation; this separates; no doubt; into partial things of widely varying nature; but eternal unity is secured by virtue of the eternal identity of that Essence: it is not so easy to explain how; in the case of the soul described as separate among bodies; such differentiated souls can remain one thing。     A possible solution may be offered:     The unit soul holds aloof; not actually falling into body; the differentiated souls… the All…Soul; with the others… issue from the unity while still constituting; within certain limits; an association。 They are one soul by the fact that they do not belong unreservedly to any particular being; they meet; so to speak; fringe to fringe; they strike out here and there; but are held together at the source much as light is a divided thing upon earth; shining in this house; and that; and yet remains uninterruptedly one identical substance。     The All…Soul would always remain above; since essentially it has nothing to do with descent or with the lower; or with any tendency towards this sphere: the other souls would become ours 'become 〃partial;〃 individual in us' because their lot is cast for this sphere; and because they are solicited by a thing 'the body' which invites their care。     The one… the lowest soul in the to the All…Soul… would correspond to that in some great growth; silently; unlaboriously conducting the whole; our own lowest soul might be compared to the insect life in some rotted part of the growth… for this is the ratio of the animated body to the universe… while the other soul in us; of one ideal nature with the higher parts of the All…Soul; may be imaged as the gardener concerned about the insects lodged in the tree and anxiously working to amend what is wrong; or we may contrast a healthy man living with the healthy and; by his thought or by his act; lending himself to the service of those about him; with; on the other side; a sick man intent upon his own care and cure; and so living for the body; body…bound。     5。 But what place is left for the particular souls; yours and mine and another's?     May we suppose the Soul to be appropriated on the lower ranges to some individual; but to belong on the higher to that other sphere?     At this there would be a Socrates as long as Socrates' soul remained in body; but Socrates ceases to exist; precisely on attainment of the highest。     Now nothing of Real Being is ever annulled。     In the Supreme; the Intellectual…Principles are not annulled; for in their differentiation there is no bodily partition; no passing of each separate phase into a distinct unity; every such phase remains in full possession of that identical being。 It is exactly so with the souls。     By their succession they are linked to the several Intellectual…Principles; for they are the expression; the Logos; of the Intellectual…Principles; of which they are the unfolding; brevity has opened out to multiplicity; by that point of their being which least belongs to the partial order; they are attached each to its own Intellectual original: they have already chosen the way of division; but to the extreme they cannot go; thus they keep; at once; identification and difference; each soul is permanently a unity 'a self' and yet all are; in their total; one being。     Thus the gist of the matter is established: one soul the source of all; those others; as a many founded in that one; are; on the analogy of the Intellectual…Principle; at once divided and undivided; that Soul which abides in the Supreme is the one expression or Logos of the Intellectual…Principle; and from it spring other Reason…Principles; partial but immaterial; exactly as in the differentiation of the Supreme。     6。 But how comes it that while the All…Soul has produced a kosmos; the soul of the particular has not; though it is of the one ideal Kind and contains; it too; all things in itself?     We have indicated that a thing may enter and dwell at the same time in various places; this ought to be explained; and the enquiry would show how an identity resident simultaneously here and there may; in its separate appearances; act or react… or both… after distinct modes; but the matter deserves to be examined in a special discussion。     To return; then: how and why has the All…Soul produced a kosmos; while the particular souls simply administer some one part of it?     In the first place; we are not surprised when men of identical knowledge differ greatly in effective power。     But the reason; we will be asked。     The answer might be that there is an even greater difference among these souls; the one never having fallen away from the All…Soul; but dwelling within it and assuming body therein; while the others received their allotted spheres when the body was already in existence; when their sister soul was already in rule and; as it were; had already prepared habitations for them。 Again; the reason may be that the one 'the creative All…Soul' looks towards the universal Intellectual…Principle 'the exemplar of all that can be'; while the others are more occupied with the Inte
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