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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第13章

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day;' and then added; 'Affery; it is nine o'clock。'

Upon this; the old woman cleared the little table; went out of the room;
and quickly returned with a tray on which was a dish of little rusks and
a small precise pat of butter; cool; symmetrical; white; and plump。 The
old man who had been standing by the door in one attitude during the
whole interview; looking at the mother up…stairs as he had looked at the
son down…stairs; went out at the same time; and; after a longer absence;
returned with another tray on which was the greater part of a bottle
of port wine (which; to judge by his panting; he had brought from the
cellar); a lemon; a sugar…basin; and a spice box。 With these materials
and the aid of the kettle; he filled a tumbler with a hot and
odorous mixture; measured out and pounded with as much nicety as a
physician's prescription。 Into this mixture Mrs Clennam dipped certain
of the rusks; and ate them; while the old woman buttered certain other
of the rusks; which were to be eaten alone。 When the invalid had eaten
all the rusks and drunk all the mixture; the two trays were removed;
and the books and the candle; watch; handkerchief; and spectacles were
replaced upon the table。 She then put on the spectacles and read certain
passages aloud from a book……sternly; fiercely; wrathfully……praying that
her enemies (she made them by her tone and manner expressly hers) might
be put to the edge of the sword; consumed by fire; smitten by plagues
and leprosy; that their bones might be ground to dust; and that they
might be utterly exterminated。 As she read on; years seemed to fall
away from her son like the imaginings of a dream; and all the old dark
horrors of his usual preparation for the sleep of an innocent child to
overshadow him。

She shut the book and remained for a little time with her face shaded by
her hand。 So did the old man; otherwise still unchanged in attitude; so;
probably; did the old woman in her dimmer part of the room。 Then the
sick woman was ready for bed。

'Good night; Arthur。 Affery will see to your acmodation。 Only touch
me; for my hand is tender。' He touched the worsted muffling of her
hand……that was nothing; if his mother had been sheathed in brass there
would have been no new barrier between them……and followed the old man
and woman down…stairs。

The latter asked him; when they were alone together among the heavy
shadows of the dining…room; would he have some supper?

'No; Affery; no supper。'

'You shall if you like;' said Affery。 'There's her tomorrow's partridge
in the larder……her first this year; say the word and I'll cook it。'

No; he had not long dined; and could eat nothing。

'Have something to drink; then;' said Affery; 'you shall have some of
her bottle of port; if you like。 I'll tell Jeremiah that you ordered me
to bring it you。'

No; nor would he have that; either。

'It's no reason; Arthur;' said the old woman; bending over him to
whisper; 'that because I am afeared of my life of 'em; you should be。
You've got half the property; haven't you?'

'Yes; yes。'

'Well then; don't you be cowed。 You're clever; Arthur; an't you?' He
nodded; as she seemed to expect an answer in the affirmative。 'Then
stand up against them! She's awful clever; and none but a clever one
durst say a word to her。 HE'S a clever one……oh; he's a clever one!……and
he gives it her when he has a mind to't; he does!'

'Your husband does?'

'Does? It makes me shake from head to foot; to hear him give it her。 My
husband; Jeremiah Flintother。 What can he
be but a clever one to do that!'

His shuffling footstep ing towards them caused her to retreat to the
other end of the room。 Though a tall; hard…favoured; sinewy old woman;
who in her youth might have enlisted in the Foot Guards without much
fear of discovery; she collapsed before the little keen…eyed crab…like
old man。

'Now; Affery;' said he; 'now; woman; what are you doing? Can't you find
Master Arthur something or another to pick at?'

Master Arthur repeated his recent refusal to pick at anything。

'Very well; then;' said the old man; 'make his bed。 Stir yourself。' His
neck was so twisted that the knotted ends of his white cravat usually
dangled under one ear; his natural acerbity and energy; always
contending with a second nature of habitual repression; gave his
features a swollen and suffused look; and altogether; he had a weird
appearance of having hanged himself at one time or other; and of having
gone about ever since; halter and all; exactly as some timely hand had
cut him down。

'You'll have bitter words together to…morrow; Arthur; you and your
mother;' said Jeremiah。 'Your having given up the business on your
father's death……which she suspects; though we have left it to you to
tell her……won't go off smoothly。'

'I have given up everything in life for the business; and the time came
for me to give up that。'

'Good!' cried Jeremiah; evidently meaning Bad。 'Very good! only don't
expect me to stand between your mother and you; Arthur。 I stood between
your mother and your father; fending off this; and fending off that; and
getting crushed and pounded betwixt em; and I've done with such work。'

'You will never be asked to begin it again for me; Jeremiah。'

'Good。 I'm glad to hear it; because I should have had to decline it; if
I had been。 That's enough……as your mother says……and more than enough of
such matters on a Sabbath night。 Affery; woman; have you found what you
want yet?'

She had been collecting sheets and blankets from a press; and hastened
to gather them up; and to reply; 'Yes; Jeremiah。' Arthur Clennam helped
her by carrying the load himself; wished the old man good night; and
went up…stairs with her to the top of the house。

They mounted up and up; through the musty smell of an old close house;
little used; to a large garret bed…room。 Meagre and spare; like all the
other rooms; it was even uglier and grimmer than the rest; by being the
place of banishment for the worn…out furniture。 Its movables were ugly
old chairs with worn…out seats; and ugly old chairs without any seats;
a threadbare patternless carpet; a maimed table; a crippled wardrobe;
a lean set of fire…irons like the skeleton of a set deceased; a
washing…stand that looked as if it had stood for ages in a hail of
dirty soapsuds; and a bedstead with four bare atomies of posts; each
terminating in a spike; as if for the dismal acmodation of lodgers
who might prefer to impale themselves。 Arthur opened the long low
window; and looked out upon the old blasted and blackened forest of
chimneys; and the old red glare in the sky; which had seemed to him once
upon a time but a nightly reflection of the fiery environment that was
presented to his childish fancy in all directions; let it look where it

He drew in his head again; sat down at the bedside; and looked on at
Affery Flintwinch making the bed。

'Affery; you were not married when I went away。'

She screwed her mouth into the form of saying 'No;' shook her head; and
proceeded to get a pillow into its case。

'How did it happen?'

'Why; Jeremiah; o' course;' said Affery; with an end of the pillow…case
between her teeth。
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