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the decameron(十日谈)-第110章

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laboured by all possible meanes; to recover her former kindnesse
againe: but finding all his paines frivolously employed; he resolved
to dye; and yet to compasse some speech with her before。
  By meanes of a neere dwelling neighbour (that was his very deare and
intimate friend) he came acquainted with every part of the house;
and prevailed so far; that one evening; when she and her husband
supt at a neighbours house; he compassed accesse into the same bed
chamber; where Silvestra used most to lodge。 Finding the Curtaines
ready drawne; he hid himselfe behinde them on the further side of
the bed; and so tarried there untill Silvestra and her husband were
returned home; and laide downe in bed to take their rest。 The husbands
sences were soone overcome with sleepe; by reason of his painefull
toyling all the day; and bodies that are exercised with much labour;
are the more desirous to have ease。
  She staying up last; to put out the light; and hearing her husband
sleepe so soundly; that his snoring gave good evidence thereof:
layed her selfe downe the more respectively; as being very loath any
way to disease him; but sweetly to let him enjoy his rest。
  Silvestra lay on the same side of the bed; where Jeronimo had hid
himselfe behinde the Curtaines; who stepping softly to her in the
darke; and laying his hand gently on her brest; saide: Deare Love;
forbeare a little while to sleepe; for heere is thy loyall friend
Jeronimo。 The yong woman starting with amazement; would have cried
out; but that he entreated her to the contrary; protesting; that he
came for no ill intent to her; but onely to take his latest leave of
her。 Alas Jeronimo (quoth she) those idle dayes are past and gone;
when it was no way unseemly for our youth; to entertaine equality of
those desires; which then well agreed with our young blood。 Since
when; you have lived in forraine Countries; which appeared to me to
alter your former disposition: for; in the space of two whole
yeares; either you grew forgetfull of me (as change of ayre; may
change affection) or (at the best) made such account of me; as I never
heard the least salutation from you。 Now you know me to be a married
wife; in regard whereof; my thoughts have embraced that chaste and
honourable resolution; not to minde any man but my husband; and
therefore; as you are come hither Without my love or license; so in
like manner I do desire you to be gone。 Let this priviledge of my
Husbandes sound sleeping; be no colour to your longer continuing here;
or encourage you to finde any further favour at mine hand: for if mine
husband should awake; beside the danger that thereon may follow to
you; I cannot but loose the sweet happinesse of peacefull life;
which hitherto we have both mutually embraced。
  The yong man; hearing these wordes; and remembring what loving
kindnesse he had formerly found; what secret love Letters he had
sent from Paris; with other private intelligences and tokens; which
never came to her receite and knowledge; so cunningly his Mother and
Tutors had carried the matter: immediately felt his heart…strings to
breake; and lying downe upon the beds side by her; uttered these his
very last words。 Silvestra farewell; thou hast kilde the kindest heart
that ever loved a woman: and speaking no more; gave up the ghost。
She hearing these words delivered with an entire sighe; and
deepe…fetcht groane; did not imagine the strange consequence following
thereon; yet was mooved to much compassion; in regard of her former
affection to him。 Silent she lay an indifferent while; as being unable
to returne him any answer; and looking when he would be gone;
according as before she had earnestly entreated him。 But when she
perceyved him to lye so still; as neither word or motion came from
him; she saide: Kinde Jeronimo; why doest thou not depart and get thee
gone? So putting forth her hand; it hapned to light upon his face;
which she felt to be as cold as yce: whereat marvailing not a
little; as also at his continued silence; she jogged him; and felt his
hands in like manner; which were stiffely extended forth; and all
his body cold; as not having any life remaining in him; which
greatly amazing her; and confounding her with sorrow beyond all
measure; she was in such perplexity; that she could not devise what to
do or say。
  In the end; she resolved to try how her husband would take it;
that so strange an accident should thus happen in his house; and
putting the case as if it did not concerne them; but any other of
the neighbours; awaking him first; demaunded of him what was best to
be done; if a man should steale into a neighbours house; unknowne to
him; or any of his family; and in his bed chamber to be found dead。 He
presently replyed (as not thinking the case concerned himselfe)
that; the onely helpe in such an unexpected extremity; was to take the
dead body; and convey it to his owne house; if he had any; whereby
no scandall or reproach would follow to them; in whose house he had so
unfortunately dyed。 Hereupon she immediately arose; and lighting a
candle; shewed him the dead body of Jeronimo; with protestation of
every particular; both of her innocency; either of knowledge of his
comming thither; or any other blame that could concerne her。 Which
he both constantly knowing and beleeving; made no more ceremony; but
putting on his Garments; tooke the dead body upon his shoulders; and
carried it to the Mothers doore; where he left it; and afterward
returned to his owne house againe。
  When day light was come; and the dead body found lying in the Porch;
it moved very much greefe and amazement; considering; he had bin seene
the day before; in perfect health to outward appearance。 Nor neede
we to urge any question of his Mothers sorrow upon this strange
accident; who; causing his body to be carefully searched; without
any blow; bruise; wound; or hurt uppon it; the Physitians could not
give any other opinion; but that some inward conceyte of greefe had
caused his death; as it did indeed; and no way otherwise。 To the
cheefe Church was the dead body carried; to be generally seene of
all the people; his Mother and Friends weeping heavily by it; as
many more did the like beside; because he was beloved of every one。 In
which time of universall mourning; the honest man (in whose house he
dyed) spake thus to his wife: Disguise thy selfe in some decent
manner; and go to the Church; where (as I heare) they have laide the
body of Jeronimo。 Crowde in amongest the Women; as I will do the
like amongst the men; to heare what opinion passeth of his death;
and whether we shall be scandalized thereby; or no。
  Silvestra; who was now become full of pitty too late; quickely
condiscended; as desiring to see him dead; whom sometime she dearly
affected in life。 And being come to the Church; it is a matter to be
admired; if advisedly we consider on the powerfull working of love;
for the heart of this woman; which the prosperous fortune of
Jeronimo could not pierce; now in his wofull death split in sunder;
and the ancient sparks of love so long concealed in the embers;
brake foorth into a furious flame; and being violently surprized
with extr
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