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the decameron(十日谈)-第154章

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voide of all vertue; wit; or goodnes。 And when it was demaunded of
Friar Onyon; what these nine rare conditions were: hee having them all
readie by heart; and in rime; thus answered。

    Boyes I have knowne; and seene;
      And heard of many:
    For Lying; Loytring; Lazinesse;
    For Facing; Filching; Filthinesse;
    For Carelesse; Gracelesse; all Unthriftinesse;
      My Boy excelleth any。

  Now; over and beside all these admirable qualities; hee hath manie
more such singularities; which (in favour towards him) I am faine to
conceale。 But that which I smile most at in him; is; that he would
have a Wife in every place where he commeth; yea; and a good house
to boot too: for; in regard his beard beginneth to shew it selfe;
rising thicke in haire; blacke and amiable; he is verily perswaded;
that all Women will fall in love with him; and if they refuse to
follow him; he will in all hast run after them。 But truly; he is a
notable servant to mee; for I cannot speake with any one; and in never
so great secrecy; but he will be sure to heare his part; and when
any question is demanded of me; he standes in such awe and feare of my
displeasure: that he will bee sure to make the first answer; yea or
no; according as he thinketh it most convenient。
  Now; to proceede where we left; Friar Onyon having left this
serviceable youth at his lodging; to see that no bodie should meddle
with his commodities; especially his Wallet; because of the sacred
things therein contained: Guccio Imbrata; who as earnestly affected to
be in the Kitchin; as Birds to hop from branch to branch;
especially; when anie of the Chamber…maides were there; espyed one
of the Hostesses Female attendants; a grosse fat Trugge; low of
stature; ill faced; and worse formed; with a paire of brests like
two bumbards; smelling loathsomely of grease and sweate; downe shee
descended into the Kitchin; like a Kite upon a peece of Carion。 This
Boy; or Knave; chuse whither you will style him; having carelesly left
Fryar Onyons Chamber doore open; and all the holy things so much to be
neglected; although it was then the moneth of August; when heate is in
the highest predominance; yet hee would needs sit downe by the fire;
and began to conferre with this amiable creature; who was called by
the name of Nuta。
  Being set close by her; he told her; that he was a Gentleman by
Atturniship; and that he had more millions of Crownes; then all his
life time would serve him to spend; beside those which he payed away
dayly; as having no convenient im…ployment for them。
  Moreover; he knew how to speake; and do such things; as were
beyond wonder or admiration。 And; never remembring his olde tatterd
Friars Cowle; which was so snottie and greazie; that good store of
kitchin stuffe might have beene boiled out of it; as also a foule
slovenly Trusse or halfe doublet; all baudied with bowsing; fat
greazie lubberly sweating; and other drudgeries in the Convent
Kitchin; where he was an Officer in the meanest credite。 So that to
describe this sweet youth in his lively colours; both for naturall
perfections of body; and artificiall composure of his Garments;
never came the fowlest silks out of Tartaria or India; more ugly or
unsightly to bee lookt upon。 And for a further addition to his neate
knavery; his breeches were so rent betweene his legges; his shooes and
stockings had bin at such a mercilesse massacre: that the gallantest
Commandador of Castile (though he had never so lately bin releast
out of slavery) could have wisht for better garments; then he; or make
larger promises; then he did to his Nuta。 Protesting to entitle her as
his onely; to free her from the Inne and Chamber thraldomes; if she
would live with him; be his Love; partaker of his present possessions;
and so to succeed in his future Fortunes。 All which bravadoes;
though they were belcht foorth with admirable insinuations: yet they
converted into smoke; as all such braggadochio behaviours do; and he
was as wise at the ending; as when he began。
  Our former named two craftie Companions; seeing Guccio Porco so
seriously employed about Nuta; was there…with not a little
contented; because their intended labour was now more then halfe
ended。 And perceiving no contradiction to crosse their proceeding;
into Friar Onyons chamber entred they; finding it ready open for their
purpose: where the first thing that came into their hand in search;
was the wallet。 When they had opened it; they found a small Cabinet;
wrapped in a great many foldings of rich Taffata; and having
unfolded it; a fine formall Key was hanging thereat: wherwith having
unlockt the Cabinet; they found a faire Feather of a Parrots taile;
which they supposed to bee the verie same; that he meant to shew the
people of Certaldo。 And truly (in those dayes) it was no hard matter
to make them beleeve any thing; because the idle vanities of Aegypt
and those remoter parts; had not (as yet) bin seene in Tuscany; as
since then they have bin in great abundance; to the utter ruine
(almost) of Italy。
  And although they might then be knowne to very few; yet the
inhabitants of the Country generally; understoode little or nothing at
all of them。 For there; the pure simplicitie of their ancient
predecessors still continuing; they had not seene any Parrots; or so
much as heard any speech of them。 Wherefore the two crafty consorts;
not a little joyfull of finding the Feather; tooke it thence with
them; and beecause they would not leave the Cabinet empty; espying
Charcoales lying in a corner of the Chamber; they filled it with them;
wrapping it up againe in the Taffata; and in as demure manner as
they found it。 So; away came they with the Feather; neither seene or
suspected by any one; intending now to heare what Friar Onyon would
say; uppon the losse of his precious Relique; and finding the Coales
there placed insted thereof。
  The simple men and women of the country; who had bin at morning
Masse in the Church; and heard what a wonderful Feather they should
see in the after noone; returned in all hast to their houses; where
one telling this newes to another; and gossip with gossip consulting
theron; they made the shorter dinner; and afterward flocked in maine
troopes to the Castle; contending who shold first get entrance; such
was their devotion to see the holy feather。 Friar Onyon having
dined; and reposed a litle after his wine; he arose from the table
to the window; where beholding what multitudes came to see the
feather; he assured himselfe of good store of mony。 Hereupon; he
sent to his Boy Guccio Imbrata; that uppon the Bels ringing; he should
come and bring the wallet to him。 Which (with much ado) he did; so
soone as his quarrell was ended in the kitchin; with the amiable
Chamber…maid Nuta; away then he went with his holy commodities:
where he was no sooner arrived; but because his belly was readie to
burst with drinking water; he sent him to the Church to ring the bels;
which not onely would warme the cold water in his belly; but
likewise make him run as gaunt as a Grey…hound。
  When all the people were assembled in the Church together; Friar
Onyon (never distrusting
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