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the decameron(十日谈)-第253章

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Soveraigne; you are not ignorant; how farre unfitting a word that were
for me to use: As also the kisse which you request; in requitall of my
love to you; to these two I will never give consent; without the
Queenes most gracious favour and license first granted。 Neverthelesse;
for such admirable benignity used to me; both by your Royall selfe;
and your vertuous Queene: heaven shower downe all boundlesse graces on
you both; for it exceedeth all merit in me; and so she ceased
speaking; in most dutifull manner。
  The answer of Lisana pleased the Queene exceedingly; in finding
her to be so wise and faire; as the King himself had before informed
her: who instantly called for her Father and Mother; and knowing
they would be well pleased with whatsoever he did; he called for a
proper yong Gentleman; but somewhat poore; being named Perdicano;
and putting certaine Rings into his hand; which he refused not to
receive; caused him there to espouse Lisana。 To whome the King gave
immediately (besides Chaines and jewels of inestimable valew;
delivered by the Queene to the Bride) Ceffala and Calatabelotta; two
great territories abounding in divers wealthy possessions; saying to
Perdicano。 These wee give thee; as a dowry in marriage with this
beautifull Maid; and greater gifts we will bestow on thee hereafter;
as we shal perceive thy love and kindnesse to her。
  When he had ended these words; hee turned to Lisana; saying: Heere
doe I freely give over all further fruits of your affection towards
me; thanking you for your former love: so taking her head betweene his
hands he kissed her faire forhead; which was the usuall custome in
those times。 Perdicano; the Father and Mother of Lisana; and she her
selfe likewise; extraordinarily joyfull for this so fortunate a
marriage; returned humble and hearty thankes both to the King and
Queene; and (as many credible Authors doe affirme) the King kept his
promise made to Lisana; because (so long as he lived) he alwales
termed himselfe by the name of her Knight; and in al actions of
Chivalry by him undertaken; he never carried any other devise; but
such as he received still from her。
  By this; and divers other like worthy deeds; not onely did he win
the hearts of his subjects; but gave occasion to the who world beside;
to renowne his fame to all succeeding posterity。 Whereto (in these
more wretched times of ours) few or none bend the sway of their
understanding: but rather how to bee cruell and tyrranous Lords; and
thereby win the hatred of their people。

                    THE TENTH DAY; THE EIGHT NOVELL

                                AMONG MEN

  Sophronia; thinking her selfe to be the maried wife of Gisippus; was
(indeed) the wife of Titus Quintus Fulvius; and departed thence with
him to Rome。 Within a while after; Gisippus also came thither in
very poore condition; and thinking that he was despised by Titus; grew
weary of his life; and confessed that he had murdred a man; with ful
intent to die for the fact。 But Titus taking knowledge of him; and
desiring to save the life of Gisippus; charged himself to have done
the bloody deed。 Which the murderer himself (standing then among the
multitude) seeing; truly confessed the deed。 By meanes whereof; all
three were delivered by the Emperor Octavius; and Titus gave his
Sister in mariage to Gisippus; giving them also the most part of his
goods and inheritances。

  By this time Madam Philomena; at command of the King; (Madam
Pampinea ceasing) prepared to follow next in order; whereupon thus she
began。 What is it (Gracious Ladies) that Kings cannot do (if they
list) in matters of greatest importance; and especially unto such as
most they should declare their magnificence? He then that performeth
what he ought to do; when it is within his owne power; doth well。
But it is not so much to bee admired; neither deserveth halfe the
commendations; as when one man doth good to another; when least it
is expected; as being out of his power; and yet performed。 In which
respect; because you have so extolled king Piero; as appearing not
meanly meritorious in your judgements; I make no doubt but you will be
much more pleased; when the actions of our equals are duly considered;
and shal paralell any of the greatest Kings。 Wherefore I purpose to
tell you a Novel; concerning an honorable curtesie of two worthy
  At such time as Octavius Caesar (not as yet named Augustus; but only
in the office called Triumveri) governed the Romane Empire; there
dwelt in Rome a Gentleman; named Publius Quintus Fulvius; a man of
singular understanding; who having one son; called Titus Quintus
Fulvius; of towardly yeares and apprehension; sent him to Athens to
learne Philosophy; but with letters of familiar commendations; to a
Noble Athenian Gentleman; named Chremes; being his ancient friend; of
long acquaintance。 This Gentleman lodged Titus in his owne house; as
companion to his son; named Gisippus; both of them studying
together; under the tutoring of a Philosopher; called Aristippus。
These two yong Gentlemen living thus in one Citty; House; and Schoole;
it bred betweene them such a brother…hoode and amity; as they could
not be severed from one another; but only by the accident of death;
nor could either of them enjoy any content; but when they were both
together in company。
  Being each of them endued with gentle spirits; and having begun
their studies together: they arose (by degrees) to the glorious height
of Philosophy; to their much admired fame and commendation。 In this
manner they lived; to the no meane comfort of Chremes; hardly
distinguishing the one from the other for his Son; and thus the
Schollers continued the space of three yeares。 At the ending wherof
(as it hapneth in al things else) Chremes died; whereat both the young
Gentlemen conceived such hearty griefe; as if he had bin their
common father; nor could the kinred of Chremes discerne; which of
the two had most need of comfort; the losse touched them so equally。
  It chanced within some few months after; that the kinred of Gisippus
came to see him; and (before Titus) avised him to marriage; and with a
yong Gentlewoman of singular beauty; derived from a most noble house
in Athens; and she named Sophronia; aged about fifteen years。 This
mariage drawing neere; Gisippus on a day; intreated Titus to walk
along with him thither; because (as yet) he had not seene her。
Commingto the house; and she sitting in the midst betweene them; Titus
making himselfe a considerator of beauty; and especially on his
friends behalfe; began to observe her very judicially; and every
part of her seemed so pleasing in his eie; that giving them al a
privat praise; yet answerable to their due deserving; he becam so
enflamed with affection to her; as never any lover could bee more
violentlie surprized; so sodainly doth beauty beguile our best senses。
  After they had sate an indifferent while with her; they returned
home to their lodging; where Ti
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