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the decameron(十日谈)-第262章

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discharged of us; and let us travaile on our journey。
  Noble Gentlemen; replyed Thorello (for in mine eye you seeme no
lesse) that courtesie which you met with yester…night; I am to
thanke Fortune for; more then you; because you were then straited by
such necessity; as urged your acceptance of my poore Country house。
But now this morning; I shall account my selfe much beholding to you
(as the like will all these worthy Gentlemen here about you) if you do
but answer kindnes with kindnes; and not refuse to take a homely
dinner with them。
  Saladine and his friends; being conquerd with such potent
perswasions; and already dismounted from their horses; saw that all
deniall was meerly in vaine: and therefore thankfully condiscending
(after some few ceremonious complements were over…past) the
Gentlemen conducted them to their Chambers; which were most
sumptuously prepared for them; and having laid aside their riding
garments; being a little re reshed with Cakes and choice Wines; they
descended into the dining Hall; the pompe whereof I am not able to
  When they had washed; and were seated at the Tables; dinner was
served in most magnificent sort; so that if the Emperor himself had
bin there; he could not have bin more sumptuously served。 And although
Saladine and his Baschaes were very Noble Lords; and wonted to see
matters of admiration: yet could they do no lesse now; but rather
exceeded in marvaile; considering the qualitie of the Knight; whom
they knew to bee a Citizen; and no Prince or great Lord。 Dinner
being ended; and divers familiar conferences passing amongst them:
because it was exceeding hot; the Gentlemen of Pavia (as it pleased
Thorello to appoint) went to repose themselves awhile; and he
keeping company with his three guests; brought them into a goodly
Chamber; where; because he would not faile in the least scruple of
courtesie; or conceale from them the richest jewell which he had; he
sent for his Lady and wife; because (as yet) they had not seene her。
  She was a Lady of extraordinary beauty; tall stature; very
sumptuously attired; and having two sweet Sonnes (resembling Angels)
she came with them waiting before her; and graciously saluted her
  At her comming; they arose; and having received hir with great
reverence; they seated her in the midst; kindly cherishing the two
Children。 After some gracious Language past on eyther side; she
demanded of whence; and what they were; which they answered in the
same kind as they had done before to her husband。 Afterward; with a
modest smiling countenance; she sayd。 Worthy Gentlemen; let not my
weake Womanish discretion appeare distastable; in desiring to crave
one especiall favour from you; namely; not to refuse or disdaine a
small gift; wherewith I purpose to present you。 But considering first;
that women (according to their simple faculty) are able to bestow
but silly gifts: so you would be pleased; to respect more the person
that is the giver; then the quality or quantity of the gift。
  Then causing to be brought (for each of them) two goodly gowns or
Robes (made after the Persian manner) the one lyned thorough with
cloth of Gold; and the other with the costlyest Fur; not after such
fashion as Citizens or Marchants use to weare; but rather beseeming
Lords of greatest account; and three light under…wearing Cassocks or
Mandillions; of Carnatian Sattin; richly Imbroidred with Gold and
Pearles; and lined thorow with White Taffata; presenting these gifts
to him; she sayd。 I desire you Gentlemen to receive these meane
trifies; such as you see my Husband weares the like; and these other
beside; considering you are so far from your Wives; having travailed a
long way already; and many miles more yet to overtake; also
Marchants (being excellent men) affect to be comely and handsome in
their habits; although these are of slender value; yet (in
necessity) they may do you service。
  Now was Saladine and his Baschaes halfe astonyed with admiration; at
the magnificent minde of Signiour Thorello; who would not forget the
least part of courtesie towardes them; and greatly doubted (seeing the
beauty and riches of the Garments) least they were discovered by
Thorello。 Neverthelesse; one of them thus answered the Lady。 Beleeve
me Madame; these are rich guiftes; not lightly either to be given;
rich or receyved: but in regard of your strict imposition; we are
not able to deny them。 This being done; with most gracious and
courteous demeanour; she departed from them; leaving her Husband to
keepe them still companie; who furnished their servants also; with
divers worthy necessaries fitting for their journey。
  Afterward; Thorello (by very much importunitie) wonne them to stay
with him all the rest of the day; wherefore; when they had rested
themselves awhile; being attyred in their newly given robes; they rode
on Horsebacke thorow the Citty。 When supper time came; they supt in
most honourable and worthy company; beeing afterwards Lodged in most
faire and sumptuous Chambers; and being risen in the morning; in
exchange of their horses (over…wearied with Travaile) they found three
other very richly furnished; and their men also in like manner
provided。 Which when Saladine had perceyved; he tooke his Baschaes
aside; and spake in this manner。
  By our greatest Gods; I never met with any man; more compleat in all
noble perfections; more courteous and kinde then Thorello is。 If all
the Christian Kings; in the true and heroicall nature of Kings; do
deale as honourably as I see this Knight doeth; the Soldane of Babylon
is not able to endure the comming of one of them; much lesse so
many; as wee see preparing to make head against us。 But beholding;
that both refusall and acceptation; was all one in the minde of
Thorello: after much kinde Language had bin intercoursed betweene
them; Saladine (with his Attendants) mounted on horsebacke。
  Signiour Thorello; with a number of his honourable Friends (to the
number of an hundred Horsse) accompanied them a great distance from
the Citie; and although it greeved Saladine exceedingly; to leave
the company of Thorello; so dearely he was affected to him: but
necessity (which controlleth the power of all lawes whatsoever) must
needs divide them: yet requesting his returne agayne that way; if
possibly it might be granted; which Saladine promised but did not
performe。 Well Gentlemen (quoth Thorello at parting) I know not what
you are; neither (against your will) do I desire it: but whether you
be Marchants or no remember me in your kindnesse; and so to the
heavenly powers I commend you。 Saladine; having taken his leave of all
them that were with Thorello; returned him this answer。 Sir; it may
one day hereafter so happen; as we shal let you see some of our
Marchandises; for the better confirmation of your beleefe; and our
  Thus parted Signior Thorello and his friends; from Saladine and
his company; who verily determined in the heighth of his minde; if
he should be spared with life; and the warre (which he expected)
concluded: to requite Thorello with no lesse courtesie; then hee had
already declared to him; conferring a long while after wi
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