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the decameron(十日谈)-第98章

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secrecy; as long time they enjoyed their hearts sweet contentment; yet
  It came to passe; that two other young Gallants; the one named
Folco; and the other Hugnetto; (who had attained to incredible wealth;
by the decease of their Father) were also as far in love; the one with
Magdalena; and the other with Bertella。 When Restagnone had
intelligence thereof; by the meanes of his faire friend Ninetta; he
purposed to releeve his poverty; by friendly furthering both their
love; and his owne: and growing into familiarity with them; one
while he would walke abroad with Folco; and then againe with Hugnetto;
but oftner with them both together; to visite their Mistresses; and
continue worthy friendship。 On a day; when hee saw the time suteable
to his intent; and that hee had invited the two Gentlemen home unto
his House; he fell into this like Conference with them。
  Kinde Friends (quoth he) the honest familiarity which hath past
betweene us; may render you some certaine assurance; of the constant
love I beare to you both; being as willing to worke any meanes that
may tend to your good; as I desire to compasse And because the truth
of mine affection cannot conceale it selfe to you; I meane to acquaint
you with an intention; wherewith my braine hath a long While travelled
and now may soone be delivered of; if it may passe with your liking
and approbation。 Let me then tell you; that except your speeches
savour of untruth; and your actions carry a double understaning; in
common behaviour both by night and day; you appeare to and consume
away; in the cordiall love you beare to two of the Sisters; as I
suffer the same afflictions for the third; with reciprocall。 requitall
of their deerest affection to us。 Now; to qualifie the heate of our
tormenting flames; if you will condescend to such a course as I
shall advise you; the remedy will yeild them equall ease to ours;
and we may safely injoy the benefit of contentment。 As wealth
aboundeth with you both; so doth want most extremely tyrannize over
me: but if one banke might be made of both your rich substances; I
embraced therein as a third partaker; and some quarter of the world
dissigned out by us; where to live at hearts ease upon your
possessions; I durst engage my credit; that all the sisters (not
meanely stored with their Fathers treasure) shall beare us company
to what place soever we please。 There each man freely enjoying his
owne deerest love; may live like three brethren; without any
hinderance to our mutuall content: it remaineth now in you
Gentlemen; to accept this comfortable offer; or to refuse it。
  The two Brothers; whose pass exceeded their best means for
support; perceiving some hope how to enjoy their loves; desired no
long time of deliberation; or greatly disputed with their thoughts
what was best to be done: but readily replyed; that let happen any
danger whatsoever; they would joyne with him in this determination;
and he should partake with them in their wealthiest fortunes。 After
Restagnone had heard their answer; within some few dayes following; he
went to confer with Ninetta; which was no easie matter for him to
compasse。 Neverthelesse; opportunity proved so favourable to him; that
meeting with her at a private place appointed; he discoursed at large;
what had passed betweene him and the other two young Gentlemen;
maintaining the same with many good reasons; to have her like and
allow of the enterprize。 Which although (for a while) he could very
hardly doe; yet; in regard shee had more desire then power; without
suspition to be daily in his company; she thus answered。 My hearts
chosen friend; I cannot any way mislike your advice; and will take
such order with my Sisters; that they shal agree to our resolution。
Let it therefore be your charge; that you and the rest make every
thing ready; to depart from hence so soone; as with best convenient
meanes we may be enabled。
  Restagnone being returned to Folco and Hugnetto; who thought
everie houre a yeare; to heare what would succeede upon the promise
past between them; he told them in plain termes; that their Ladies
were as free in consent as they; and nothing wanted now; but
furnishment for their sodaine departing。 Having concluded; that Candye
should bee their harbour for entertainment; they made sale of some few
inheritances which lay the readiest for the purpose; as also the goods
in their Houses; and then; under colour of venting Merchandizes
abroad; they bought a nimble Pinnace; fortified with good strength and
preparation; and wayted but for a convenient winde。 On the other side;
Ninetta who was sufficiently acquainted with the forwardnesse of her
Sisters desires; and her owne; had so substantially prevailed with
them; that a good Voyage now was the sole expectation。 Whereupon;
the same night when they should set away; they opened a stronk
barred Chest of their Fathers; whence they tooke great store of Gold
and costly jewels; wherewith escaping secretly out of the house;
they came to the place where their Lovers attended for them; and going
all aboord the Pinnace; the windes were so furtherous to them; that
without touching any where; the night following; they arrived at
 There being out of perill or pursuit; they all knit the knot of
holy wedlocke; and then freely enjoyed their long wished desires; from
whence setting saile againe; and being well furnished with all
things wanting passing on from Port to Port; at the end of eight
dayes; they landed in Candie; not meeting with any impeachment on
the way。 Determining there to spend their daies; first they provided
themselves of goodly land in the Countrey; and then of beautifull
dwelling houses in the City; with al due furnishments belonging to
them; and Families well beseeming such worthy Gentlemen; and all
delights else for their dally recreations; inviting their。 Neighbours;
and they them againe in loving manner; so that no lovers could wish to
live in more ample contentment。
  Passing on their time in this height of felicity; and not crossed by
any sinister accidents; it came to passe (as often wee may obserye
in the like occasions; that although delights doe most especially
please us; yet they breede surfet; when they swell too over…great in
abundance) that Restagnone; who most deerely affected his faire
Ninetta; and had her now in his free possession; without any perill of
loosing her: grew now also to bee weary of her; and consequently; to
faile in those familiar performances; which formerly had passed
betweene them。 For; being one day invited to a Banket; hee saw there a
beautifull Gentlewoman of that Countrey; whose perfections pleasing
him beyond all comparison: he laboured (by painfull pursuite) to win
his purpose; and meeting with her in divers private places; grew
prodigall in his expences upon her。 This could not be so closely
carried; but being seene and observed by Ninetta; she became possessed
with such extreame jealousie; that hee could not doe any thing
whatsoever; but immediately she had knowledge of it: which fire;
growing to a flame in her; her patience became extreamely provoked;
urging rough and rude speeches from her to
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