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darwin and modern science-第107章

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…dioxide added; the animals which were before indifferent to light now become most strikingly positively heliotropic。  Marine copepods can be made positively heliotropic by the lowering of the temperature alone; or by a sudden increase in the concentration of the sea…water。

These data have a bearing upon the depth…migrations of pelagic animals; as was pointed out years ago by Theo。 T。 Groom and the writer。  It is well known that many animals living near the surface of the ocean or freshwater lakes; have a tendency to migrate upwards towards evening and downwards in the morning and during the day。  These periodic motions are determined to a large extent; if not exclusively; by the heliotropism of these animals。  Since the consumption of carbon…dioxide by the green plants ceases towards evening; the tension of this gas in the water must rise and this must have the effect of inducing positive heliotropism or increasing its intensity。  At the same time the temperature of the water near the surface is lowered and this also increases the positive heliotropism in the organisms。

The faint light from the sky is sufficient to cause animals which are in a high degree positively heliotropic to move vertically upwards towards the light; as experiments with such pelagic animals; e。g。 copepods; have shown。  When; in the morning; the absorption of carbon…dioxide by the green algae begins again and the temperature of the water rises; the animals lose their positive heliotropism; and slowly sink down or become negatively heliotropic and migrate actively downwards。

These experiments have also a bearing upon the problem of the inheritance of instincts。  The character which is transmitted in this case is not the tendency to migrate periodically upwards and downwards; but the positive heliotropism。  The tendency to migrate is the outcome of the fact that periodically varying external conditions induce a periodic change in the sense and intensity of the heliotropism of these animals。  It is of course immaterial for the result; whether the carbon…dioxide or any other acid diffuse into the animal from the outside or whether they are produced inside in the tissue cells of the animals。  Davenport and Cannon found that Daphniae; which at the beginning of the experiment; react sluggishly to light react much more quickly after they have been made to go to the light a few times。  The writer is inclined to attribute this result to the effect of acids; e。g。 carbon…dioxide; produced in the animals themselves in consequence of their motion。  A similar effect of the acids was shown by A。D。 Waller in the case of the response of nerve to stimuli。

The writer observed many years ago that winged male and female ants are positively helioptropic and that their heliotropic sensitiveness increases and reaches its maximum towards the period of nuptial flight。  Since the workers show no heliotropism it looks as if an internal secretion from the sexual glands were the cause of their heliotropic sensitiveness。  V。 Kellogg has observed that bees also become intensely positively heliotropic at the period of their wedding flight; in fact so much so that by letting light fall into the observation hive from above; the bees are prevented from leaving the hive through the exit at the lower end。

We notice also the reverse phenomenon; namely; that chemical changes produced in the animal destroy its heliotropism。  The caterpillars of Porthesia chrysorrhoea are very strongly positively heliotropic when they are first aroused from their winter sleep。  This heliotropic sensitiveness lasts only as long as they are not fed。  If they are kept permanently without food they remain permanently positively heliotropic until they die from starvation。  It is to be inferred that as soon as these animals take up food; a substance or substances are formed in their bodies which diminish or annihilate their heliotropic sensitiveness。

The heliotropism of animals is identical with the heliotropism of plants。  The writer has shown that the experiments on the effect of acids on the heliotropism of copepods can be repeated with the same result in Volvox。  It is therefore erroneous to try to explain these heliotropic reactions of animals on the basis of peculiarities (e。g。 vision) which are not found in plants。

We may briefly discuss the question of the transmission through the sex cells of such instincts as are based upon heliotropism。  This problem reduces itself simply to that of the method whereby the gametes transmit heliotropism to the larvae or to the adult。  The writer has expressed the idea that all that is necessary for this transmission is the presence in the eyes (or in the skin) of the animal of a photo…sensitive substance。  For the transmission of this the gametes need not contain anything more than a catalyser or ferment for the synthesis of the photo…sensitive substance in the body of the animal。  What has been said in regard to animal heliotropism might; if space permitted; be extended; mutatis mutandis; to geotropism and stereotropism。


Since plant…cells show heliotropic reactions identical with those of animals; it is not surprising that certain tissue…cells also show reactions which belong to the class of tropisms。  These reactions of tissue…cells are of special interest by reason of their bearing upon the inheritance of morphological characters。  An example of this is found in the tiger…like marking of the yolk…sac of the embryo of Fundulus and in the marking of the young fish itself。  The writer found that the former is entirely; and the latter at least in part; due to the creeping of the chromatophores upon the blood…vessels。  The chromatophores are at first scattered irregularly over the yolk…sac and show their characteristic ramifications。  There is at that time no definite relation between blood…vessels and chromatophores。  As soon as a ramification of a chromatophore comes in contact with a blood… vessel the whole mass of the chromatophore creeps gradually on the blood… vessel and forms a complete sheath around the vessel; until finally all the chromatophores form a sheath around the vessels and no more pigment cells are found in the meshes between the vessels。  Nobody who has not actually watched the process of the creeping of the chromatophores upon the blood… vessels would anticipate that the tiger…like colouration of the yolk…sac in the later stages of the development was brought about in this way。  Similar facts can be observed in regard to the first marking of the embryo itself。  The writer is inclined to believe that we are here dealing with a case of chemotropism; and that the oxygen of the blood may be the cause of the spreading of the chromatophores around the blood…vessels。  Certain observations seem to indicate the possibility that in the adult the chromatophores have; in some forms at least; a more rigid structure and are prevented from acting in the way indicated。  It seems to the writer that such observations as those made on Fundulus might simplify the problem of the hereditary transmission of certain markings。

Driesch has found that a tropism
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