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darwin and modern science-第144章

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 484; Cambridge; 1890。)

We have unfortunately few records of the animated debates which took place at this time between the old and new schools of geologists。  I have often heard Lyell tell how Lockhart would bring down a party of friends from the Athenaeum Club to Somerset House on Geological nights; not; as he carefully explained; that 〃he cared for geology; but because he liked to while the fellows fight。〃  But it fortunately happens that a few days after this last of Darwin's great field…days; at the Geological Society; Lyell; in a friendly letter to his father…in…law; Leonard Horner; wrote a very lively account of the proceedings while his impressions were still fresh; and this gives us an excellent idea of the character of these discussions。

Neither Sedgwick nor Buckland were present on this occasion; but we can imagine how they would have chastised their two 〃erring pupils〃more in sorrow than in angerhad they been there。  Greenough; too; was absent possibly unwilling to countenance even by his presence such outrageous doctrines。

Darwin; after describing the great earthquakes which he had experienced in South America; and the evidence of their connection with volcanic outbursts; proceeded to show that earthquakes originated in fractures; gradually formed in the earth's crust; and were accompanied by movements of the land on either side of the fracture。  In conclusion he boldly advanced the view 〃that continental elevations; and the action of volcanoes; are phenomena now in progress; caused by some great but slow change in the interior of the earth; and; therefore; that it might be anticipated; that the formation of mountain chains is likewise in progress:  and at a rate which may be judged of by either actions; but most clearly by the growth of volcanoes。〃  (〃Proc。 Geol。 Soc。〃 Vol。 II。 pages 654…60。)

Lyell's account (〃Life; Letters and Journals of Sir Charles Lyell; Bart。〃; edited by his sister…in…law; Mrs Lyell; Vol。 II。 pages 40; 41 (Letter to Leonard Horner; 1838); 2 vols。  London; 1881。) of the discussion was as follows:  〃In support of my heretical notions;〃 Darwin 〃opened upon De la Beche; Phillips and others his whole battery of the earthquakes and volcanoes of the Andes; and argued that spaces at least a thousand miles long were simultaneously subject to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions; and that the elevation of the Pampas; Patagonia; etc。; all depended on a common cause; also that the greater the contortions of strata in a mountain chain; the smaller must have been each separate and individual movement of that long series which was necessary to upheave the chain。  Had they been more violent; he contended that the subterraneous fluid matter would have gushed out and overflowed; and the strata would have been blown up and annihilated。  (It is interesting to compare this with what Darwin wrote to Henslow seven years earlier。)  He therefore introduces a cooling of one small underground injection; and then the pumping in of other lava; or porphyry; or granite; into the previously consolidated and first…formed mass of igneous rock。  (Ideas somewhat similar to this suggestion have recently been revived by Dr See (〃Proc。 Am。 Phil。 Soc。〃 Vol。 XLVII。 1908; page 262。)。)  When he had done his description of the reiterated strokes of his volcanic pump; De la Beche gave us a long oration about the impossibility of strata of the Alps; etc。; remaining flexible for such a time as they must have done; if they were to be tilted; convoluted; or overturned by gradual small shoves。  He never; however; explained his theory of original flexibility; and therefore I am as unable as ever to comprehend why flexiblility is a quality so limited in time。

〃Phillips then got up and pronounced a panegyric upon the 〃Principles of Geology〃; and although he still differed; thought the actual cause doctrine had been so well put; that it had advanced the science and formed a date or era; and that for centuries the two opposite doctrines would divide geologists; some contending for greater pristine forces; others satisfied; like Lyell and Darwin; with the same intensity as nature now employs。

〃Fitton quizzed Phillips a little for the warmth of his eulogy; saying that he (Fitton) and others; who had Mr Lyell always with them; were in the habit of admiring and quarrelling with him every day; as one might do with a sister or cousin; whom one would only kiss and embrace fervently after a long absence。  This seemed to be Mr Phillips' case; coming up occasionally from the provinces。  Fitton then finished this drollery by charging me with not having done justice to Hutton; who he said was for gradual elevation。

〃I replied; that most of the critics had attacked me for overrating Hutton; and that Playfair understood him as I did。

〃Whewell concluded by considering Hopkins' mathematical calculations; to which Darwin had often referred。  He also said that we ought not to try and make out what Hutton would have taught and thought; if he had known the facts which we now know。〃

It may be necessary to point out; in explanation of the above narrative; that while it was perfectly clear from Hutton's rather obscure and involved writings that he advocated slow and gradual change on the earth's surface; his frequent references to violent action and earthquakes led many including Playfair; Lyell and Whewellto believe that he held the changes going on in the earth's interior to be of a catastrophic nature。  Fitton; however; maintained that Hutton was consistently uniformitarian。  Before the idea of the actual 〃flowing〃 of solid bodies under intense pressure had been grasped by geologists; De la Beche; like Playfair before him; maintained that the bending and folding of rocks must have been effected before their complete consolidation。

In concluding his account of this memorable discussion; Lyell adds:  〃I was much struck with the different tone in which my gradual causes was treated by all; even including De la Beche; from that which they experienced in the same room four years ago; when Buckland; De la Beche(?); Sedgwick; Whewell; and some others treated them with as much ridicule as was consistent with politeness in my presence。〃

This important paper was; in spite of its theoretical character; published in full in the 〃Transactions of the Geological Society〃 (Ser。 2; Vol。 V。 pages 601…630)。  It did not however appear till 1840; and possibly some changes may have been made in it during the long interval between reading and printing。  During the year 1839; Darwin continued his regular attendance at the Council meetings; but there is no record of any discussions in which he may have taken part; and he contributed no papers himself to the Society。  At the beginning of 1840; he was re…elected for the third time as Secretary; but the results of failing health are indicated by the circumstance that; only at one meeting early in the session; was he able to attend the Council。  At the beginning of the next session (Feb。 1841) Bunbury succeeded him as Secretary; Darwin still remaining on the Council。  It may be regarded as a striking indication of the esteem in which he was held by his fellow geologists; that Darwin remained on the Council for 14 con
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