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darwin and modern science-第191章

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r of extended research; have been content with narrow grounds for induction。  There is a danger; besides; which accompanies even the most genuine work of this science and must be provided against by all its serious students。  I mean the danger of unbalanced introspection both for individuals and for societies; of a preoccupation comparable to our modern social preoccupation with bodily health; of reflection upon mental states not accompanied by exercise and growth of the mental powers; the danger of contemplating will and neglecting work; of analysing conviction and not criticising evidence。

Still; in spite of dangers and mistakes; the work remains full of hopeful indications; and; in the best examples (Such an example is given in Baron F。 von Hugel's recently finished book; the result of thirty years' research:  〃The Mystical Element of Religion; as studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and her Friends〃。  London; 1908。); it is truly scientific in its determination to know the very truth; to tell what we think; not what we think we ought to think。  (G。 Tyrrell; in 〃Mediaevalism〃; has a chapter which is full of the important MORAL element in a scientific attitude。  〃The only infallible guardian of truth is the spirit of truthfulness。〃  〃Mediaevalism〃 page 182; London; 1908。); truly scientific in its employment of hypothesis and verification; and in growing conviction of the reality of its subject…matter through the repeated victories of a mastery which advances; like science; in the Baconian road of obedience。  It is reasonable to hope that progress in this respect will be more rapid and sure when religious study enlists more men affected by scientific desire and endowed with scientific capacity。

The class of investigating minds is a small one; possibly even smaller than that of reflecting minds。  Very few persons at any period are able to find out anything whatever。  There are few observers; few discoverers; few who even wish to discover truth。  In how many societies the problems of philology which face every person who speaks English are left unattempted! And if the inquiring or the successfully inquiring class of minds is small; much smaller; of course; is the class of those possessing the scientific aptitude in an eminent degree。  During the last age this most distinguished class was to a very great extent absorbed in the study of phenomena; a study which had fallen into arrears。  For we stood possessed; in rudiment; of means of observation; means for travelling and acquisition; qualifying men for a larger knowledge than had yet been attempted。  These were now to be directed with new accuracy and ardour upon the fabric and behaviour of the world of sense。  Our debt to the great masters in physical science who overtook and almost out…stripped the task cannot be measured; and; under the honourable leadership of Ruskin; we may all well do penance if we have failed 〃in the respect due to their great powers of thought; or in the admiration due to the far scope of their discovery。〃  (〃Queen of the Air〃; Preface; page vii。  London; 1906。)  With what miraculous mental energy and divine good fortuneas Romans said of their soldiersdid our men of curiosity face the apparently impenetrable mysteries of nature!  And how natural it was that immense accessions of knowledge; unrelated to the spiritual facts of life; should discredit Christian faith; by the apparent superiority of the new work to the feeble and unprogressive knowledge of Christian believers!  The day is coming when men of this mental character and rank; of this curiosity; this energy and this good fortune in investigation; will be employed in opening mysteries of a spiritual nature。  They will silence with masterful witness the over…confident denials of naturalism。  They will be in danger of the widespread recognition which thirty years ago accompanied every utterance of Huxley; Tyndall; Spencer。  They will contribute; in spite of adulation; to the advance of sober religious and moral science。

And this result will be due to Darwin; first because by raising the dignity of natural science; he encouraged the development of the scientific mind; secondly because he gave to religious students the example of patient and ardent investigation; and thirdly because by the pressure of naturalistic criticism the religious have been driven to ascertain the causes of their own convictions; a work in which they were not without the sympathy of men of science。  (The scientific rank of its writer justifies the insertion of the following letter from the late Sir John Burdon…Sanderson to me。  In the lecture referred to I had described the methods of Professor Moseley in teaching Biology as affording a suggestion of the scientific treatment of religion。

Oxford; April 30; 1902。

Dear Sir;

I feel that I must express to you my thanks for the discourse which I had the pleasure of listening to yesterday afternoon。

I do not mean to say that I was able to follow all that you said as to the identity of Method in the two fields of Science and Religion; but I recognise that the 〃mysticism〃 of which you spoke gives us the only way by which the two fields can be brought into relation。

Among much that was memorable; nothing interested me more than what you said of Moseley。

No one; I am sure; knew better than you the value of his teaching and in what that value consisted。

Yours faithfully

J。 Burdon…Sanderson。 31…2。)

In leaving the subject of scientific religious inquiry; I will only add that I do not believe it receives any important helpand certainly it suffers incidentally much damaging interruptionfrom the study of abnormal manifestations or abnormal conditions of personality。

(3)  Both of the above effects seem to me of high; perhaps the very highest; importance to faith and to thought。  But; under the third head; I name two which are more directly traceable to the personal work of Darwin; and more definitely characteristic of the age in which his influence was paramount:  viz。 the influence of the two conceptions of evolution and natural selection upon the doctrine of creation and of design respectively。

It is impossible here; though it is necessary for a complete sketch of the matter; to distinguish the different elements and channels of this Darwinian influence; in Darwin's own writings; in the vigorous polemic of Huxley; and strangely enough; but very actually for popular thought; in the teaching of the definitely anti…Darwinian evolutionist Spencer。

Under the head of the directly and purely Darwinian elements I should class as preeminent the work of Wallace and of Bates; for no two sets of facts have done more to fix in ordinary intelligent minds a belief in organic evolution and in natural selection as its guiding factor than the facts of geographical distribution and of protective colour and mimicry。  The facts of geology were difficult to grasp and the public and theologians heard more often of the imperfection than of the extent of the geological record。 The witness of embryology; depending to a great extent upon microscopic work; was and is beyond the appreciation of persons occupied in fields of work other than biology。


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