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darwin and modern science-第23章

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ection…value of the initial stages; and the stages in the increase of variations; as has been already shown。  But the selection…value of a finished adaptation can in many cases be statistically determined。  Cesnola and Poulton have made valuable experiments in this direction。  The former attached forty…five individuals of the green; and sixty…five of the brown variety of the praying mantis (Mantis religiosa); by a silk thread to plants; and watched them for seventeen days。  The insects which were on a surface of a colour similar to their own remained uneaten; while twenty…five green insects on brown parts of plants had all disappeared in eleven days。

The experiments of Poulton and Sanders (〃Report of the British Association〃 (Bristol; 1898); London; 1899; pages 906…909。) were made with 600 pupae of Vanessa urticae; the 〃tortoise…shell butterfly。〃  The pupae were artificially attached to nettles; tree…trunks; fences; walls; and to the ground; some at Oxford; some at St Helens in the Isle of Wight。  In the course of a month 93 per cent of the pupae at Oxford were killed; chiefly by small birds; while at St Helens 68 per cent perished。  The experiments showed very clearly that the colour and character of the surface on which the pupa restsand thus its own conspicuousnessare of the greatest importance。  At Oxford only the four pupae which were fastened to nettles emerged; all the reston bark; stones and the likeperished。  At St Helens the elimination was as follows:  on fences where the pupae were conspicuous; 92 per cent; on bark; 66 per cent; on walls; 54 per cent; and among nettles; 57 per cent。  These interesting experiments confirm our views as to protective coloration; and show further; THAT THE RATIO OF ELIMINATION IN THE SPECIES IS A VERY HIGH ONE; AND THAT THEREFORE SELECTION MUST BE VERY KEEN。

We may say that the process of selection follows as a logical necessity from the fulfilment of the three preliminary postulates of the theory:  variability; heredity; and the struggle for existence; with its enormous ratio of elimination in all species。  To this we must add a fourth factor; the INTENSIFICATION of variations which Darwin established as a fact; and which we are now able to account for theoretically on the basis of germinal selection。  It may be objected that there is considerable uncertainty about this LOGICAL proof; because of our inability to demonstrate the selection… value of the initial stages and the individual stages of increase。  We have therefore to fall back on PRESUMPTIVE EVIDENCE。  This is to be found in THE INTERPRETATIVE VALUE OF THE THEORY。  Let us consider this point in greater detail。

In the first place; it is necessary to emphasise what is often overlooked; namely; that the theory not only explains the TRANSFORMATIONS of species; it also explains THEIR REMAINING THE SAME; in addition to the principle of varying; it contains within itself that of PERSISTING。  It is part of the essence of selection; that it not only causes a part to VARY till it has reached its highest pitch of adaptation; but that it MAINTAINS IT AT THIS PITCH。  THIS CONSERVING INFLUENCE OF NATURAL SELECTION is of great importance; and was early recognised by Darwin; it follows naturally from the principle of the survival of the fittest。

We understand from this how it is that a species which has become fully adapted to certain conditions of life ceases to vary; but remains 〃constant;〃 as long as the conditions of life FOR IT remain unchanged; whether this be for thousands of years; or for whole geological epochs。  But the most convincing proof of the power of the principle of selection lies in the innumerable multitude of phenomena which cannot be explained in any other way。  To this category belong all structures which are only PASSIVELY of advantage to the organism; because none of these can have arisen by the alleged LAMARCKIAN PRINCIPLE。  These have been so often discussed that we need do no more than indicate them here。  Until quite recently the sympathetic coloration of animalsfor instance; the whiteness of Arctic animalswas referred; at least in part; to the DIRECT influence of external factors; but the facts can best be explained by referring them to the processes of selection; for then it is unnecessary to make the gratuitous assumption that many species are sensitive to the stimulus of cold and that others are not。  The great majority of Arctic land…animals; mammals and birds; are white; and this proves that they were all able to present the variation which was most useful for them。  The sable is brown; but it lives in trees; where the brown colouring protects and conceals it more effectively。  The musk…sheep (Ovibos moschatus) is also brown; and contrasts sharply with the ice and snow; but it is protected from beasts of prey by its gregarious habit; and therefore it is of advantage to be visible from as great a distance as possible。  That so many species have been able to give rise to white varieties does not depend on a special sensitiveness of the skin to the influence of cold; but to the fact that Mammals and Birds have a general tendency to vary towards white。  Even with us; many birdsstarlings; blackbirds; swallows; etc。occasionally produce white individuals; but the white variety does not persist; because it readily falls a victim to the carnivores。  This is true of white fawns; foxes; deer; etc。  The whiteness; therefore; arises from internal causes; and only persists when it is useful。  A great many animals living in a GREEN ENVIRONMENT have become clothed in green; especially insects; caterpillars; and Mantidae; both persecuted and persecutors。

That it is not the direct effect of the environment which calls forth the green colour is shown by the many kinds of caterpillar which rest on leaves and feed on them; but are nevertheless brown。  These feed by night and betake themselves through the day to the trunk of the tree; and hide in the furrows of the bark。  We cannot; however; conclude from this that they were UNABLE to vary towards green; for there are Arctic animals which are white only in winter and brown in summer (Alpine hare; and the ptarmigan of the Alps); and there are also green leaf…insects which remain green only while they are young and difficult to see on the leaf; but which become brown again in the last stage of larval life; when they have outgrown the leaf。 They then conceal themselves by day; sometimes only among withered leaves on the ground; sometimes in the earth itself。  It is interesting that in one genus; Chaerocampa; one species is brown in the last stage of larval life; another becomes brown earlier; and in many species the last stage is not wholly brown; a part remaining green。  Whether this is a case of a double adaptation; or whether the green is being gradually crowded out by the brown; the fact remains that the same species; even the same individual; can exhibit both variations。  The case is the same with many of the leaf…like Orthoptera; as; for instance; the praying mantis (Mantis religiosa) which we have already mentioned。

But the best proofs are furnished by those often…cited cases in which the insect bears a deceptive resemblance to another object。  We now know many
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