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afterward entirely in my hands?〃

〃I'll leave it in your hands; sir; with all the pleasure in
life;〃 said Pedgift Junior。 (〃And I'll lay five to one;〃 he
added; mentally; 〃when the time comes; you'll leave it in mine!〃)
〃We'll go to Bayswater together; Mr。 Armadale; tomorrow morning。
In the meantime。 here's the soup。 The case now before the court
is; Pleasure versus Business。 I don't know what you say; sir; I
say; without a moment's hesitation; Verdict for the plaintiff。
Let us gather our rosebuds while we may。 Excuse my high spirits;
Mr。 Armadale。 Though buried in the country; I was made for a
London life; the very air of the metropolis intoxicates me。〃 With
that avowal the irresistible Pedgift placed a chair for his
patron; and issued his orders cheerfully to his viceroy; the
head…waiter。 〃Iced punch; William; after the soup。 I answer for
the punch; Mr。 Armadale; it's made after a recipe of my
great…uncle's。 He kept a tavern; and founded the fortunes of the
family。 I don't mind telling you the Pedgifts have had a publican
amon g them; there's no false pride about me。 'Worth makes the
man (as Pope says) and want of it the fellow; the rest is all but
leather and prunella。' I cultivate poetry as well as music; sir;
in my leisure hours; in fact; I'm more or less on familiar terms
with the whole of the nine Muses。 Aha! here's the punch! The
memory of my great…uncle; the publican; Mr。 Armadaledrunk in
solemn silence!〃

Allan tried hard to emulate his companion's gayety and good
humor; but with very indifferent success。 His visit to Kingsdown
Crescent recurred ominously again and again to his memory all
through the dinner; and all through the public amusements to
which he and his legal adviser repaired at a later hour of the
evening。 When Pedgift Junior put out his candle that night; he
shook his wary head; and regretfully apostrophized 〃the women〃
for the second time。

By ten o'clock the next morning the indefatigable Pedgift was on
the scene of action。 To Allan's great relief; he proposed making
the necessary inquiries at Kingsdown Crescent in his own person;
while his patron waited near at hand; in the cab which had
brought them from the hotel。 After a delay of little more than
five minutes; he reappeared; in full possession of all attainable
particulars。 His first proceeding was to request Allan to step
out of the cab; and to pay the driver。 Next; he politely offered
his arm; and led the way round the corner of the crescent; across
a square; and into a by…street; which was rendered exceptionally
lively by the presence of the local cab…stand。 Here he stopped;
and asked jocosely whether Mr。 Armadale saw his way now; or
whether it would be necessary to test his patience by making an

〃See my way?〃 repeated Allan; in bewilderment。 〃I see nothing but
a cab…stand。〃

Pedgift Junior smiled compassionately; and entered on his
explanation。 It was a lodging…house at Kingsdown Crescent; he
begged to state to begin with。 He had insisted on seeing the
landlady。 A very nice person; with all the remains of having been
a fine girl about fifty years ago; quite in Pedgift's styleif
he had only been alive at the beginning of the present
centuryquite in Pedgift's style。 But perhaps Mr。 Armadale would
prefer hearing about Mrs。 Mandeville? Unfortunately; there was
nothing to tell。 There had been no quarreling; and not a farthing
left unpaid: the lodger had gone; and there wasn't an explanatory
circumstance to lay hold of anywhere。 It was either Mrs。
Mandeville's way to vanish; or there was something under the
rose; quite undiscoverable so far。 Pedgift had got the date on
which she left; and the time of day at which she left; and the
means by which she left。 The means might help to trace her。 She
had gone away in a cab which the servant had fetched from the
nearest stand。 The stand was now before their eyes; and the
waterman was the first person to apply togoing to the waterman
for information being clearly (if Mr。 Armadale would excuse the
joke) going to the fountain…head。 Treating the subject in this
airy manner; and telling Allan that he would be back in a moment;
Pedgift Junior sauntered down the street; and beckoned the
waterman confidentially into the nearest public…house。

In a little while the two re…appeared; the waterman taking
Pedgift in succession to the first; third; fourth; and sixth of
the cabmen whose vehicles were on the stand。 The longest
conference was held with the sixth man; and it ended in the
sudden approach of the sixth cab to the part of the street where
Allan was waiting。

〃Get in; sir;〃 said Pedgift; opening the door; 〃I've found the
man。 He remembers the lady; and; though he has forgotten the name
of the street; he believes he can find the place he drove her to
when he once gets back into the neighborhood。 I am charmed to
inform you; Mr。 Armadale; that we are in luck's way so far。 I
asked the waterman to show me the regular men on the stand; and
it turns out that one of the regular men drove Mrs。 Mandeville。
The waterman vouches for him; he's quite an anomalya
respectable cabman; drives his own horse; and has never been in
any trouble。 These are the sort of men; sir; who sustain one's
belief in human nature。 I've had a look at our friend; and I
agree with the waterman; I think we can depend on him。〃

The investigation required some exercise of patience at the
outset。 It was not till the cab had traversed the distance
between Bayswater and Pimlico that the driver began to slacken
his pace and look about him。 After once or twice retracing its
course; the vehicle entered a quiet by…street; ending in a dead
wall; with a door in it; and stopped at the last house on the
left…hand side; the house next to the wall。

〃Here it is; gentlemen;〃 said the man; opening the cab door。

Allan and Allan's adviser both got out; and both looked at the
house; with the same feeling of instinctive distrust。

Buildings have their physiognomyespecially buildings in great
citiesand the face of this house was essentially furtive in its
expression。 The front windows were all shut; and the front blinds
were all drawn down。 It looked no larger than the other houses in
the street; seen in front; but it ran back deceitfully and gained
its greater accommodation by means of its greater depth。 It
affected to be a shop on the ground…floor; but it exhibited
absolutely nothing in the space that intervened between the
window and an inner row of red curtains; which hid the interior
entirely from view。 At one side was the shop door; having more
red curtains behind the glazed part of it; and bearing a brass
plate on the wooden part of it; inscribed with the name of
〃Oldershaw。〃 On the other side was the private door; with a bell
marked Professional; and another brass plate; indicating a
medical occupant on this side of the house; for the name on it
was; 〃Doctor Downward。〃 If ever brick and mortar spoke yet; the
brick and mortar here said plainly; 〃We have got our secrets
inside; and we mean to keep them。〃

〃This can't be the place;〃 said Allan; 〃there must be some

'You know best; sir;〃 remarked Pedgift Junior; with h
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