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assisting me。 Not a farthing less would tempt him; and there he
left it; with his best and friendliest wishes; in my hands!

〃It ended in the only way in which it could end。 I had no choice
but to accept the terms; and to let the doctor settle things on
the spot as he pleased。 The arrangement once made between us; I
must do him the justice to say that he showed no disposition to
let the grass grow under his feet。 He called briskly for pen; ink
and paper; and suggested opening the campaign at Thorpe Ambrose
by to…night's post。

〃We agreed on a form of letter which I wrote; and which he copied
on the spot。 I entered into no particulars at starting。 I simply
asserted that I was the widow of the deceased Mr。 Armadale; that
I had been privately married to him; that I had returned to
England on his sailing in the yacht from Naples; and that I
begged to inclose a copy of my marriage certificate; as a matter
of form with which I presumed it was customary to comply。 The
letter was addressed to 'The Representatives of the late Allan
Armadale; Esq。; Thorpe Ambrose; Norfolk。' And the doctor himself
carried it away; and put it in the post。

〃I am not so excited and so impatient for results as I expected
to be; now that the first step is taken。 The thought of Midwinter
haunts me like a ghost。 I have been writing to him againas
before; to keep up appearances。 It will be my last letter; I
think。 My courage feels shaken; my spirits get depressed; when my
thoughts go back to Turin。 I am no more capable of facing the
consideration of Midwinter at this moment than I was in the
by…gone time; The day of reckoning with him; once distant and
doubtful; is a day that may come to me now; I know not how soon。
And here I am; trusting myself blindly to the chapter of
Accidents still!

〃November 25th。At two o'clock to…day the doctor called again by
appointment。 He has been to his lawyers (of course without taking
them into our confidence) to put the case simply of proving my
marriage。 The result confirms what he has already told me。 The
pivot on which the whole matter will turn; if my claim is
disputed; will be the question of identity; and it may be
necessary for the witness to make his Declaration in the
magistrate's presence before the week is out。

〃In this position of affairs; the doctor thinks it important that
we should be within easy reach of each other; and proposes to
find a quiet lodging for me in his neighborhood。 I am quite
willing to go anywhere; for; among the other strange fancies that
have got possession of me; I have an idea that I shall feel more
completely lost to Midwinter if I move out of the neighborhood in
which his letters are addressed to me。 I was awake and thinking
of him again last night This morning I have finally decided to
write to him no more。

〃After staying half an hour; the doctor left me; having first
inquired whether I would like to accompany him to Hampstead to
look for lodgings。 I informed him that I had some business of my
own which would keep me in London。 He inquired what the business
was。 'You will see;' I said; 'to…morrow or next day。'

〃I had a moment's nervous trembling when I was by myself again。
My business in London; besides being a serious business in a
woman's eyes; took my mind back to Midwinter in spite of me。 The
prospect of removing to my new lodging had reminded me of the
necessity of dressing in my new character。 The time had come now
for getting _my widow's weeds。_

〃My first proceeding; after putting my bonnet on; was to provide
myself with money。 I got what I wanted to fit me out for the
character of Armadale's widow by nothing less than the sale of
Armadale's own present to me on my marriagethe ruby ring! It
proved to be a more valuable jewel than I had supposed。 I am
likely to be spared all money anxieties for some time to come。

〃On leaving the jeweler's; I went to the great mourning shop in
Regent Street。 In four…and…twenty hours (if I can give them no
more) they have engaged to dress me in my widow's costume from
head to foot。 I had another feverish moment when I left the shop;
and; by way of further excitement on this agitating day; I found
a surprise in store for me on my return to the hotel。 An elderly
gentleman was announced to be waiting to see me。 I opened my
sitting…room door; and there was old Bashwood!

〃He had got my letter that morning; and had started for London by
the next train to answer it in person。 I had expected a great
deal from him; but I had certainly not expected _that。_ It
flattered me。 For the moment; I declare it flattered me!

〃I pass over the wretched old creature's raptures and reproaches;
and groans and tears; and weary long prosings about the lonely
months he had passed at Thorpe Ambrose; brooding over my
desertion of him。 He was quite eloquent at times; but I don't
want his eloquence here。 It is needless to say that I put myself
right with him; and consulted his feelings before I asked him for
his news。 What a blessing a woman's vanity is sometimes! I almost
forgot my risks and responsibilities in my anxieties to be
charming。 For a minute or two I felt a warm little flutter of
triumph。 And it was a triumpheven with an old man! In a quarter
of an hour I had him smirking and smiling; hanging on my lightest
words in an ecstasy; and answering all the questions I put to him
like a good little child。

〃Here is his account of affairs at Thorpe Ambrose; as I gently
extracted it from him bit by bit:

〃In the first place; the news of Armadale's death has reached
Miss Milroy。 It has so completely overwhelmed her that her father
has been compelled to remove her from the school。 She is back at
the cottage; and the doctor is in daily attendance。 Do I pity
her? Yes! I pity her exactly as much as she once pitied me!

〃In the next place; the state of affairs at the great house;
which I expected to find some difficulty in comprehending; tu rns
out to be quite intelligible; and certainly not discouraging so
far。 Only yesterday; the lawyers on both sides came to an
understanding。 Mr。 Darch (the family solicitor of the Blanchards;
and Armadale's bitter enemy in past times) represents the
interests of Miss Blanchard; who (in the absence of any male
heir) is next heir to the estate; and who has; it appears; been
in London for some time past。 Mr。 Smart; of Norwich (originally
employed to overlook Bashwood); represents the deceased Armadale。
And this is what the two lawyers have settled between them。

〃Mr。 Darch; acting for Miss Blanchard; has claimed the possession
of the estate; and the right of receiving the rents at the
Christmas audit; in her name。 Mr。 Smart; on his side; has
admitted that there is great weight in the family solicitor's
application。 He cannot see his way; as things are now; to
contesting the question of Armadale's death; and he will consent
to offer no resistance to the application; if Mr。 Darch will
consent; on his side; to assume the responsibility of taking
possession in Miss Blanchard's name。 This Mr。 Darch has already
done; and the estate is now virtually in Miss Blanchard's

〃One result of this course of proceeding wi
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