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〃I beg your pardon;〃 said the doctor; with another attack of
deafness; and with his hand once more at his ear。

She laughed to herselfa low; terrible laugh; which startled
even the doctor into taking his hand off the back of her chair。

〃An inmate of your Sanitarium?〃 she repeated。 〃You consult
appearances in everything else; do you propose to consult
appearances in receiving me into your house?〃

〃Most assuredly!〃 replied the doctor; with enthusiasm。 〃I am
surprised at your asking me the question! Did you ever know a man
of any eminence in my profession who set appearances at defiance?
If you honor me by accepting my invitation; you enter My
Sanitarium in the most unimpeachable of all possible
charactersin the character of a Patient。〃

〃When do you want my answer?〃

〃Can you decide to…day?〃


〃Yes。 Have you anything more to say?〃

''Nothing more。〃

〃Leave me; then。 _I_ don't keep up appearances。 I wish to be
alone; and I say so。 Good…morning。〃

〃Oh; the sex! the sex!〃 said the doctor; with his excellent
temper in perfect working order again。 〃So delightfully
impulsive! so charmingly reckless of what they say or how they
say it! 'Oh; woman; in our hours of ease; uncertain; coy; and
hard to please!' There! there! there! Good…morning!〃

Miss Gwilt rose and looked after him contemptuously from the
window; when the street door had closed; and he had left the

〃Armadale himself drove me to it the first time;〃 she said。
〃Manuel drove me to it the second time。You cowardly scoundrel!
shall I let _you_ drive me to it for the third time; and the

She turned from the window; and looked thoughtfully at her
widow's dress in the glass。

The hours of the day passedand she decided nothing。 The night
cameand she hesitated still。 The new morning dawnedand the
terrible question was still unanswered。

By the early post there came a letter for her。 It was Mr。
Bashwood's usual report。 Again he had watched for Allan's
arrival; and again in vain。

〃I'll have more time!〃 she determined; passionately。 〃No man
alive shall hurry me faster than I like!〃

At breakfast that morning (the morning of the 9th) the doctor was
surprised in his study by a visit from Miss Gwilt。

〃I want another day;〃 she said; the moment the servant had closed
the door on her。

The doctor looked at her before he answered; and saw the danger
of driving her to extremities plainly expressed in her face。

〃The time is getting on;〃 he remonstrated; in his most persuasive
manner。 〃For all we know to the contrary; Mr。 Armadale may be
here to…night。〃

〃I want another day!〃 she repeated; loudly and passionately。

〃Granted!〃 said the doctor; looking nervously toward the door。
〃Don't be too loudthe servants may hear you。 Mind!〃 he added;
〃I depend on your honor not to press me for any further delay。〃

〃You had better depend on my despair;〃 she said; and left him。

The doctor chipped the shell of his egg; and laughed softly。

〃Quite right; my dear!〃 he thought。 〃I remember where your
despair led you in past times; and I think I may trust it to lead
you the same way now。〃

At a quarter to eight o'clock that night Mr。 Bashwood took up his
post of observation; as usual; on the platform of the terminus at
London Bridge。 He was in the highest good spirits; he smiled and
smirked in irrepressible exultation。 The sense that he held in
reserve a means of influence over Miss Gwilt; in virtue of his
knowledge of her past career; had had no share in effecting the
transformation that now appeared in him。 It had upheld his
courage in his forlorn life at Thorpe Ambrose; and it had given
him that increased confidence of manner which Miss Gwilt herself
had noticed; but; from the moment when he had regained his old
place in her favor; it had vanished as a motive power in him;
annihilated by the electric shock of her touch and her look。 His
vanitythe vanity which in men at his age is only despair in
disguisehad now lifted him to the seventh heaven of fatuous
happiness once more。 He believed in her again as he believed in
the smart new winter overcoat that he woreas he believed in the
dainty little cane (appropriate to the dawning dandyism of lads
in their teens) that he flourished in his hand。 He hummed! The
worn…out old creature; who had not sung since his childhood;
hummed; as he paced the platform; the few fragments he could
remember of a worn…out old song。

The train was due as early as eight o'clock that night。 At five
minutes past the hour the whistle sounded。 In less than five
minutes more the passengers were getting out on the platform。

Following the instructions that had been given to him; Mr。
Bashwood made his way; as well as the crowd would let him; along
the line of carriages; and; discovering no familiar face on that
first investigation; joined the passengers for a second search
among them in the custom…house waiting…room next。

He had looked round the room; and had satisfied himself that the
persons occupying it were all strangers; when he heard a voice
behind him; exclaiming: 〃Can that be Mr。 Bashwood!〃 He turned in
eager expectation; and found himself face to face with the last
man under heaven whom he had expected to see。

The man was MIDWINTER。



NOTICING Mr。 Bashwood's confusion (after a moment's glance at the
change in his personal appearance); Midwinter spoke first。

〃I see I have surprised you;〃 he said。 〃You are looking; I
suppose; for somebody else? Have you heard from Allan? Is he on
his way home again already?〃

The inquiry about Allan; though it would naturally have suggested
itself to any one in Midwinter's position at that moment; added
to Mr。 Bashwood's confusion。 Not knowing how else to extricate
himself from the critical position in which he was placed; he
took refuge in simple denial。

〃I know nothing about Mr。 Armadaleoh dear; no; sir; I know
nothing about Mr。 Armadale;〃 he answered; with needless eagerness
and hurry。 〃Welcome back to England; sir;〃 he went on; changing
the subject in his nervously talkative manner。 〃I didn't know you
had been abroad。 It's so long since we have had the
pleasuresince I have had the pleasure。 Have you enjoyed
yourself; sir; in foreign parts? Such different manners from
oursyes; yes; yessuch different manners from ours! Do you
make a long stay in England; now you have come back?〃

〃I hardly know;〃 said Midwinter。 〃I have been obliged to alter my
plans; and to come to England unexpectedly。〃 He hesitated a
little; his manner changed; and he added; in lower tones: 〃A
serious anxiety has brought me back。 I can't say what my plans
will be until that anxiety is set at rest。〃

The light of a lamp fell on his face while he spoke; and Mr。
Bashwood observed; for the first time; that he looked sadly worn
and changed。

〃I'm sorry; sirI'm sure I'm very sorry。 If I could be of any
use〃 suggested Mr。 Bashwood; speaking under the influence in
some degr ee of his nervous politeness; and in some degree of his
remembrance of what Midwinter had done for him at Thorpe Ambrose
in the by…gone time。

Midwinter thanked him and turned away sadly。 〃I
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