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school watch…dog had had his instructions; I suppose: he stopped
me before I got outside the gate。 Here is his mark; among the
rest; on the back of my hand。 His master's marks I can't show
you; they are all on my back。 Can you believe in my perversity?
There was a devil in me that no dog
 could worry out。 I ran away again as soon as I left my bed; and
this time I got off。 At nightfall I found myself (with a
pocketful of the school oatmeal) lost on a moor。 I lay down on
the fine soft heather; under the lee of a great gray rock。 Do you
think I felt lonely? Not I! I was away from the master's cane;
away from my schoolfellows' kicks; away from my mother; away from
my stepfather; and I lay down that night under my good friend the
rock; the happiest boy in all Scotland!〃

Through the wretched childhood which that one significant
circumstance disclosed; Mr。 Brock began to see dimly how little
was really strange; how little really unaccountable; in the
character of the man who was now speaking to him。

〃I slept soundly;〃 Midwinter continued; 〃under my friend the
rock。 When I woke in the morning; I found a sturdy old man with a
fiddle sitting on one side of me; and two performing dogs on the
other。 Experience had made me too sharp to tell the truth when
the man put his first questions。 He didn't press them; he gave me
a good breakfast out of his knapsack; and he let me romp with the
dogs。 'I'll tell you what;' he said; when he had got my
confidence in this manner; 'you want three things; my man: you
want a new father; a new family; and a new name。 I'll be your
father。 I'll let you have the dogs for your brothers; and; if
you'll promise to be very careful of it; I'll give you my own
name into the bargain。 Ozias Midwinter; Junior; you have had a
good breakfast; if you want a good dinner; come along with me!'
He got up; the dogs trotted after him; and I trotted after the
dogs。 Who was my new father? you will ask。 A half…breed gypsy;
sir; a drunkard; a ruffian; and a thiefand the best friend I
ever had! Isn't a man your friend who gives you your food; your
shelter; and your education? Ozias Midwinter taught me to dance
the Highland fling; to throw somersaults; to walk on stilts; and
to sing songs to his fiddle。 Sometimes we roamed the country; and
performed at fairs。 Sometimes we tried the large towns; and
enlivened bad company over its cups。 I was a nice; lively little
boy of eleven years old; and bad company; the women especially;
took a fancy to me and my nimble feet。 I was vagabond enough to
like the life。 The dogs and I lived together; ate; and drank; and
slept together。 I can't think of those poor little four…footed
brothers of mine; even now; without a choking in the throat。 Many
is the beating we three took together; many is the hard day's
dancing we did together; many is the night we have slept
together; and whimpered together; on the cold hill…side。 I'm not
trying to distress you; sir; I'm only telling you the truth。 The
life with all its hardships was a life that fitted me; and the
half…breed gypsy who gave me his name; ruffian as he was; was a
ruffian I liked。〃

〃A man who beat you!〃 exclaimed Mr。 Brock; in astonishment。

〃Didn't I tell you just now; sir; that I lived with the dogs? and
did you ever hear of a dog who liked his master the worse for
beating him? Hundreds of thousands of miserable men; women; and
children would have liked that man (as I liked him) if he had
always given them what he always gave meplenty to eat。 It was
stolen food mostly; and my new gypsy father was generous with it。
He seldom laid the stick on us when he was sober; but it diverted
him to hear us yelp when he was drunk。 He died drunk; and enjoyed
his favorite amusement with his last breath。 One day (when I had
been two years in his service); after giving us a good dinner out
on the moor; he sat down with his back against a stone; and
called us up to divert himself with his stick。 He made the dogs
yelp first; and then he called to me。 I didn't go very willingly;
he had been drinking harder than usual; and the more he drank the
better he liked his after…dinner amusement。 He was in high
good…humor that day; and he hit me so hard that he toppled over;
in his drunken state; with the force of his own blow。 He fell
with his face in a puddle; and lay there without moving。 I and
the dogs stood at a distance; and looked at him: we thought he
was feigning; to get us near and have another stroke at us。 He
feigned so long that we ventured up to him at last。 It took me
some time to pull him over; he was a heavy man。 When I did get
him on his back; he was dead。 We made all the outcry we could;
but the dogs were little; and I was little; and the place was
lonely; and no help came to us。 I took his fiddle and his stick;
I said to my two brothers; 'Come along; we must get our own
living now;' and we went away heavy…hearted; and left him on the
moor。 Unnatural as it may seem to you; I was sorry for him。 I
kept his ugly name through all my after…wanderings; and I have
enough of the old leaven left in me to like the sound of it
still。 Midwinter or Armadale; never mind my name now; we will
talk of that afterward; you must know the worst of me first。〃

〃Why not the best of you?〃 said Mr。 Brock; gently。

〃Thank you; sir; but I am here to tell the truth。 We will get on;
if you please; to the next chapter in my story。 The dogs and I
did badly; after our master's death; our luck was against us。 I
lost one of my little brothersthe best performer of the two; he
was stolen; and I never recovered him。 My fiddle and my stilts
were taken from me next; by main force; by a tramp who was
stronger than I。 These misfortunes drew Tommy and meI beg your
pardon; sir; I mean the dogcloser together than ever。

I think we had some kind of dim foreboding on both sides that we
had not done with our misfortunes yet; anyhow; it was not very
long before we were parted forever。 We were neither of us thieves
(our master had been satisfied with teaching us to dance); but we
both committed an invasion of the rights of property; for all
that。 Young creatures; even when they are half starved; cannot
resist taking a run sometimes on a fine morning。 Tommy and I
could not resist taking a run into a gentleman's plantation; the
gentleman preserved his game; and the gentleman's keeper knew his
business。 I heard a gun go off; you can guess the rest。 God
preserve me from ever feeling such misery again as I felt when I
lay down by Tommy; and took him; dead and bloody; in my arms! The
keeper attempted to part us; I bit him; like the wild animal I
was。 He tried the stick on me next; he might as well have tried
it on one of the trees。 The noise reached the ears of two young
ladies riding near the placedaughters of the gentleman on whose
property I was a trespasser。 They were too well brought up to
lift their voices against the sacred right of preserving game;
but they were kind…hearted girls; and they pitied me; and took me
home with them。 I remember the gentlemen of the house (keen
sportsmen all of them) roaring with laughter as I went by the
windows; crying; with my little dead dog in my arms。 Don
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