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doubted him without any just cause。 I have arranged that he is to
give me my first lesson in the steward's office on Monday

〃All right;〃 said Allan。 〃You needn't be afraid; old boy; of my
interrupting you over your studies。 I dare say I'm wrongbut I
don't like Mr。 Bashwood。〃

〃I dare say _I'm_ wrong;〃 retorted the other; a little
petulantly。 〃I do。〃

The Sunday morning found Midwinter in the park; waiting to
intercept the postman; on the chance of his bringing more news
from Mr。 Brock。

At the customary hour the man made his appearance; and placed the
expected letter in Midwinter's hands。 He opened it; far away from
all fear of observation this time; and read these lines:

〃MY DEAR MIDWINTERI write more for the purpose of quieting your
anxiety than because I have anything definite to say。 In my last
hurried letter I had no time to tell you that the elder of the
two women whom I met in the Gardens had followed me; and spoken
to me in the street。 I believe I may characterize what she said
(without doing her any injustice) as a tissue of falsehoods from
beginning to end。 At any rate; she confirmed me in the suspicion
that some underhand proceeding is on foot; of which Allan is
destined to be the victim; and that the prime mover in the
conspiracy is the vile woman who helped his mother's marriage and
who hastened his mother's death。

〃Feeling this conviction; I have not hesitated to do; for Allan's
sake; what I would have done for no other creature in the world。
I have left my hotel; and have installed myself (with my old
servant Robert) in a house opposite the house to which I traced
the two women。 We are alternately on the watch (quite
unsuspected; I am certain; by the people opposite) day and night。
All my feelings; as a gentleman and a clergyman; revolt from such
an occupation as I am now engaged in; but there is no other
choice。 I must either do this violence to my own self…respect; or
I must leave Allan; with his easy nature; and in his assailable
position; to defend himself against a wretch who is prepared; I
firmly believe; to take the most unscrupulous advantage of his
weakness and his youth。 His mother's dying entreaty has never
left my memory; and; God help me; I am now degrading myself in my
own eyes in consequence。

'There has been some reward already for the sacrifice。 This day
(Saturday) I have gained an immense advantageI have at last
seen the woman's face。 She went out with her veil down as before;
and Robert kept her in view; having my instructions; if she
returned to the house; not to follow her back to the door。 She
did return to the house; and the result of my precaution was; as
I had expected; to throw her off her guard。 I saw her face
unveiled at the window; and  afterward again in the balcony。 If
any occasion should ari se for describing her particularly; you
shall have the description。 At present I need only say that she
looks the full age (five…and…thirty) at which you estimated her;
and that she is by no means so handsome a woman as I had (I
hardly know why) expected to see。

〃This is all I can now tell you。 If nothing more happens by
Monday or Tuesday next; I shall have no choice but to apply to my
lawyers for assistance; though I am most unwilling to trust this
delicate and dangerous matter in other hands than mine。 Setting
my own feelings however; out of the question; the business which
has been the cause of my journey to London is too important to be
trifled with much longer as I am trifling with it now。 In any and
every case; depend on my keeping you informed of the progress of
events; and believe me yours truly;


Midwinter secured the letter as he had secured the letter that
preceded itside by side in his pocket…book with the narrative
of Allan's Dream。

〃How many days more?〃 he asked himself; as he went back to the
house。 〃How many days more?〃

Not many。 The time he was waiting for was a time close at hand。

Monday came; and brought Mr。 Bashwood; punctual to the appointed
hour。 Monday came; and found Allan immersed in his preparations
for the picnic。 He held a series of interviews; at home and
abroad; all through the day。 He transacted business with Mrs。
Gripper; with the butler; and with the coachman; in their three
several departments of eating; drinking; and driving。 He went to
the town to consult his professional advisers on the subject of
the Broads; and to invite both the lawyers; father and son (in
the absence of anybody else in the neighborhood whom he could
ask); to join the picnic。 Pedgift Senior (in his department)
supplied general information; but begged to be excused from
appearing at the picnic; on the score of business engagements。
Pedgift Junior (in his department) added all the details; and;
casting business engagements to the winds; accepted the
invitation with the greatest pleasure。 Returning from the
lawyer's office; Allan's next proceeding was to go to the major's
cottage and obtain Miss Milroy's approval of the proposed
locality for the pleasure party。 This object accomplished; he
returned to his own house; to meet the last difficulty now left
to encounterthe difficulty of persuading Midwinter to join the
expedition to the Broads。

On first broaching the subject; Allan found his friend
impenetrably resolute to remain at home。 Midwinter's natural
reluctance to meet the major and his daughter after what had
happened at the cottage; might probably have been overcome。 But
Midwinter's determination not to allow Mr。 Bashwood's course of
instruction to be interrupted was proof against every effort that
could be made to shake it。 After exerting his influence to the
utmost; Allan was obliged to remain contented with a compromise。
Midwinter promised; not very willingly; to join the party toward
evening; at the place appointed for a gypsy tea…making; which was
to close the proceedings of the day。 To this extent he would
consent to take the opportunity of placing himself on a friendly
footing with the Milroys。 More he could not concede; even to
Allan's persuasion; and for more it would he useless to ask。

The day of the picnic came。 The lovely morning; and the cheerful
bustle of preparation for the expedition; failed entirely to
tempt Midwinter into altering his resolution。 At the regular hour
he left the breakfast…table to join Mr。 Bashwood in the steward's
office。 The two were quietly closeted over the books; at the back
of the house; while the packing for the picnic went on in front。
Young Pedgift (short in stature; smart in costume; and
self…reliant in manner) arrived some little time before the hour
for starting; to revise all the arrangements; and to make any
final improvements which his local knowledge might suggest。 Allan
and he were still busy in consultation when the first hitch
occurred in the proceedings。 The woman…servant from the cottage
was reported to be waiting below for an answer to a note from her
young mistress; which was placed in Allan's hands。

On this occasion Miss Milroy's emotions had apparently got the
better of her sense of propriety。 The tone of the letter was
feverish; and the handwriting wan
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