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vanity fair(名利场)-第110章

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down her head。
〃When you were quite poor; who was it that befriended
you?  Was I not a sister to you?  You saw us
all in happier days before he married me。  I was all in
all then to him; or would he have given up his fortune;
his family; as he nobly did to make me happy?  Why did
you come between my love and me?  Who sent you to
separate those whom God joined; and take my darling's
heart from me my own husband? Do you think you
could I love him as I did?  His love was everything to me。
You knew it; and wanted to rob me of it。  For shame;
Rebecca; bad and wicked womanfalse friend and false
〃Amelia; I protest before God; I have done my
husband no wrong;〃 Rebecca said; turning from her。
〃Have you done me no wrong; Rebecca?  You did not
succeed; but you tried。  Ask your heart if you did not。〃
She knows nothing; Rebecca thought。
〃He came back to me。  I knew he would。  I knew that
no falsehood; no flattery; could keep him from me long。
I knew he would come。  I prayed so that he should。〃
The poor girl spoke these words with a spirit and
volubility which Rebecca had never before seen in her;
and before which the latter was quite dumb。  〃But what
have I done to you;〃 she continued in a more pitiful tone;
〃that you should try and take him from me?  I had him
but for six weeks。  You might have spared me those;
Rebecca。  And yet; from the very first day of our wedding;
you came and blighted it。  Now he is gone; are you come
to see how unhappy I am?〃 she continued。  〃You made
me wretched enough for the past fortnight:  you might
have spared me to…day。〃
〃II never came here;〃 interposed Rebecca; with
unlucky truth。
〃No。  You didn't come。  You took him away。  Are you
come to fetch him from me?〃 she continued in a wilder
tone。  〃He was here; but he is gone now。  There on that
very sofa he sate。  Don't touch it。  We sate and talked
there。  I was on his knee; and my arms were round his
neck; and we said 'Our Father。' Yes; he was here:  and
they came and took him away; but he promised me to
come back。〃
〃He will come back; my dear;〃 said Rebecca; touched
in spite of herself。
〃Look;〃 said Amelia; 〃this is his sashisn't it a pretty
colour?'' and she took up the fringe and kissed it。  She
had tied it round her waist at some part of the day。  She
had forgotten her anger; her jealousy; the very presence
of her rival seemingly。  For she walked silently and almost
with a smile on her face; towards the bed; and began to
smooth down George's pillow。
Rebecca walked; too; silently away。  〃How is Amelia?〃
asked Jos; who still held his position in the chair。
〃There should be somebody with her;〃 said Rebecca。
〃I think she is very unwell〃:  and she went away with a
very grave face; refusing Mr。 Sedley's entreaties that she
would stay and partake of the early dinner which he had
Rebecca was of a good…natured and obliging disposition;
and she liked Amelia rather than otherwise。  Even
her hard words; reproachful as they were; were
complimentarythe groans of a person stinging under defeat。
Meeting Mrs。 O'Dowd; whom the Dean's sermons had
by no means comforted; and who was walking very
disconsolately in the Parc; Rebecca accosted the latter;
rather to the surprise of the Major's wife; who was not
accustomed to such marks of politeness from Mrs。
Rawdon Crawley; and informing her that poor little Mrs。
Osborne was in a desperate condition; and almost mad
with grief; sent off the good…natured Irishwoman straight
to see if she could console her young favourite。
〃I've cares of my own enough;〃 Mrs。 O'Dowd said;
gravely; 〃and I thought poor Amelia would be little
wanting for company this day。  But if she's so bad as you
say; and you can't attend to her; who used to be so
fond of her; faith I'll see if I can be of service。  And so
good marning to ye; Madam〃; with which speech and a
toss of her head; the lady of the repayther took a
farewell of Mrs。 Crawley; whose company she by no means
Becky watched her marching off; with a smile on her
lip。  She had the keenest sense of humour; and the
Parthian look which the retreating Mrs。 O'Dowd flung
over her shoulder almost upset Mrs。 Crawley's gravity。
〃My service to ye; me fine Madam; and I'm glad to see
ye so cheerful;〃 thought Peggy。  〃It's not YOU that will cry
your eyes out with grief; anyway。〃 And with this she
passed on; and speedily found her way to Mrs。 Osborne's
The poor soul was still at the bedside; where Rebecca
had left her; and stood almost crazy with grief。  The
Major's wife; a stronger…minded woman; endeavoured her
best to comfort her young friend。  〃You must bear up;
Amelia; dear;〃 she said kindly; 〃for he mustn't find you
ill when he sends for you after the victory。  It's not you
are the only woman that are in the hands of God this
〃I know that。  I am very wicked; very weak;〃 Amelia
said。  She knew her own weakness well enough。  The
presence of the more resolute friend checked it; however; and
she was the better of this control and company。  They
went on till two o'clock; their hearts were with the column
as it marched farther and farther away。  Dreadful doubt
and anguishprayers and fears and griefs unspeakable
followed the regiment。  It was the women's tribute to the
war。  It taxes both alike; and takes the blood of the men;
and the tears of the women。
At half…past two; an event occurred of daily importance
to Mr。 Joseph: the dinner…hour arrived。  Warriors
may fight and perish; but he must dine。  He came into
Amelia's room to see if he could coax her to share that
meal。  〃Try;〃 said he; 〃the soup is very good。  Do try;
Emmy;〃 and he kissed her hand。  Except when she was
married; he had not done so much for years before。  〃You
are very good and kind; Joseph;〃 she said。  〃Everybody
is; but; if you please; I will stay in my room to…day。〃
The savour of the soup; however; was agreeable to
Mrs。 O'Dowd's nostrils: and she thought she would bear
Mr。 Jos company。  So the two sate down to their meal。
〃God bless the meat;〃 said the Major's wife; solemnly:
she was thinking of her honest Mick; riding at the head
of his regiment:  〃 'Tis but a bad dinner those poor
boys will get to…day;〃 she said; with a sigh; and then;
like a philosopher; fell to。
Jos's spirits rose with his meal。  He would drink the
regiment's health; or; indeed; take any other excuse to
indulge in a glass of champagne。  〃We'll drink to O'Dowd
and the brave th;〃 said he; bowing gallantly to his
guest。  〃Hey; Mrs。 O'Dowd?  Fill Mrs。 O'Dowd's glass;
But all of a sudden; Isidor started; and the Major's
wife laid down her knife and fork。  The windows of the
room were open; and looked southward; and a dull distant
sound came over the sun…lighted roofs from that
direction。  ''What is it?〃 said Jos。  〃Why don't you pour; you
〃Cest le feu!〃 said Isidor; running to the balcony。
〃God defend us; it's cannon!〃 Mrs。 O'Dowd cried;
starting up; and followed too to the window。  A thousand
pale and anxious faces might have been seen looking
from other casements。  And presently it seemed as if the
whole population of the city rushed into the streets。

In Which Jos Take
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