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vanity fair(名利场)-第114章

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various natures went still from mouth to mouth:  one
report averred that the Prussians had been utterly
defeated; another that it was the English who had been
attacked and conquered:  a third that the latter had held
their ground。  This last rumour gradually got strength。  No
Frenchmen had made their appearance。  Stragglers had
come in from the army bringing reports more and more
favourable:  at last an aide…de…camp actually reached
Brussels with despatches for the Commandant of the
place; who placarded presently through the town an
official announcement of the success of the allies at Quatre
Bras; and the entire repulse of the French under Ney
after a six hours' battle。  The aide…de…camp must have
arrived sometime while Jos and Rebecca were making their
bargain together; or the latter was inspecting his
purchase。  When he reached his own hotel; he found a score
of its numerous inhabitants on the threshold discoursing
of the news; there was no doubt as to its truth。  And he
went up to communicate it to the ladies under his charge。
He did not think it was necessary to tell them how he
had intended to take leave of them; how he had bought
horses; and what a price he had paid for them。
But success or defeat was a minor matter to them; who
had only thought for the safety of those they loved。
Amelia; at the news of the victory; became still more
agitated even than before。  She was for going that
moment to the army。  She besought her brother with tears to
conduct her thither。  Her doubts and terrors reached their
paroxysm; and the poor girl; who for many hours had
been plunged into stupor; raved and ran hither and
thither in hysteric insanitya piteous sight。  No man
writhing in pain on the hard…fought field fifteen miles
off; where lay; after their struggles; so many of the brave
no man suffered more keenly than this poor harmless
victim of the war。  Jos could not bear the sight of her
pain。  He left his sister in the charge of her stouter female
companion; and descended once more to the threshold
of the hotel; where everybody still lingered; and talked;
and waited for more news。
It grew to be broad daylight as they stood here; and
fresh news began to arrive from the war; brought by
men who had been actors in the scene。  Wagons and long
country carts laden with wounded came rolling into the
town; ghastly groans came from within them; and
haggard faces looked up sadly from out of the straw。  Jos
Sedley was looking at one of these carriages with a
painful curiositythe moans of the people within were
frightfulthe wearied horses could hardly pull the cart。
〃Stop!  stop!〃 a feeble voice cried from the straw; and the
carriage stopped opposite Mr。 Sedley's hotel。
〃It is George; I know it is!〃 cried Amelia; rushing in a
moment to the balcony; with a pallid face and loose
flowing hair。  It was not George; however; but it was the
next best thing:  it was news of him。
It was poor Tom Stubble; who had marched out of
Brussels so gallantly twenty…four hours before; bearing
the colours of the regiment; which he had defended very
gallantly upon the field。  A French lancer had speared the
young ensign in the leg; who fell; still bravely holding to
his flag。  At the conclusion of the engagement; a place
had been found for the poor boy in a cart; and he had
been brought back to Brussels。
〃Mr。 Sedley; Mr。 Sedley!〃 cried the boy; faintly; and
Jos came up almost frightened at the appeal。  He had not
at first distinguished who it was that called him。
Little Tom Stubble held out his hot and feeble hand。
〃I'm to be taken in here;〃 he said。  〃Osborneandand
Dobbin said I was; and you are to give the man two
napoleons: my mother will pay you。〃 This young fellow's
thoughts; during the long feverish hours passed in the
cart; had been wandering to his father's parsonage which
he had quitted only a few months before; and he had
sometimes forgotten his pain in that delirium。
The hotel was large; and the people kind; and all the
inmates of the cart were taken in and placed on various
couches。  The young ensign was conveyed upstairs to
Osborne's quarters。  Amelia and the Major's wife had
rushed down to him; when the latter had recognised him
from the balcony。  You may fancy the feelings of these
women when they were told that the day was over; and
both their husbands were safe; in what mute rapture
Amelia fell on her good friend's neck; and embraced
her; in what a grateful passion of prayer she fell on her
knees; and thanked the Power which had saved her
Our young lady; in her fevered and nervous condition;
could have had no more salutary medicine prescribed for
her by any physician than that which chance put in her
way。  She and Mrs。 O'Dowd watched incessantly by the
wounded lad; whose pains were very severe; and in the
duty thus forced upon her; Amelia had not time to brood
over her personal anxieties; or to give herself up to her
own fears and forebodings after her wont。  The young
patient told in his simple fashion the events of the day; and
the actions of our friends of the gallant th。  They had
suffered severely。  They had lost very many officers and
men。  The Major's horse had been shot under him as the
regiment charged; and they all thought that O'Dowd was
gone; and that Dobbin had got his majority; until on their
return from the charge to their old ground; the Major was
discovered seated on Pyramus's carcase; refreshing him…
self from a case…bottle。  It was Captain Osborne that cut
down the French lancer who had speared the ensign。
Amelia turned so pale at the notion; that Mrs。 O'Dowd
stopped the young ensign in this story。  And it was
Captain Dobbin who at the end of the day; though wounded
himself; took up the lad in his arms and carried him to
the surgeon; and thence to the cart which was to bring
him back to Brussels。  And it was he who promised the
driver two louis if he would make his way to Mr。 Sedley's
hotel in the city; and tell Mrs。 Captain Osborne that the
action was over; and that her husband was unhurt and
〃Indeed; but he has a good heart that William
Dobbin;〃 Mrs。 O'Dowd said; 〃though he is always laughing
at me。〃
Young Stubble vowed there was not such another
officer in the army; and never ceased his praises of the
senior captain; his modesty; his kindness; and his admirable
coolness in the field。  To these parts of the conversation;
Amelia lent a very distracted attention:  it was only when
George was spoken of that she listened; and when he
was not mentioned; she thought about him。
In tending her patient; and in thinking of the wonderful
escapes of the day before; her second day passed
away not too slowly with Amelia。  There was only one
man in the army for her:  and as long as he was well; it
must be owned that its movements interested her little。
All the reports which Jos brought from the streets fell
very vaguely on her ears; though they were sufficient to
give that timorous gentleman; and many other people
then in Brussels; every disquiet。  The French had been
repulsed certainly; but it was after a severe and doubtful
struggle; and with only a division of the French army。
The Emperor; with the m
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