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vanity fair(名利场)-第12章

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a tiger…hunt; and the manner in which the mahout of his
elephant had been pulled off his seat by one of the
infuriated animals。  How delighted Miss Rebecca was at
the Government balls; and how she laughed at the stories
of the Scotch aides…de…camp; and called Mr。 Sedley a
sad wicked satirical creature; and how frightened she was
at the story of the elephant! 〃For your mother's sake;
dear Mr。 Sedley;〃 she said; 〃for the sake of all your
friends; promise NEVER to go on one of those horrid
〃Pooh; pooh; Miss Sharp;〃 said he; pulling up his shirt…
collars; 〃the danger makes the sport only the pleasanter。〃
He had never been but once at a tiger…hunt; when the
accident in question occurred; and when he was half
killednot by the tiger; but by the fright。  And as he
talked on; he grew quite bold; and actually had the
audacity to ask Miss Rebecca for whom she was
knitting the green silk purse? He was quite surprised
and delighted at his own graceful familiar manner。
〃For any one who wants a purse;〃 replied Miss
Rebecca; looking at him in the most gentle winning way。
Sedley was going to make one of the most eloquent
speeches possible; and had begun〃O Miss Sharp;
how〃 when some song which was performed in the
other room came to an end; and caused him to hear
his own voice so distinctly that he stopped; blushed; and
blew his nose in great agitation。
〃Did you ever hear anything like your brother's
eloquence?〃 whispered Mr。 Osborne to Amelia。  〃Why;
your friend has worked miracles。〃
〃The more the better;〃 said Miss Amelia; who; like
almost all women who are worth a pin; was a match…
maker in her heart; and would have been delighted that
Joseph should carry back a wife to India。  She had; too;
in the course of this few days' constant intercourse;
warmed into a most tender friendship for Rebecca; and
discovered a million of virtues and amiable qualities in
her which she had not perceived when they were at
Chiswick together。  For the affection of young ladies is
of as rapid growth as Jack's bean…stalk; and reaches up
to the sky in a night。  It is no blame to them that after
marriage this Sehnsucht nach der Liebe subsides。  It is
what sentimentalists; who deal in very big words; call a
yearning after the Ideal; and simply means that women
are commonly not satisfied until they have husbands
and children on whom they may centre affections; which
are spent elsewhere; as it were; in small change。
Having expended her little store of songs; or having
stayed long enough in the back drawing…room; it now
appeared proper to Miss Amelia to ask her friend to
sing。  〃You would not have listened to me;〃 she said to
Mr。 Osborne (though she knew she was telling a fib);
〃had you heard Rebecca first。〃
〃I give Miss Sharp warning; though;〃 said Osborne;
〃that; right or wrong; I consider Miss Amelia Sedley
the first singer in the world。〃
〃You shall hear;〃 said Amelia; and Joseph Sedley was
actually polite enough to carry the candles to the piano。
Osborne hinted that he should like quite as well to sit
in the dark; but Miss Sedley; laughing; declined to bear
him company any farther; and the two accordingly
followed Mr。 Joseph。  Rebecca sang far better than her
friend (though of course Osborne was free to keep his
opinion); and exerted herself to the utmost; and;
indeed; to the wonder of Amelia; who had never known
her perform so well。  She sang a French song; which
Joseph did not understand in the least; and which George
confessed he did not understand; and then a number of
those simple ballads which were the fashion forty years
ago; and in which British tars; our King; poor Susan;
blue…eyed Mary; and the like; were the principal themes。
They are not; it is said; very brilliant; in a musical point
of view; but contain numberless good…natured; simple
appeals to the affections; which people understood better
than the milk…and…water lagrime; sospiri; and felicita
of the eternal Donizettian music with which we are
favoured now…a…days。
Conversation of a sentimental sort; befitting the
subject; was carried on between the songs; to which
Sambo; after he had brought the tea; the delighted cook;
and even Mrs。 Blenkinsop; the housekeeper; condescended
to listen on the landing…place。
Among these ditties was one; the last of the concert;
and to the following effect:
Ah! bleak and barren was the moor;
Ah! loud and piercing was the storm;
The cottage roof was shelter'd sure;
The cottage hearth was bright and warm
An orphan boy the lattice pass'd;
And; as he mark'd its cheerful glow;
Felt doubly keen the midnight blast;
And doubly cold the fallen snow。
They mark'd him as he onward prest;
With fainting heart and weary limb;
Kind voices bade him turn and rest;
And gentle faces welcomed him。
The dawn is upthe guest is gone;
The cottage hearth is blazing still;
Heaven pity all poor wanderers lone!
Hark to the wind upon the hill!
It was the sentiment of the before…mentioned words;
〃When I'm gone;〃 over again。  As she came to the last
words; Miss Sharp's 〃deep…toned voice faltered。〃
Everybody felt the allusion to her departure; and to her
hapless orphan state。  Joseph Sedley; who was fond of music;
and soft…hearted; was in a state of ravishment during the
performance of the song; and profoundly touched at its
conclusion。  If he had had the courage; if George and Miss
Sedley had remained; according to the former's proposal;
in the farther room; Joseph Sedley's bachelorhood would
have been at an end; and this work would never have
been written。  But at the close of the ditty; Rebecca quitted
the piano; and giving her hand to Amelia; walked away
into the front drawing…room twilight; and; at this
moment; Mr。 Sambo made his appearance with a tray;
containing sandwiches; jellies; and some glittering glasses
and decanters; on which Joseph Sedley's attention was
immediately fixed。  When the parents of the house of Sedley
returned from their dinner…party; they found the young
people so busy in talking; that they had not heard the
arrival of the carriage; and Mr。 Joseph was in the act of
saying; 〃My dear Miss Sharp; one little teaspoonful of
jelly to recruit you after your immenseyouryour
delightful exertions。〃
〃Bravo; Jos!〃 said Mr。 Sedley; on hearing the bantering
of which well…known voice; Jos instantly relapsed
into an alarmed silence; and quickly took his departure。
He did not lie awake all night thinking whether or not he
was in love with Miss Sharp; the passion of love never
interfered with the appetite or the slumber of Mr。 Joseph
Sedley; but he thought to himself how delightful it would
be to hear such songs as those after Cutcherrywhat a
distinguee girl she washow she could speak French
better than the Governor…General's lady herselfand
what a sensation she would make at the Calcutta balls。
〃It's evident the poor devil's in love with me;〃 thought
he。  〃She is just as rich as most of the girls who come
out to India。  I might go farther; and fare worse; egad!〃
And in these meditations he fell asleep。
How Miss Sharp lay awake; thinking; will he come or
not to…morrow? need not be told here。  To…morrow came;
and; as sure as fate; Mr。 Joseph Sedl
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