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vanity fair(名利场)-第126章

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and sorrow。  He strove to think that a judgment was on
the boy for his disobedience。  He dared not own that the
severity of the sentence frightened him; and that its
fulfilment had come too soon upon his curses。  Sometimes a
shuddering terror struck him; as if he had been the author
of the doom which he had called down on his son。  There
was a chance before of reconciliation。  The boy's wife
might have died; or he might have come back and said;
Father I have sinned。  But there was no hope now。  He
stood on the other side of the gulf impassable; haunting
his parent with sad eyes。  He remembered them once
before so in a fever; when every one thought the lad was
dying; and he lay on his bed speechless; and gazing with a
dreadful gloom。  Good God! how the father clung to the
doctor then; and with what a sickening anxiety he
followed him:  what a weight of grief was off his mind when;
after the crisis of the fever; the lad recovered; and looked
at his father once more with eyes that recognised him。
But now there was no help or cure; or chance of
reconcilement:  above all; there were no humble words to
soothe vanity outraged and furious; or bring to its natural
flow the poisoned; angry blood。  And it is hard to say
which pang it was that tore the proud father's heart most
keenlythat his son should have gone out of the reach
of his forgiveness; or that the apology which his own
pride expected should have escaped him。
Whatever his sensations might have been; however; the
stem old man would have no confidant。  He never
mentioned his son's name to his daughters; but ordered the
elder to place all the females of the establishment in
mourning; and desired that the male servants should be
similarly attired in deep black。  All parties and entertainments;
of course; were to be put off。  No communications
were made to his future son…in…law; whose marriage…day
had been fixed:  but there was enough in Mr。 Osborne's
appearance to prevent Mr。 Bullock from making any
inquiries; or in any way pressing forward that ceremony。
He and the ladies whispered about it under their voices
in the drawing…room sometimes; whither the father never
came。  He remained constantly in his own study; the
whole front part of the house being closed until some
time after the completion of the general mourning。
About three weeks after the 18th of June; Mr。
Osborne's acquaintance; Sir William Dobbin; called at Mr。
Osborne's house in Russell Square; with a very pale and
agitated face; and insisted upon seeing that gentleman。
Ushered into his room; and after a few words; which
neither the speaker nor the host understood; the former
produced from an inclosure a letter sealed with a large
red seal。  〃My son; Major Dobbin;〃 the Alderman said;
with some hesitation; 〃despatched me a letter by an
officer of the th; who arrived in town to…day。  My son's
letter contains one for you; Osborne。〃 The Alderman
placed the letter on the table; and Osborne stared at him
for a moment or two in silence。  His looks frightened the
ambassador; who after looking guiltily for a little time at
the grief…stricken man; hurried away without another
The letter was in George's well…known bold handwriting。
It was that one which he had written before daybreak
on the 16th of June; and just before he took leave
of Amelia。  The great red seal was emblazoned with the
sham coat of arms which Osborne had assumed from
the Peerage; with 〃Pax in bello〃 for a motto; that of the
ducal house with which the vain old man tried to fancy
himself connected。  The hand that signed it would never
hold pen or sword more。  The very seal that sealed it
had been robbed from George's dead body as it lay on the
field of battle。  The father knew nothing of this; but sat and
looked at the letter in terrified vacancy。  He almost fell
when he went to open it。
Have you ever had a difference with a dear friend?
How his letters; written in the period of love and
confidence; sicken and rebuke you!  What a dreary mourning
it is to dwell upon those vehement protests of dead
affection!  What lying epitaphs they make over the corpse of
love!  What dark; cruel comments upon Life and Vanities!
Most of us have got or written drawers full of them。
They are closet…skeletons which we keep and shun。
Osborne trembled long before the letter from his dead
The poor boy's letter did not say much。  He had been
too proud to acknowledge the tenderness which his heart
felt。  He only said; that on the eve of a great battle; he
wished to bid his father farewell; and solemnly to implore
his good offices for the wifeit might be for the child
whom he left behind him。  He owned with contrition that
his irregularities and his extravagance had already wasted
a large part of his mother's little fortune。  He thanked his
father for his former generous conduct; and he promised
him that if he fell on the field or survived it; he would
act in a manner worthy of the name of George Osborne。
His English habit; pride; awkwardness perhaps; had
prevented him from saying more。  His father could not
see the kiss George had placed on the superscription of
his letter。  Mr。 Osborne dropped it with the bitterest;
deadliest pang of balked affection and revenge。  His son
was still beloved and unforgiven。
About two months afterwards; however; as the young
ladies of the family went to church with their father; they
remarked how he took a different seat from that which
he usually occupied when he chose to attend divine
worship; and that from his cushion opposite; he looked up at
the wall over their heads。  This caused the young women
likewise to gaze in the direction towards which their
father's gloomy eyes pointed:  and they saw an elaborate
monument upon the wall; where Britannia was represented
weeping over an urn; and a broken sword and a
couchant lion indicated that the piece of sculpture had
been erected in honour of a deceased warrior。  The
sculptors of those days had stocks of such funereal
emblems in hand; as you may see still on the walls of St。
Paul's; which are covered with hundreds of these
braggart heathen allegories。  There was a constant demand
for them during the first fifteen years of the present
Under the memorial in question were emblazoned the
well…known and pompous Osborne arms; and the
inscription said; that the monument was 〃Sacred to the
memory of George Osborne; Junior; Esq。; late a Captain
in his Majesty's th regiment of foot; who fell on the
18th of June; 1815; aged 28 years; while fighting for his
king and country in the glorious victory of Waterloo。
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori。〃
The sight of that stone agitated the nerves of the
sisters so much; that Miss Maria was compelled to leave
the church。  The congregation made way respectfully for
those sobbing girls clothed in deep black; and pitied the
stern old father seated opposite the memorial of the dead
soldier。  〃Will he forgive Mrs。 George?〃 the girls said to
themselves as soon as their ebullition of grief was over。
Much conversation passed too among the acquaintances
of the Osborne family; who knew of the rupture between
the son and father caused by th
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