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vanity fair(名利场)-第15章

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out; 〃Hold off; Cuff; don't bully that child any more; or
〃Or you'll what?〃 Cuff asked in amazement at this
interruption。  〃Hold out your hand; you little beast。〃
〃I'll give you the worst thrashing you ever had in your
life;〃 Dobbin said; in reply to the first part of Cuff's
sentence; and little Osborne; gasping and in tears; looked
up with wonder and incredulity at seeing this amazing
champion put up suddenly to defend him: while Cuff's
astonishment was scarcely less。  Fancy our late monarch
George III when he heard of the revolt of the North
American colonies: fancy brazen Goliath when little
David stepped forward and claimed a meeting; and you
have the feelings of Mr。 Reginald Cuff when this
rencontre was proposed to him。
〃After school;〃 says he; of course; after a pause and a
look; as much as to say; 〃Make your will; and
communicate your last wishes to your friends
between this time and that。〃
〃As you please;〃 Dobbin said。  〃You must be my bottle
holder; Osborne。〃
〃Well; if you like;〃 little Osborne replied; for you see
his papa kept a carriage; and he was rather ashamed of
his champion。
Yes; when the hour of battle came; he was almost
ashamed to say; 〃Go it; Figs〃; and not a single other boy
in the place uttered that cry for the first two or three
rounds of this famous combat; at the commencement of
which the scientific Cuff; with a contemptuous smile on
his face; and as light and as gay as if he was at a ball;
planted his blows upon his adversary; and floored that
unlucky champion three times running。  At each fall there
was a cheer; and everybody was anxious to have the
honour of offering the conqueror a knee。
〃What a licking I shall get when it's over;〃 young
Osborne thought; picking up his man。  〃You'd best give in;〃
he said to Dobbin; 〃it's only a thrashing; Figs; and you
know I'm used to it。〃 But Figs; all whose limbs were in a
quiver; and whose nostrils were breathing rage; put his
little bottle…holder aside; and went in for a fourth time。
As he did not in the least know how to parry the blows
that were aimed at himself; and Cuff had begun the 
attack on the three preceding occasions; without ever
allowing his enemy to strike; Figs now determined that he
would commence the engagement by a charge on his own
part; and accordingly; being a left…handed man; brought
that arm into action; and hit out a couple of times with
all his mightonce at Mr。 Cuff's left eye; and once on his
beautiful Roman nose。
Cuff went down this time; to the astonishment of the
assembly。  〃Well hit; by Jove;〃 says little Osborne; with
the air of a connoisseur; clapping his man on the back。
〃Give it him with the left; Figs my boy。〃
Figs's left made terrific play during all the rest of the
combat。  Cuff went down every time。  At the sixth round;
there were almost as many fellows shouting out; 〃Go it;
Figs;〃 as there were youths exclaiming; 〃Go it; Cuff。〃 At
the twelfth round the latter champion was all abroad; as
the saying is; and had lost all presence of mind and power
of attack or defence。  Figs; on the contrary; was as calm
as a quaker。  His face being quite pale; his eyes shining
open; and a great cut on his underlip bleeding profusely;
gave this young fellow a fierce and ghastly air; which
perhaps struck terror into many spectators。  Nevertheless;
his intrepid adversary prepared to close for the
thirteenth time。
If I had the pen of a Napier; or a Bell's Life; I should
like to describe this combat properly。  It was the last
charge of the Guard(that is; it would have been; only
Waterloo had not yet taken place)it was Ney's column
breasting the hill of La Haye Sainte; bristling with ten
thousand bayonets; and crowned with twenty eaglesit
was the shout of the beef…eating British; as leaping down
the hill they rushed to hug the enemy in the savage arms
of battlein other words; Cuff coming up full of pluck;
but quite reeling and groggy; the Fig…merchant put in his
left as usual on his adversary's nose; and sent him down
for the last time。
〃I think that will do for him;〃 Figs said; as his opponent
dropped as neatly on the green as I have seen Jack
Spot's ball plump into the pocket at billiards; and the
fact is; when time was called; Mr。 Reginald Cuff was not
able; or did not choose; to stand up again。
And now all the boys set up such a shout for Figs as
would have made you think he had been their darling
champion through the whole battle; and as absolutely
brought Dr。 Swishtail out of his study; curious to know
the cause of the uproar。  He threatened to flog Figs
violently; of course; but Cuff; who had come to himself
by this time; and was washing his wounds; stood up and
said; 〃It's my fault; sirnot Figs'not Dobbin's。  I was
bullying a little boy; and he served me right。〃 By which
magnanimous speech he not only saved his conqueror a
whipping; but got back all his ascendancy over the boys
which his defeat had nearly cost him。
Young Osborne wrote home to his parents an account
of the transaction。
Sugarcane House; Richmond; March; 18
DEAR MAMA;I hope you are quite well。  I should be
much obliged to you to send me a cake and five shillings。
There has been a fight here between Cuff & Dobbin。
Cuff; you know; was the Cock of the School。  They
fought thirteen rounds; and Dobbin Licked。  So Cuff is
now Only Second Cock。  The fight was about me。  Cuff
was licking me for breaking a bottle of milk; and Figs
wouldn't stand it。  We call him Figs because his father is
a GrocerFigs & Rudge; Thames St。; CityI think as
he fought for me you ought to buy your Tea & Sugar
at his father's。  Cuff goes home every Saturday; but can't
this; because he has 2 Black Eyes。  He has a white Pony
to come and fetch him; and a groom in livery on a bay
mare。  I wish my Papa would let me have a Pony; and I
Your dutiful Son;
  P。S。Give my love to little Emmy。  I am cutting her
out a Coach in cardboard。  Please not a seed…cake; but a
In consequence of Dobbin's victory; his character rose
prodigiously in the estimation of all his schoolfellows; and
the name of Figs; which had been a byword of reproach;
became as respectable and popular a nickname as any
other in use in the school。  〃After all; it's not his fault
that his father's a grocer;〃 George Osborne said; who;
though a little chap; had a very high popularity among
the Swishtail youth; and his opinion was received with
great applause。  It was voted low to sneer at Dobbin
about this accident of birth。  〃Old Figs〃 grew to be a
name of kindness and endearment; and the sneak of an
usher jeered at him no longer。
And Dobbin's spirit rose with his altered circumstances。
He made wonderful advances in scholastic learning。  The
superb Cuff himself; at whose condescension Dobbin
could only blush and wonder; helped him on with his
Latin verses; 〃coached〃 him in play…hours: carried him
triumphantly out of the little…boy class into the middle…
sized form; and even there got a fair place for him。  It
was discovered; that although dull at classical learning;
at mathematics he was uncommonly quick。  To the
contentment of all he passed third in algebra; and go
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